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Nazareth House

I have just Stumbled up on this thread, and although i have no connection or real closeness to the subject matter, it makes me feel proud to be part of the "Forum Family" where people show their true Brumminess by giving of their time,thoughts and knowledge free and without any " edge " bless you. Max
It is good to "belong" to this forum :)
Tony, I am still looking for more pictures of Nazareth House but so far nothing has turned up. I am sure I will find some one day :)
I have just Stumbled up on this thread, and although i have no connection or real closeness to the subject matter, it makes me feel proud to be part of the "Forum Family" where people show their true Brumminess by giving of their time,thoughts and knowledge free and without any " edge " bless you. Max

Hi Maxwell. Although I'm not a Brummie (I was born and mostly raised in Coventry), I have loads of affection for Brum.
It is good to "belong" to this forum :)
Tony, I am still looking for more pictures of Nazareth House but so far nothing has turned up. I am sure I will find some one day :)
Hi Polly!

It's good to hear from you.I hope that you are well. Thanks for continuing to look for photos.

Take care,

omg this brings bk memorries i always remember the big court yard it was the only place i used to c my brothers we used to play marles . i used to look out the fench which was really high and wised to get out off that hell hole . the nunswere so evil .
hi tony benediction omg it so used to do my head inloads off hail marys and our fathers ifwe got caught talking we used to get a clip round the ear hole of with a bunch off keys was the nuns favourite.
Hi Maxine,

Thanks for replying to my post.I had left Nazareth House seven years by 1968! I wonder if any of the nuns that were there when I was would still have been there when you were.Do you remember any of them? How long were you there?I have a few photos now but would still like a few more. They seem to be quite scarce. I am hoping that someone will read these threads and will produce a lot more!!! I was there for two spells in 1959 and 1961 some of my memories are quite vivid others a bit vague. I was so shocked when driving along Lickey Road to see that the huge building had vanished and that there was a new housing estate in its place.I hadn't been to Longbridge for many years.

Take care Maxine,


Wow Fantastic photo! We were there from around 1979 to 1983 ish. I have also searched for a photo with no luck. You have a good memory Tony!

Thanks MIke... I 'tweeked' them as best I could with what little I have on my puta... as they had really faded... its odd because I have other photos but mostly of the children at Cofton park.. all taken at the same time... yet they havent faded??... Yes the two on the swing are more or less the same.. only one was closer....

Glad you like them Tony and that you can see a 'bit' of the building in the back ground... I dont remember those Nuns names you mentioned .. Ohh forgot the photos were taken in 1978... March!! Iv written all the children's names on the back too!! Gosh I must have been organized back then!!... Another Sisters name I remember was Sister Magdolane.. (sp not sure) ...and yes the Nuns as far as I understood ran the old peoples home,

Glad you like the photos...
Angie xx

Hi Angie one of the boys looks like one of my brothers (they looked like twins) Michael or Duncan McSporran. You wouldn't happen to know if they are in your pictures?

Many thanks
Hi all I've not been on one of these sites before but here goes anyway
I too was at nazi house lickey rd from 1963 until about 1972 along with my family I have some pics of us and some of the other boys. I will sort them and put them on here first chance I get. I dont have any fond memories from that hell hole but its a shame they pulled the old house down.
hi kpm and a warm welcome to the forum...sorry that your time a nazareth house was not a good one but please post your photos as we would love to see them...

Hi all I've not been on one of these sites before but here goes anyway
I too was at nazi house lickey rd from 1963 until about 1972 along with my family I have some pics of us and some of the other boys. I will sort them and put them on here first chance I get. I dont have any fond memories from that hell hole but its a shame they pulled the old house down.

We would DEFINATELY like to see some pics kpm! I don't think many people have pictures from the old place! The general concensus on the forum is that we all have BAD memories of Nazi House!
Hi again I have managed to sort some pics 2 are from st james school 1 is from herne bay the rest are from nazi house. They are all inmates and not pics of the house. Although myself and my family are on most of them I dont recall any of these being taken. I hope some of you find these useful and would love to hear from anyone that recognises themselves or anyone else in the pics. [/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
Oh I made a bit of mess uploading pics (not tried this before) if anyone would like a single pic emailed to yourself let me know.

Hi have you looked at my pics yet? Im sure I have more but not sure where they are right now

Certainly have kpm! I to used to have some old pics, taken up in the playground area where the swings and "witches hat" roundabout used to be, but one of my sisters has them and I a'int seen them for 20 or more years. Could even be dead for all I know! We were never given a chance to "bond" as siblings so I blame the system yet again!
kpm these pics bring bk memories i still cant get round how mothers cud put there own kids into homes giving us a child hood from hell . some of the kids r young i was even younger i was two wen i was put into nazi house along with my brothers and sisters.. how old were u ? good to spk hope to here from u soon maxine x
Hi Maxine, Thanks for the reply I was 4 years old when I went in there my youngest bro would have been just 2 years old. That was in 1963 I think. When was you there? Do you recognise anyone from my pics at all? xx
Hi I just tried to open the attachments you posted but they wont open. I would love to see them please can u upload them again. Thanks ken
Hi All - Can I join those of you who are looking for a photo of Nazareth House Convent and ask if I could see any photos please? I think it was built by John Bowen and Sons and am trying to collect evidence of buildings built by this firm. I would be most grateful for any help. I assume it was a Victorian terracotta building? Anthony Collins
HI - Not being used to the Forum can you advise how I can see a photo of Nazareth House please? Does anyone know when it was built? I hoping that John Bowen and sons were the builders. It is possible as they built Hollymoor. Anthony Collins
Go to post 28 on this thread. As stated on the home [age of the forum, photos were lost after a hacking. I have reposted those on post 28 , which were slightly tweaked versions of the original
https://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMsz_qTgGABhUPd_eK4PWVBdeLZwlTWPKNPcggqM3iorFXbjZpaw Here is a photo of Nazareth House, Rednal
Thanks Jenny Ann. Really appreciate this as I have never seen it before. Any idea when it was built?
As you are aware the enlargement of this image is restricted. Is it possible to allow me to see enlarge it normally?