paul stacey
master brummie
#1157, Were you ever unlucky? or did you always manage that first Taxi, although I have to say I would have thought it, was unusual for there not be a regular Bus service to a large military establishment.
Paul , as i said before, everything was stuffed in our kit bags at Barton Stacey and at Gosport we did not need it as that Winter they did not seem to have snow on the coast and it was not that cold. Devizes we had the stove and in the Keep we had a stove in our four man billet. To be honest ,Paul, it was a disgrace as a greatcoat, it had no shape and if I remember it came below my calf, big lapels which if you drew them together you could disappear inside, Horrible!!!
Servideman, what camp was that as there were a few in the area.
Never had to wear your great Coat Dave, I lived in mine in the winter including having it over me with my blankets??.!!
Cannot remember now, but the three old brick built barracks in Devizes were I think, Loiseberg Barracks, Le Marchant Barracks, and Prince Maurice Barracks, the old German POW Camp was extensive wooden spider construction, but on the edge of town if I remember, where as some of the brick built barracks did have some hutted Accomodation. But it was a long time ago and the old grey matter is wilting somewhat.
You said you were connected with Military Car Sales, did you ever meet up with a bloke called Graham Harding from Birmingham?
Smudger, you are right, I am in touch with Graham in Stockton, have been for the last couple of years.
Yet to get up there to meet up again.
I lost touch with Graham in the early '60's after leaving the garage we both worked in.
In out chats since then he tells me one of his jobs was driving ex military vehicles around the country, hence my asking Paul if he knew him.
How come you know where Graham is Smudger?
RE National Service. I did my National Service in R.E.M.E. (1960-63) attached to 19th (field) Regt R.A. I was surprised recently when I looked them up to see them that they were known as "The Scottish Gunners", I certainly don't recall that. Can anyone shed any light on this?
I only have my best blue hat I saved from NS and put it on the forum 4 years ago !Not much going on in Colorado at present then,?, just hold on a bit mate, and if that "Putin", decides to move west, we could all be back in uniform again.