Eric Gibson
master brummie
REME, we were both vehicle mechanics.
If you were lucky you ended up fully trained after 6 months and fit as a butchers dog ready forView attachment 143358 your posting to a Battalion in my case 1 Coy 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards stationed at Bradbury Barracks Krefeld Germany.
These pictures bought back frightening memories of that day in Sept 1959 when I arrived at No 3 Training Regt Royal Engineers at Cove Hampshire. We was pick up at Cove railway station by the most the gruesome WRAC female with speach I’ve never heard before or since and transported to tha camp in in a lorry converted for carrying squadies . On the journey to the camp I heard they ain’t getting me in a uniform and the ain’t cutting my hair, it took 30 minutes to change All that.We was marched to the Cookhouse for evening meal a round of toast with a kipper and tinned toms we was marched to and from with knives, forks and held behind the back and a Provo Staff NCO shout sapper left left swing that arm. The nightmare continued for 3 months early morning cold water to wash and down to the lake for training to bailey bridge building which we had to march the frozen lakeside to brake the ice and if you dropped a pin in the water you went in after it. The squad had to build a bridge double tier 6 men to panel at the double capable of taking a tank all in 4 hours.
How would the snow flakes of today handle it would they claim human rights you wouldn’t have been heard.
These pictures pictures are so true life and the threat of been back squaded a enduring another 3 months of sheer hell.and then the last 100 days of the 2 years demob chart days to do and they are few. You went in as boys but you come out man, bring it back it would sort the snowflake society we have become
Hold that weapon straight that manThen the dreaded "Square Bashing" started under a Squad Instructor usually a L/Sgt who "rifted" us mercifully if you survived a 4 week inspection without being Back Squadded you went on to 8weeks and then the final 12 weeks with the ever threat of being Back Squadded. If you passed muster you went to Pirbright and the Yorkshire Moors for Battle Training buts that's another story.View attachment 143356
It has been interesting reading your posts about National Service. I am researching my family history and came across a link with the RAF camp in Sutton Coldfield 1949/50. I wondered if any BHF members were stationed there at that time.I wasted two years in the RAF but got to ride View attachment 143385my bike a lot. Was a BATMAN!! to the sports officer worked in the officers mess lots fun
Nobody owned up,the hunt for the perpetrators lasted a few days before they finally gave up.Now, are you going to tell us whether anyone owned up or got nabbed for that little episode?