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Most of what we see in this view was still standing in 2022 ! Looks like the exterior of the Gothic (far right) was being cleaned up in 2022.Viv.
yes viv the gothic has undergone a massive exterior and interior development..new apartments ready to move in i believe..have to say its lovely to see the building still standing

Thanks Lyn. Good to hear. According to your link it dates back to the 1840s and is Grade II listed. In my opinion a building very worthy of restoring. If it has to be maintained as apartments all well and good if it keeps it standing. Viv.
i agree viv...i have spent many a happy hour in the gothic :) and treasure my pub token i have from there

viv the same developers have also got what was the old engine tavern in gt hampton row another old building...they recently uncovered the lovely tiled pub name and my info is they hope to retain it

Just goes to show the long-term benefits of all that dreadful modern signage fixed to buildings. You never know what will be revealed once the signage is removed.

Have to say Lyn, I'd never have guessed that was The Engine Tavern before the modern signs were removed.



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We are now looking up Park Road Aston Cross on 21st September 1969, lovely old building with a Billiard hall inside, denture repairs one side with a row of terrace houses off to the left- Edit from Aston Lad:- Post 427 Is a view of Park Lane and not Park Road.
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This seems to be a very wintery day judging by the ice and snow on the ground. Unfortunately my description only gives " the site of the Old Globe Priter House 1962. Does the shop on the left say Kettering and Leicester? Like the bus coming towards us too.
Additional Information Lad :- Location is High Street (Aston) looking towards 6 ways Aston, out of view to the right stands the Barton Arms, the Globe which is no longer there would have been on the corner of the High Street and New Street.

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Just goes to show the long-term benefits of all that dreadful modern signage fixed to buildings. You never know what will be revealed once the signage is removed.

Have to say Lyn, I'd never have guessed that was The Engine Tavern before the modern signs were removed.

hi viv..over the years i have posted a bit on this ex pub...i would have to check as it could have its own thread or its under the great hampton row thread but dad told me about it many years ago..i think the original signage was visible for many years probably into the 70s but i think it closed as a pub many years before that..then of course the original signage was covered up then recently discovered again...
We now have the Dew Drop Stores, Inkerman Street Aston 1960, the knowledgably of you l may notice that a much better quality version of this picture is shown on Midlandpubs website, I notice many of the buildings are boarded up. I like the well wrapped lorry load down the street too

This seems to be a very wintery day judging by the ice and snow on the ground. Unfortunately my description only gives " the site of the Old Globe Priter House 1962. Does the shop on the left say Kettering and Leicester? Like the bus coming towards us too.

View attachment 180161

The Kettering & Leicester Boot co was at 161 High St Aston, which means that the photo was taken from about where the blue arrow on the map is

map 1950s showing 161 high Sgt Aston.jpg
Post 427 Is a view of Park Lane and not Park Road, Post 428 Is High Street (Aston) looking towards 6 ways Aston, out of view to the right stands the Barton Arms, the Globe which is no longer there would have been on the corner of the High Street and New Street.
First up tonight we have the garage of Herbert Pollitt Great Hampton Street 1956, love everything about this picture the black colours, the shape of the building, the Regent Fuel pumps and the vehicles, and the note that van garaging is available.
View attachment 180159
I worked there....for a month, when I left school in 1950, rode an errand bike all over town collecting parts for the workshop, the frontage with the petrol pumps wasn't there at the time, inside the workshop was very well equipped, four, or was it more? ramps all with a tool box on the wall and all the tools colour coded, red for the red ramp yellow for the yellow etc,
All the workshop staff had to wear white boiler suits, my first job in the morning was to get down on my knees wit a dustpan and brush to clean the office.
Pollitt had two Railton cars one in use the other smashed up and parked by the right side wall.
Post 427 Is a view of Park Lane and not Park Road, Post 428 Is High Street (Aston) looking towards 6 ways Aston, out of view to the right stands the Barton Arms, the Globe which is no longer there would have been on the corner of the High Street and New Street.
Thanks for the information, original entries updated much appreciated.
Next we are looking up Livery Street from Great Hampton Street, is the large building on the right Cannings? , My list also says Kenyon Street, which is the road on the right before Livery Street, taken in 1981as I am running in negative roll order I am safe to assume this is a photo of a photo.
I have this as an Outdoor in Sherbourne Road, Highgate 20th September 1961, note the wall advert ( the white is possible reflection off the original photo). Nice leaded windows on the shop front and the children playing in the street. Interesting that the building on the right has its windows bricked up.
Firstly apologies for the quality of this image but it has some interest, firstly note the dog waiting by the Outdoor front door, the left hand girl trying to pick up the shopping bag and the selection of bottles in the window. This is 62 Abbey Street leaded tops of the windows brickwork under the eaves and the right hand window frame top . My list gives the years as 1970.
First image tonight is from Great Hampton Row in 1953, Hampton Cafe , property next door seems to be 76B with a tobacconist next to that .
View attachment 180188
I think this is Gt Hampton St not Row, and may be the same as this photo below, which is labelled Bills Cafe 1954

Bill's Cafe great hampton st 1964.jpg

Also for me it saved as as WEPB file for some reason, and I had to convert to jpg to examine it on my computer
I think this is Gt Hampton St not Row, and may be the same as this photo below, which is labelled Bills Cafe 1954

View attachment 180193

Also for me it saved as as WEPB file for some reason, and I had to convert to jpg to examine it on my computer
just beat me to it mike...was about to say its gt hampton st not row...

Last one for tonight and some assistance needed - The picture is Titled Gunmakers Arms - no argument but the address is given as Gerry Street, any suggestions as to the correct location, or is it correct? taken in 1976.
Once again thanks to Mike for the following - The Gunmakers Arms is 123 Gerrard Street
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just beat me to it mike...was about to say its gt hampton st not row...

Thanks Mike and Lyn - I will update the description, regarding the WEPB file - no idea I checked the saved files and they are all jpegs, and I dont have the knowledge to make one !!
The Gunmakers Arms is 123 Gerrard St.
With regard to the WEPB file, they save showing as jpg/jpeg but will not open in my (rather old) photo program. They can be converted at https://ezgif.com/webp-to-jpg, where the site says that the program: WebP is a relatively new image format with good compression and image quality, but not all web browsers and image viewers support it yet. It apparently shows transparency, though not sure exactly what that means
The Pollitt's photos reminded me, just along the road on the same side there was the Pelican Cafe, Politt sent me there every evening to collect a bin of 'pig food' for his farm.
Also Gundle bikes where I had to take the errand bike to have its brakes fixed after nearly running the point duty cop over when I couldn't stop.
Next is Mr. Ralph Heaton JP, who seems to be mentioned a lot on this thread, which may be useful

View attachment 178965
Ralph Heaton II (1794-1862). Founder of the Birmingham Mint.
The next up I have no idea of - it is not mentioned on the type written sheet - mind that says there are 30+ images and I have 10!!, I have two versions this is the uncropped version and posted as it has a date on the top corner, It may be known to someone - tram in the background and a Virol enamel sign. There is also a bridge with ironwork which may offer a clue to a location.
View attachment 179022
This appears to me, will be Hill Street the steel bridge will be new street station, the build by the steel bridge in the background appears to be Pinfold Street