What a great photo of Snow Hill. I loved working in Snow Hill. Lots of people, traffic, shops, activity. All summed up nicely in that photo, and so much detail.
Lunch times were great. Within a couple of minutes I could be in a restaurant, coffee shop (Kardomah - Colmore Row), big store, sit in the cathedral grounds, or catch a bus to any part of Brum.
On Saturdays, Snow Hill would be alive with musicians. As well as Kay Westworths, there was Yardleys, who were, then, on the same side of the road as Westworths, and they used the slogan "THE BIG SHOP AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL". There was also a pub around the Snow Hill/Great Charles Street area, where many of the musicians would meet of a Saturday lunchtime. I don't think it was the Salutation. Could be wrong. Perhaps Maurice or John could answer that one.
Some Saturdays, Charlie Hewitt, the manager at Yardleys, would walk up the hill, and look into Westworths window just to see how much trade we were doing!
Sadly now all gone. I have not been back for a few years, but no atmosphere there now. Eddie