A Brummie Dude
Dog displaying whale eye

A whale-eye look in dogs is when a pooch turns his head away from something but still keeps his eyes on it. For instance, say your dog sees a kid. Your pup may turn his face away from the child, but still keep his eyes fixed on the kid to see what will happen.
Whale eye causes more of the white part of your dog's eye (sclera) to show. Sometimes the eyes seem like they get bigger, too.
Whale eye is also called the half-moon eye because the exposed white part of the eye makes a crescent shape around the iris.
Other signs of fear in dogs include:
Ears standing straight up
- Lip licking or yawning
- Mouth tight and closed
- Tail held stiffly upright
- Stiff body movements
Everything about this dogs body language tells his owner how uncomfortable he is.
Whale Eye:
A dog exhibiting whale eye is usually expressing anxiety and discomfort with the current situation
Rigid and Tense posture
What Whale Eye Means in Dogs
A dog exhibiting whale eye is usually expressing anxiety and discomfort with the current situation. This dog is stressed and possibly even fearful.Whale eye can be a sign that the dog will soon become defensively aggressive. An anxious dog is more likely to bite.
If you notice this type of dog body language as you're approaching a dog, back off until the dog relaxes and becomes more comfortable, or at least until you can figure out what's going on.