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This is 25- 27 Formans Road in 1975, all a man requires chip shop and bookies and a couple of classic cars. Plenty of changes going on if you look about sign height. Some brickwork painted, some windows replaced and is Joe Corals two shops knocked into one? The lady in the fish and chip shop seems to be taking great interest in the photographer!
Note also the racehorse prints in the window of the Turf Accountants - sounds much better !

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Great phot, I grew up in the shop to the left. It was Barbara’s wool shop then. Not sure if that is Thegla that you can see in the window of the fish and chip shop. They were a lovely family
I have half a dozen items relating to Vintage Cottage and the Beavons who lived there. I will attach a couple of scaled images. If anyone is interested I will post some more but I would have to email if full resolution is required. We have ancestry in Birmingham (we are in Australia) and these items were kept by our English ancestor, Thomas Moore, a brassworker, who moved to Weymouth where he became a councillor, singer, actor, and entrepreneur. Birmingham was always home and he and his wife were buried there.


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It just makes a place feel so good to me when these old buildings survive, old meets new and it feels complete.

Looking at Hight St, Digbeth last week was pleasing in the way that there were old buildings that are still there.

The new footpaths and the plants in front of the Old Crown really looked tidy. I think it will look good when it's complete.
Birmingham Journal, Saturday 3rd October 1863: "VINTAGE HOUSE, YARDLEY, to be LET, pleasantly situated near to the Church, with Coach-house and Stabling, large Garden and Orchard, and Three-and-a-half Acres Pasture Land. Taxes nominal. Rent £30. Apply to Messrs. H. N. GRIMLEY Son, Estate Agents ".
Birmingham Daily Gazette, Wednesday 27th July 1864: "VINTAGE HOUSE, In the Village of Yardley. UNRESERVED SALE OF THE VERY SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. A first class Oak DINING-ROOM SUITE, full-compass COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, in walnut; noble Chimney Glasses, best Brussels Carpets, costly Chime Clock, by Dent. London; Proof Engravings, China and Glass, HACKNET AND HARNESS HORSES, London-built WAGONETTE, Harness and Saddlery, RICK of HAY, &c., Ac., the property of a Gentleman removing to a distance. Messrs, ludlow and daniell will SELL by AUCTION, the Residence as above, on TUESDAY NEXT, August 2nd 1864. commencing Eleven o’clock".
Coventry Standard, Friday 30th December 1864: "Warwickshire Agricultural Society’s Show. The Judge was Mr. Dougins, who is judge of poultry at the Royal Agricultural Society’s shows, and his decisions gave great satisfaction. He spoke highly of the present exhibition. POULTRY. Class I. Cochin Chins, any colour. Birds exceeding one year old. —First prize silver cup, Mr. Henry Bates, Vintage House, Yardley, near Birmingham; ".
Birmingham Journal, Saturday 12th September 1868: "To be SOLD by PRIVATE TREATY—aII that Three-storey RESIDENCE, known as ' Vintage House, comer of Salt Lane and High Street Yardley. The whole is surrounded boundary wall, enclosing Ornamental and Kitchen Gardens: also, excellent Orchard, with old and heavy-bearing Trees, and two Fields of fine old Meadow Land, extending from High Street to Stoney Lane, and having good frontages to each road. The whole comprises 3a. Ir. 26p. or thereabouts, and has several valuable Sites for Residences. The House is ten minutes walk from Stechford Station. For further particulars, apply at 1, Temple Street Birmingham."

Interesting use of the old road names in Yardley Village before The Post Office got round to naming and renaming all the roads in a standard way to enable the correct identification of houses by a proper address.
Kenilworth Advertiser, Saturday 31st March 1883: "A. STRONG Active Lad with good character, and who has been used to Milking, is required in a small family. He would have to attend to a sow, pony, feed pigs, and fill up time in garden.— Address, Mr. Barton., The Vintage House, Yardley".
Birmingham Mail, Wednesday 13th April 1910: "BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORS ESTATE. Mr. George Barton, of Vintage House, Church Road, Yardley, chairman and managing director Huxley, Barton, Ltd., of Moseley Street, Birmingham, who died on January 30, left property which has been sworn by his sons, Mr. James Angell Barton, Mr. George Harry Barton, and Mr Charles William Barton, at £7,150."
I'm not convinced that Vintage House is the same as Vintage cottage.
The Mr Barton, in the 1910 reference is listed in the 1910 Kellys
Kellys 1910.jpg
By 1915 it is listed just as a private House occupied by the Misses Roberts.

Kellys 1915.jpg

By 1921 it is a school run by the Roberts

Kellys 1921.jpg

and after this it is not na,med such as 1932

Kellys 1932.jpg

In 1924 , as in 1932 the house is not named,. the Roberts are not listed her, though they seem to be listed as principals at a private school , called peculiarly a Church of England School in Olton
Birmingham Daily Post, Thursday 17th December 1959: "Man of 85 to be Allowed to Stay in Cottage An 85-year-old man is to be allowed to continue living in his Yardley cottage. The Old Vintage Cottage. Blakesley Lane. for his lifetime. The future of the cottage was threatened when Mr. Frederick Beavon wrote to the city's Medical Officer complaining that the roof was leaking. The Medical Officer issued a compulsory purchase order. After considering a 500-strong petition against demolition. the Housing Management Committee decided that the cottage should not be pulled down in the lifetime of Mr. Beavon."
Although this must be recognisable to someone I can not offer much there is a George Newnes shop, is that the clocktower of the council house in the background and if so are we down John Bright Street area?. Bus coming towards us and a lady in a large (fur) coat, apart from that not much to offer I am afraid

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Re the photo of the lady in the fur coat. My first thought was Gosta Green, but my second, more considered thought is that the cameraman is standing in Coleshill Street. The bus is coming out of town along Dale End, and the road to the left is Moor Street. The road going across from left to right is Newton Street to the right, and Masshouse Lane to the left. The building behind the bus with the four-sided-almost-pointy-roof is the YMCA Hall that stood in Dale End, and was originally St Peter's Church. I'm happy to be wrong?
Re the photo of the lady in the fur coat. My first thought was Gosta Green, but my second, more considered thought is that the cameraman is standing in Coleshill Street. The bus is coming out of town along Dale End, and the road to the left is Moor Street. The road going across from left to right is Newton Street to the right, and Masshouse Lane to the left. The building behind the bus with the four-sided-almost-pointy-roof is the YMCA Hall that stood in Dale End, and was originally St Peter's Church. I'm happy to be wrong?
A black and white version has appeared elsewhere (below) identifying it as having been taken from Horsefair, with John Bright St to right and Suffolk St to left

I think 'Tyburn garage' and 'Moss garage's' were the same company. The original Moss garage was owned by the Moss Gear company as their transport repair shop.

I too was an auto-electrician and remember Gaedor very well.
I worked at Moss Gear, and , as an apprentice, I would be sent out to collect tools and equipment from other companies. One day I was sent to Halesowen in a car from the Moss Garage. It was a Mk10 jaguar- I was 18 !!