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My Wife Marion.

Barrie may I add my sincere condolences I can only imagine how much grief you have at the loss of your wife and best friend. Our thoughts are with you and we have lit a candle as a beacon in this dark night, Graham.
Hi barrie
i have only just learnt of your great loss regarding the loss of your dear wife marion
please except my deepest condolences and my heart feels for you as i am sure all your friends on the forum feel for you
you know we are all there for you so if any time you need any one to talk to and support you have got it
god bless and be strong for marion your friend alan astonion
I am so very sorry to hear that Marion has passed away. There are no word's at a time like this, it's so sad.
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Barrie. My thoughts are with you.
It was my wifes funeral yesterday,the chapel at Redditch Crematorium was packed, I had no idea she knew so many people it was a pleasant surprise.

The clergyman who conducted the service is a man we have known for many years, in fact I was his Churchwarden for some time. He conducted a beautiful service, and of course he was able to speak with some confidence about Marion as he knew her so well. In fact the surplice he was wearing had been made by Marion about 15 years ago, and its still going strong.

Thank you everyone for your kind words when I first told you of her illness.

Barrie, my thoughts are with you. It is no doubt a great loss to loose your misses after such a long time, but for sure you guys had many, many happy times and wonderful memories that you shared. We all will meet eventually our maker, but as long as we made people happy along the way , then we aint done too bad, and from your posts, and those of others that knew Marion and you, then the job has been done.
Here if you want a chat. God Bless Max
I am sure your wife was much loved by an awful lot of people Barrie. She must also have been a very good seamstress for the surplice to have worn and washed for fifteen years. Don't forget we are all here for you when you feel a bit down. You take care now. Jean.
Hi Barrie, i`m sure its a comfort knowing that that your Marion was well loved by your friends and i pray that in time you will find life easier
Dear Barrie: Thanks for the update on the very special service for Marion. How nice that you were familiar with the man who conducted the service and the story of his surplice is very touching indeed. Marion was very well thought of and deeply loved.
it was a wonderful service for your wife barrie, and you must be proud that marion was very much loved by a lot of people as well as yourself. take care, shera
Hello Barrie I am so pleased the service went well. It must have been a great comfort to see so many people there and for the service to be taken by someone you both knew. Hold on to the happy times with Marion. Bless you Barrie x
So glad to hear of the lovely service for Marion, Barrie. Just remember all the good bits of the life you both shared over all those years, and I'm sure they will be a comfort to you. All the best Barrie.