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Odeon Perry Barr


Staff member
hi all..heres a pic of the odeon at perry barr and i did not realise it was the first odeon to open in britain.....

Used to go to the childrens morning every Saturday and always had my german sausage covered in mustard and my strawberry ice Loll. Good memories Lyn. Afterward I would visit my nan in Franchise street and get spoiled again. I didn't realise it was the first in Brittain to open. Jean.
hi jean...lovely memories...i used the villa cross pic house on sat mornings and although i have a pic of it i have just come accross one of the inside..boy did the memories come flooding back....i will post it when i can find the right thread....:rolleyes:

have we alf?? i did look to see if there was another one entitled the odeon perry barr but i couldnt see one...there again me eyes aint what they used to be....lol

June 16th, 2005, 11:31 Page 1, Posted by Alf Astoness, Have a look at Birmingham Cinemas. Len.
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oops...didnt see that thread....:)

thanks len..maybe admin could move this please to its rightfull place....


Does anyone remember when the Odeon Perry Barr was painted in camouflage?
Or did I dream it?.lol
Hi Astoness.
Today I drove down the A34 from the Scott Arms towards Brum. About a quarter of a mile past the One Stop, Perry Barr (not an area I know well) there is a building that was obviously a cinema in its day. Is this the Odeon that you are refering to in this thread or was that a different cinema?
Chocks it is the one going towards town from Perry Barr on the left. I spent many a Saturday morning there are my nan lived in Franchise street. Jean.
I remember seeing 'The mouse on the moon' in 1963 at the Perry Odeon, I would be about nine years old. What a treat it was, is the building still there?
Thats unusual Mike - does anyone know the story about the bomb in the Odeon?

I will try to remember to ask my mother, she lived in Perry Barr during the war.

I used to go to the Odeon when I was a child and young teenager. I believe it's some sort of conference/ function hall now? I don't live in Brum but I think my father mentioned it. I would assume it's a listed building seeing as it was the first Odeon?

We probably sat in the same row on Saturday mornings. All us kids in Deykin Avenue had a chant - " Penny there , penny back, sixpence in and threepence to spend"
Do you recall, the programme started with a Looney Tunes cartoon, then what is now called a documentary followed by the serial which was the original Batman, Superman or Flash Gordon. Of course they never seemed to show the instalments in the correct sequence ! This was followed by "The Big Film" which was usually a western "B" movie. We used to cheer the goodies and catcall and boo the baddies. The only film in colour was the cartoon.
It was then home for lunch and then up to the Plaza at Stockland Green for the afternoon kids' show.
And the song that started the show was:

"We come along on Saturday morning
"Greeting everybody with a smile.
"We come along on Saturday morning
"Knowing it's all worth while.
"As members of the Odeon Club w
"We all intend to be.
"Good citizens when we grow up
"And champions of the free.
"We come along on Saturday morning
"Greeting everybody with a smile!"

That'd go down a treat in this day and age!

The manager was a little bald bloke with a pencil moustache, who took great delight in evicting any kid he thought was misbehaving. Flash Gordon was definitely my favourite.

Big Gee
How that brings it right back jean, penny bus fare, sixpence to go in, and a threepenny lolly or wafer., do you remember the Ki Ora orange drink?
I think I was there a bit before any of you babbies!!!!!!!!! We sang 'We are the Ovaltinies, Happy Girls and Boys.' The words were on the cinema screen and a ball hit the words as we sang to the accompanying music.
Do any of you remember Terry Pestridge who if he managed to sneak in always got evicted via the doors that were the emergency exits. I don't remember that song Big Gee but I do remember the manager and he later moved to manage the Odeon New Street maybe to get away from us whipper snappers. Did they catch the culprit Di?. Jean.
I believe the manager was one of the Deutch brothers. I also went to the sixpenny crush on Saturday mornings in the fifties, then straight down to Birchfield library in case there was an Enid Blyton book in that I hadn't read!
Pete said the managers name or nick name was Archer or (baldi). They used to wind him up. Pete said he took over the West End at a later date but I think it was the Odeon New street?. Jean.
I used to go to the Saturday morning films at the Odeon Perry Barr with my brother Bill. I remember the song "We come along on a Saturday morning, etc." and the birthday mentions. I also remember singing a hymn when King George died in 1952. We always loved the walk from the Odeon passing by all the shops. I remember the smell from George Baines bakers shop. We would get the No 11 bus near the Methodist Church on Aston Lane and get off at Woolmore Road. Happy times.
Last time I went to the films there was in 1968.
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I used to go to Saturday club if you was a member you got in free on your birthday once they showed A Hard Days Night it was packed also i had a badge as proof of membership
Back around 1943-44 my wife and her sister used to work at the PerryBarr Odeon. She was an Usherett and her sister was the icecream usher who stood down front to sell the icecream.

Have a nice day, Wally.
my brother and i used to go to the club on saturday morning in the early sixties, a mr freeman was the manager then. kind reguards sidwho