HI Ladypen
It makes me feel discussed and saddend to see this great park and the lawnes in such dire straits
As one as just said it the times of our day now such yobbish behaviour of louts
Roaming through the park doing such things
When i a todderla he would run across the green up to the pan, just have a quick paddle
before parkie came around on his bike but even before horris took over the previous parkie
Always concentrated on those two well groom and cut lawns
they was crown greens very few kids everdashed across to pan to paddle neither did parents of any child would dare to
run across those sacred pitches
And the worse things the council came out with was to remove all securit railing from around the park
for all bimbos to roam in there and do what ever they do
Well what can we do ,not alot i surpose we cannot just keep paying out money rebuilding it
if you put railing around it they would not stop, is there a curater on site or what
bring pan and put in on the front lawn of the house with railing around it may be
in view of the reception if there is any security or curatore to do regular vistits on checking
spot light at night and may be a security camers that would preseve him for future visitors
Astonian,,,,, Alan,,,,,,