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My First Cigarette


Gone but not forgotten. R.I.P.
I smoked my first cigee in the Picture house Aston Cross about 11 years of age they were called PASHA , the film Hamlet Sir Oliver I never smoked again till I was 28 because it made me ill, although I smoked a pipe from 1956 because if I had smoked Cigs in the Army I would have lost out :)
My first cigarette was given to me by my younger brother Arthur. I was 15 he was 13 he insisted that I take a big long drag on his Park drive. at the point of inhalation I thought my lungs were on fire and was going to die. Determined not to be shown up by some one younger than me my pride would not allow me to refuse a second drag....weird how it didn't stop me becoming an addict until I developed bronchitis 20 years later and finally kicked the habit.
I was 16 when I first tried a ciggie. My first boyfriend smoked and gave me a puff. I started buying Lucky Strikes in 10 packs - the cheapest I could buy with my pocket money. My dad smelled the smoke on me of course - he was a heavy smoker - and said if I was going to smoke I should smoke a good cigarette and went and bought me a pack of Benson and Hedges. Of course he did not know then what damage smoking could do. He died at 78 from cancer. I went on to smoke 50 a day until about 15 years ago I stopped "cold turkey". Then I put on 2 stone. You can't b*****y win!
Our first "Cigarrete;s when we were kids
were made out of tea leaves rolled up in paper
cor they didn't half taste bitter ;)
I can't remember when my first fag was. I can remember smoking on a school trip to London when I was 14. On the return journey a teacher, smelling smoke on around me and my mate, Ray, asked to smell our hands to confirm whether it was Ray, me or both of us who'd been at it. I watched Ray who was left-handed offering his left mitt and getting clattered. :idiot2: Being right-handed, I offered my left and escaped. :2funny:

When stuck for something better we'd smoke the thick cane from the basket weaving classes. Now that did take the lining of you're throat. :buck2:
  I wasn't a smoker and I was horrified when I caught my eldest son smoking. I did all the usual "it will kill you, you will have dreadful breathing problems that will kill you,  I WILL KILL YOU :knuppel2:" ect. ect. All to no avail :(

I decided something really must be done to this precious 11 year old so I did what my Mother did my to brother, I bought 20 Senior Service and sat him down and told him to smoke every one of them. He did and blow me down, enjoyed them all!!!! :o

It turned out that the little begger had been smoking since he was 8!!!!!

What worked for my brother did not work for my son.

He still smokes today, sadly and he coughs like an engine!!! But I love him lots and hope that one day he will see sense and give it up.
I loved a smoke, and even though I packed up in 1991 I still miss them. Like most lads I started young and in secret, I know our dad laffed at me from behind the newspaper when I felt brave enough to smoke in the house, mom always threatened me that If I was old enough to smoke, then I was old enough to fund the habit myself, but of course I was soon sharing moms fags, I later smoked Roll Ups, but they had to be made with Golden Virginia, I didnt like Old Holborn it was like smoking tar covered rope.

Does anyone remember the Herbal ciggies that came about that were supposedley safe? Was it a joke or were they really made of Lettuce I wonder? but they dont sound as bad as you Dennis with Tea Leaves :crazy2:

I wont go into other things I have smoked, you never know who's reading this stuff :police:
Yes Rod,
I tried those herbal fags only because
they were half the price.When i was in the forces
we had a 50 free issue every week so suppose that encouraged
me to still smoke,have done ever since
my doctor said that as I had lived as long as I have
NO point in giving up,not that i want to anyway ;) ;)
Herbal Cigs we all tried did your chest in revolting or what, Did'nt make you give up you wanted to get back to a decent Fag and thats true. Gig sales must have went up ;)
was 13 (early 70's)... far off from school-buildings, hockey pitch.... menthol (St. Moritz) I think we must have thought they were more healthy :D
stopped in '82, at 23, and then started again in '88, when I met my (smoking) husband...
then stopped for good in early '89, when trying to get pregnant...(which worked :))