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old saying

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If i ever asked where mom or dad had gone it was always answered

"There and back to see how far it is"


"Down the road to fetch 6 eggs" --- What was that all about LOL.

My Mom would say,when asked her age.

"I am as old as my Tongue and a liitle bit older than my Teeth":)
Were you ever called Duck?

"What do yer want duck?" I heard many times
'ow are yer cock?"

A Lullaby:
"Hush a bie
Don't you cry
Go to sleep my little
alla babba"

I've spelt it phonetically???, it went something like this. My Mum apparently used to sing this to me
what a load of old codge wallop
and what of old bull you are talking about
and what alot of nonsense you are gibbling on about
either your there, or here ,make up your mind
and if you don,t want it go with out okay.
One of my customers remarked the other day "looks like were going to have an Indian summer" Yes, I said it does.
Now I can recall my Mom & Dad using this phrase but where does it come from? Is it Red Indian or Asian Indian? No doubt someone on here will enlighten me. Jude xxxxxxxxx
Hey jude
where have you been all your life
how old are you ,thats a very old old saying
its been around for donkey years ,
its taken from context from the old western cowboy and indians
movies ,
when the apachies ,would say when the sun gets hot
pale face will be destroyed , or sitting bull himself .
our older generation was not familiar with the asian commutity
or there countryin the pre war days
it could have been the commanchies even , thats my opinion
unless some-body says different

And more lighting in the hand ,.
thats an apachie proverb , best wishes astonian,.
speak again at rising sun , peace with you my friend ,
Here's one of many from Wikpedia

It may be of Asian Indian origin rather than North American Indian. H. E. Ware, an English writer, noted that ships traversing the Indian Ocean loaded their cargo most often during the Indian summer, or fair weather season. Several ships actually had an "I.S." on their hull at the load level thought safe during Indian summer.
When You Was A Little Nipper And You Had Your
Birthday Party Parents Told There Off Springs
That They Must Blow Out All The Candles On The Cake
In Front Of All Your Friends Parents , Aunties ,and Uncles
And They Would Say Make A Wish
[ My Wishes Never Came True ]
Have A Nice Day Everyone Astonian ,
Astonian, that still happens today with young and old. I remember my mother on her 80th birthday, she had candles in the shape of the numbers eight and zero. It was just brilliant to see her grandchildren helping her blow them all out.:) When my three year old granchildren did it recently, we had such an upset as they both wanted to blow the candles out.
one old saying springs to mind
when we was kids ,which was often used after having a fall out
with a friend or brother and sister was
learn to live and forget , and make friends
it takes a man to turn the other cheek
and walk away from trouble

if you persue your ambition you will succeed
When I was young. ( a long time ago) When I was playing up and being cheeky to me Mom, she whould say " you'll smile on the other side of you face in a bit" It never did happen?
there was an old saying which was often spoke to children
many years ago when they was playing up or should i say
they did somthink wrong and the parents would say and askedthem a question and say to the child requesting an answer from them why did they do it
and when they never answered back
the parent said has the cat your tongue , i,m waiting for an answer .
A little saying my Mom had when she was a bit down was "nobody loves a fairy when she's fourty, no one loves a fairy when she's old". My Mom was crafty as she knew this would make us smile and give her a hug!:)
"Well!...........I'll go to the top of our stairs"

My grandmother always said this if she was surprised or amazed....bless her:)
Well I,ll be Blowed you could knock me down with a feather
i would,nt believe it if i was knocked down by a feather
God help us all

Can anyone explain this saying. We went on holiday with friends last week, I needed to spend a penny quite a lot and my friend said to me
" you are like a barbers cat " !!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
old sayings

brumie nick
why don,t you asked him ,and put him in the picture
i,m sure he would appreciiate you doing that
an old saying from a publican who wants to clear his pub
at the end of the evening .
time gentlemen please lets have your glasses
and do your talking whilst your,e walking thank you.
and good night .
old sayings

during bad rain falls one would say .
It,s raining Cats and dogs.

You Scratch My Back And I.ll Scratch Yours.
When One Finds It Hard To Pay Ones Bill
One Would Hear One Say
Yov,e Got To Rob Peter To Pay Paul .
old sayings

oh yes coopbill
that was a regular thing in our house on monday morning
if the old man spent the mney on a good weekend at the golden cross
on aston cross and done his usal threpenny doubles and crosses
and i would run down and around the entry to a back house to put his bet on
come monday morning if we had,nt got up for school
come nine sharp the rent man would bang on the door
our mom would run in the little pantry and tell us kids get under the table
but i surpose alot of people done that just after the war
those were the days ,;ah.
best wishes astonian ,;;;
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