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Every weekend me uncle Alan used to pick me, me mom, dad, jason and keith up on our LOOONNNNNNGGGGG journey (or so it seemed then) to Kingstanding to visit me nan n grandad. It was great. We would turn up say our hi's. Grandad would sit in his chair near the t.v with his brill creamed hair and his slippers, I was very clumsy thou, grandad had a bad leg and I would 9 times out of 10 fall over it. I loved grandad. He had a lovely white shed at the bottom of the garden. It was well old. Grandad used to frighten me when he sneezed. Cus when he sneezed 1 sneeze would last forever, I would think to myself breathe, breathe.... :2funny: He would draw pictures out of anything, polystyrene, chalk boards, evrything. He was FAB!!!
Nan, she had white fluffy hair and smoked. She was always knitting, but I would study nan, cus as she knitted she would drop off to sleep, still holding her knitting needles and the toy she was making. Minutes later she would wake up, and miraculously continue where she left off before she dropped off. LOL. She made fantastic cakes, n her stews were stews. yummy. I will always remember her laff, it was like a chesty cough, S'pose thats from smoking, but suprisingly her laugh sticks in my head. Me mom would always sit down next to me nans chair and they would chat. I remember nans jewellery box the chest, it would come out now and again. I was mesmerised with her jewellery. Nan paid for me to have my ears pierced. I remember her holes where her earrings would go in were not holes, they were slits, she said it was because of her big dangly earrings when she was younger.  I never really got to know my nan very well, she was bought up with boys then had 4 sons herself, so never really knew how to treat girls, but we both new we loved eachother.
Nan n grandad would always argue, it was really funny but I know that despite arguing they loved eachother very much, they were an inspiration to couples in love.I didnt really get to say goodbye to them both, I was only young and  I only wish I could have one last conversation with them both and in that conversation would be the words "I LOVE YOU". :smitten:
I do not have a photo of them so I hope my dad could post one on here cus Im proud of my grandparents.
And you can bet your bottom dollar that they would have been very proud of you. O0
Oh thats really lovely. They sound just like my grandparents. Me, mom and nan would always go up town on a saturday afternoon and mooch round the shops. We would go back and nan would make loads of cobs and pickles and the men would drink wantneys pale ale and watch football results. My nan would always buy a new frock or shoes and then we would hide all the stuff we had bought upstairs and nan would always say never tell a man how much you paid for an outfit , always knock a few quid off as they moan. My nan had big gold earings and the holes in her ears had strectched. Grandad had white hair and he asked my mom to die it black once so she did and i will never forget his face, he said he looked like Dean Martin.
The bathroom always smelled of old spice and he had a little bag he used to take to work called his tatta bag. It smelled of rubber from Dunlops and he had his sandwiches in it.
When i was little, we used to go to an aunts house in Small Heath for a party. They had a big fire and everyone would be singing their heads off and laughing and i would stand on a chair and wash the glasses in the kitchen. They called them head cook and bottle washer parties and they would laff so much that they had to bring spare knickers . My grandparents were absolutely wonderful people and i have such fond memories and happy times.
Such lovely memories of your grandparents Heather and Maryrose.

Oooooh how I remember those parties, non of your mincing round holding a glass in one hand and a curry puff in the other............
Well Heather, Ive added a picture of your nan & grandad to your post........... You Keith and Jason were very special to your nan. You were all very special :smitten:
Very lovely memories.

Theres something very special reading/listening to a grandchild talking about their grandparent
that's really nice Froggie...you are really fortunate to have all those good memories..

I never met my Irish (paternal) grandparents...they both died (in Ireland) before I was born

my mom's mom died before I was born, but I have vague memories of meeting my mom's dad...
he was in Highcroft hospital, sadly....shell-shock or something...there was a garden fete there...he was in a wheelchair I think...
I asked my mom about it some years ago and it turned out I must have been about 3...I think he died shortly after...
I'm so glad that my kids knew my mom and dad...and still have my mom
my dad taught my son to play chess when he was about 4, and used to help with him when his younger sister came along when he was 3
mom spoils them rotten of course ::)