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Paddington Street Aston

hi albert and fantastic...its good to welcome someone else from paddington st...i think its possible that my photo 1 on post 176 may show your house at no 39 ? what years were you living there...all the best

Hi Lyn
Thanks for your lovely welcome .
Yes I lived at 39 , we left in 1959/60 , moving to Clifford street at the bottom end near Burberry street
Kind regards...
n.b. My Sister Margaret , Topsy turvy is a member here , I am sure you had contact with her...
Thank Lyn
First photo shows our house 39 just up past the lamppost almost last on the right. I spent a lot of time swinging on the arm of that lamppost

My nickname “ monkey “ , later i became a very good gymnast ....

Hi .... Dave Astly ?

Yes , still in Philippines , I have sent you a couple of mails but no reply...
good to be back in contact !
You probably posted to my old e-mail address..it's Astley BTW...Lyn has posted some great pictures of Paddo...I had contact with others on FB, but right now I'm not sure who.
Dave A
I found this image by accident yesterday, the young lady is Minnie Lavinia Alder, she was born at #27 Paddington Street in 1908 and sadly died at #45 Paddington Street in 1933. I don't think the picture was taken in Paddington Street but the story of the family is both sad and poignant for this era.
Louisa Tennant (1868-1949) married Alfred Alder in 1887.
They had 10 children with the last 3 of these born in Paddington Street.
Between the years of 1917 and 1933 Louisa lost 4 of her children, not unusual I know if the children had been young, but these 4 were aged 25, 21, 22 and 25. In addition to these tragic losses, her husband also died in 1919.
I can't imagine how this lady would have coped with all this tragedy.
In 1939 Louisa was living at #58 Paddington Street, she died in 1949.


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hi john how tragic is that almost as bad as the astle family from guildford st during ww2...husband lost his mom his wife and 6 of his children when 4/142 took a direct hit...how folk ever got over if indeed they did with such tragedies i will never know...i agree i dont think that photo was taken in paddington st but stand to be corrected.. but it was certainly not taken looking towards guildford st

somewhere in the back of my mind i seem to remember one family from paddington st who lost 3 or 4 sons during ww1 the name alder rings a bell..i got this info from the newspaper archives that reported those who were KIA...my nan would have known the alder family

Hi Lyn, my initial thoughts were the same as yours i.e. it isn't Paddington Street, but the more I look at it and compare images makes me think it possibly is.
This would make the chimney part of Jones & Willis, which jolted my memory to the second image attached showing what is possibly the chimney (it's actually the same shape).


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1953...Coronation year!
Dave A
Yes !
I was there.... there were two street parties , one at the top by Davis coal yard the other at the bottom, I was at the top one and I do recall a photo , I think our mom bought one.... but long disappeared

Just going through my memory bank ..

In Paddo, there were two outdoors , one at each end and two shops , on opposite sides roughly in the middle.

Dave ,
Valerie Gaunt was younger than me by a year or two , I was born 1946. Raymond was a good friend , he was one year older Gillian was the youngest , Harry jnr. The eldest son .
I think Mrs Arnold ( who lived close by you ) and Mrs Macadory were sisters of Mrs Gaunt.

The shop shown halfway down Paddington st. Opposite side to you was Bellingers.
Next two houses heading up the street were
Carey’s , Kench and a little bit further the Hortons.
The two houses opposite next to the “ peck “
Were the
Robinsons , Tony, Colin, Malcolm, Paul and Pamela
Reid’s , David , Clifford , Yvonne
Heading down same side as the shop towards Porchester were
McKinley’ s , Petitt’s , Knight’s
Up the street opposite our house at 39 were
Halls, Mountjoy, Notrantonio,

Porchester st
Alan Giles , Maskell, Mortiboy, Gaunts.

I went to Cowper street school right through from 1951 to 1957 August , then for a short while to Summer Lane school.

Albert Clayton
Hi Lyn, my initial thoughts were the same as yours i.e. it isn't Paddington Street, but the more I look at it and compare images makes me think it possibly is.
This would make the chimney part of Jones & Willis, which jolted my memory to the second image attached showing what is possibly the chimney (it's actually the same shape).
I think you are correct.
The lamppost on the left ( gas when I was a kid) is in the right spot....I climbed it many times !
It's in my yard...behind 52 & 54. The opening behind the toilets is the peck, which would have been 56 & 58. I have other photo's at the same location. The black corrugated barrier made an excellent backdrop...
Dave A
Great photo Dave ...what year ?
Would appreciate a copy if you have others.... I was always playing on that Peck and am sure I would have known some of those folks.
Yes there was a Timmy, but to be honest, I don't recall the lineage. There was one member of the family that was handicapped and wheelchair bound. They would have the front door open and he would be parked so that he could see what was going on in the street.
Dave A
Carey’s Family , lived next to Kench family.

Elder sister
Bedridden one who died about 1956

Kind regards
yes john on looking again i think it is taken in paddington st...it was the chimney that threw me...i knew the photo was not looking towards guildord st so it has to be looking towards porchester st..i am sure that if adap2it (dave) sees it he will be able to say for certain

No I haven't yet - do I just type in paddington st on the search (my family lived at No 39)
Hi Susan....
Sorry so late in this post.... how the years roll on !

We lived in 39 from around 1952 until 1959 .
A Harry Wheeler was a good friend of me dads.
I found this image by accident yesterday, the young lady is Minnie Lavinia Alder, she was born at #27 Paddington Street in 1908 and sadly died at #45 Paddington Street in 1933. I don't think the picture was taken in Paddington Street but the story of the family is both sad and poignant for this era.
Louisa Tennant (1868-1949) married Alfred Alder in 1887.
They had 10 children with the last 3 of these born in Paddington Street.
Between the years of 1917 and 1921 Louisa lost 4 of her children, not unusual I know if the children had been young, but these 4 were aged 25, 21, 22 and 25. In addition to these tragic losses, her husband also died in 1919.
I can't imagine how this lady would have coped with all this tragedy.
In 1939 Louisa was living at #58 Paddington Street, she died in 1949.
I would say that this picture could well be Paddington St. The Alders lived next door to Bellingers shop. They were #59. They had the only car on the street, a 1936 Wolseley reg# BOB 167, I'll never forget that...You say that Louisa was living at #58 in 1939...that house, & #56, got bombed during the war and became our peck, so she wasn't living there in 1949. The Alders had a son David, I think a daughter too. I think his father was called Arthur Alder, maybe he was one of the sons..
Dave A
thanks for that dave...have to say i am surprised that no one seems to recall any of my rellies who lived in paddington st..there were so many of them lol...maybe they were a quiet lot who kept their heads down :D but starting with nan who was there from at least 1911 till the end of the 60s i had plenty more living there in between those years..having said that i think anyone who remembers them would have to be a tad older than we are

thanks for that dave...have to say i am surprised that no one seems to recall any of my rellies who lived in paddington st..there were so many of them lol...maybe they were a quiet lot who kept their heads down :D but starting with nan who was there from at least 1911 till the end of the 60s i had plenty more living there in between those years..having said that i think anyone who remembers them would have to be a tad older than we are

Nothing personal in it Lyn. If you lived on the street at an older age you would have been more aware of the divide between the so called 'top of the street' and 'our end'. It wasn't a firm division but I believe it would have been a general acceptance as to where that line was drawn. I don't recall knowing anyone above the Hall's which were a bit more than halfway up the street. On bonfire night, the top had their own fire and during the run up to Nov 5, it was quite common for one side or the other to 'raid' the wood collection.
Dave A
Nothing personal in it Lyn. If you lived on the street at an older age you would have been more aware of the divide between the so called 'top of the street' and 'our end'. It wasn't a firm division but I believe it would have been a general acceptance as to where that line was drawn. I don't recall knowing anyone above the Hall's which were a bit more than halfway up the street. On bonfire night, the top had their own fire and during the run up to Nov 5, it was quite common for one side or the other to 'raid' the wood collection.
Dave A
yes dave i get that..its still a bit like that today...we know our neighbours within a little pocket but after that dont have clue whos who lol...far as i know most of my lot did not go past no 25 on the odds and 18 on the evens

I'm sorry, I don't remember the Causers. The Gaunts live on Porchester St, Valerie was the youngest at the time. I left Paddington St in 1956 at the age of 16, she would have been around 12-14 at the time. Harry was a bit older than me, maybe 2 years, and Raymond was a little younger at about 1-2 years...where did the Causers live or is that you?
Dave A
we the Causers lived on cowper sreet number 7 opposit yardleys
been doing a bit more research on our moms side of the family and some of you may know that they must have taken over paddington st between 1911 and when the street was demolished late 60s..nan was nearly the last one out...anyway to add to all the other house numbers i have ive found nans brother charles victor moseley on the 39 register living at no 68 o_O

Yes !
I was there.... there were two street parties , one at the top by Davis coal yard the other at the bottom, I was at the top one and I do recall a photo , I think our mom bought one.... but long disappeared

Just going through my memory bank ..

In Paddo, there were two outdoors , one at each end and two shops , on opposite sides roughly in the middle.

Dave ,
Valerie Gaunt was younger than me by a year or two , I was born 1946. Raymond was a good friend , he was one year older Gillian was the youngest , Harry jnr. The eldest son .
I think Mrs Arnold ( who lived close by you ) and Mrs Macadory were sisters of Mrs Gaunt.

The shop shown halfway down Paddington st. Opposite side to you was Bellingers.
Next two houses heading up the street were
Carey’s , Kench and a little bit further the Hortons.
The two houses opposite next to the “ peck “
Were the
Robinsons , Tony, Colin, Malcolm, Paul and Pamela
Reid’s , David , Clifford , Yvonne
Heading down same side as the shop towards Porchester were
McKinley’ s , Petitt’s , Knight’s
Up the street opposite our house at 39 were
Halls, Mountjoy, Notrantonio,

Porchester st
Alan Giles , Maskell, Mortiboy, Gaunts.

I went to Cowper street school right through from 1951 to 1957 August , then for a short while to Summer Lane school.

Albert Clayton
Albert I am one of the Hortons I was friends with your sister Margaret whrn we were about 5 years old. What a good memory you have of the street. I loved living there so sad when we left in 1965. Only Carole and me left from our family.
Albert I am one of the Hortons I was friends with your sister Margaret whrn we were about 5 years old. What a good memory you have of the street. I loved living there so sad when we left in 1965. Only Carole and me left from our family.
Say hello to Carole for me, she was Beryl the peril when I lived there.
Dave A