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old aston pics

My Nan & Grandad must have had something of a luxury home at back of 155 Tower Road ASTON,if what the caption says is true,that is untill they were bombed out!
dave i dont quite understand when you say taking pics of pics on my pc monitor....i scanned them out of a book straight onto my lap top....

correction dave..i did take pics of the aston ones with me camera...the reason for that is the book dont stay flat in the scanner..actually it dont stay flat anyway i do it....cant win with this one i think...

correction dave..i did take pics of the aston ones with me camera...the reason for that is the book dont stay flat in the scanner..actually it dont stay flat anyway i do it....cant win with this one i think...


Lyn, if you sit on the book to flatten it out while its on the laptop scanning and take a photo of you sitting on the book on the laptop and scan that in too we shall have a happy Christmas!

All of these old photo's are great to have and see but the sight of them does not make me feel good. They abound on other threads too...Gosta Green to Duddeston and others...when seeing them, the stark realization that they lasted through to the sixties anywhere is shocking to me. But they did.
Thanks for posting these. One wonders what modern accomodations are like now...I mean ones that are affordable... if any. I can wonder through many of the down town streets on GE but the housing subburbs are not well covered and you have to know where to look.
We see a lot about the progress being made in downtown projects which we comment on from time to time but one wonders about the state of housing now and the general satisfaction with it...or otherwise. Perhaps satalite towns like Tamworth and reclaimed industrial sites in the Black Country are being further developed for housing now. Then again there are many fewer people living in Brum now (if you can believe the numbers) than in 1950 which I think was the high water mark. Is home ownership more prevalent these days or do rented council houses still prevail.
The houses depicted, are I suppose, the remnants from the times of Empire and at that time existed in what were becoming post-industrial times. Is it now 'post-manufacturing' and if it is...what is that like? Maybe this is not the case but if it is, the city could be a yardstick for many other communities around the world. It seems to me that I am living in a whole country that has become post manufacturing...just drawers and hewers...oh and servicers, controlled from far away.
Hello Lyn
Sorry, but I can not open the links to your old Aston pics.