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monkspath hill farm solihull


Staff member
hi folks...this is a real long shot i know..but i wondered if anyone has a photo of monkspath hill farm...it was in hockley heath just outside soliull i think.


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Thank you, Astoness. If anyone could provide a picture of the farmhouse that would be wonderfull as my GGrandfather lived there in 1911.
The modern day location of Monkspath Hill Farm is just sth east of the M42 / A34 junction. https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/63113 The geograph ref is SP1576, but the modern photo only shows a footpath. The description on British History Online makes the farmhouse sound really attractive. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=57068
Thank you so much for your kindness, Brian. I understood from the wording posted on that site that Monkspath Hill farmhouse no longer stands.
If I could find a historical map I could at least see the location of the farmhouse & the arrangement of the buildings. I searched on the Royal Mail site for the postcode, but drew a blank. With a postcode I could at least have ordered a historical map from Old Maps, but without that information I had trouble moving their screen to the correct location as the text Monkspath Hill Farm is too small to read on my laptop screen. Alan Godrey does not cover that particular area.
Windows on Warwickshire is an excellent site for photos, but it has nothing on said farmhouse.
a description of Monkspath Hill Farm:

"Monkspath Hill Farm, west of the main road from Hockley Heath to Birmingham and 2 miles north of Nuthurst Church, appears to have been an early-17th-century house, facing east, with a cross-wing projecting in front which was added or rebuilt in 1691. A much longer and lower wing also extends east from the south end; this seems to be an 18th-century addition, but part of it adjoining the main block may be of the original period. In the east gable-head of the short north wing is a round stone inscribed wp 1691 and a smaller added date 1810. The latter refers to the east gable-wall, but the north side and west end of the wing are of the 1691 brickwork. The wing has a central chimney-stack with two diagonal shafts; its fire-places are modern. The main block has walls of later brickwork but has front and back gable-heads that are plastered, probably indicating timber-framing: it is also gabled at its south end. At the back is a 17th-century projecting chimneystack with a plain shaft: it has a wide fire-place: the room it serves has a plastered ceiling except for the chamfered main beam. The long south wing overlaps the east gable of the main block. It is of 18th-century brickwork and has a wide fire-place near the east end with a plain shaft. The kitchen which it serves has an open-timbered ceiling. North of the house is a long six-bay barn with walls of heavy timber-framing and two great doorways in each side."

from British History Online
I will ask my BiL he grew up around those parts and often walked through that area with his dogs before Blyth Valley Business Park was built.

Another possible source could be the 'Knowle History Society' based at Knowle Library as I have not yet found one in Hockley Heath.
Unfortunately the farm has dissappeared under the revised road junction there. Monkspath Wood and Little Monkspath Wood are still there though as before and the remains of the old moat now part of a hotel seemingly but hidden by trees.
Thank you so much Astoness, Astonvilla1, Mikejee, Bernie and Rupert for your support. The map is superb, Mike. The detail is superb & I am delighted to see the different buildings shown. It had not occured to me that Monkspath Hill Farm would be on a British History Online map. BHF contributors deliver yet again.
Any further information or even a picture would be great.
Is this where Hay lane tip used to be. I used to live on Cheswick Green for a few years and this seems to be in that area.
John 'Cheswick Green' was built upon what was 'The Mount' [centre bottom of your map] where a lot of Brum families had 'weekend homes'. My friend's Grandfather built a couple of places for himself and his sister. All swept away but for a few on the fringe, when Cheswick Green was developed. See also

Also 'Small Farm' is a mile or so from the farm asked after which is as someone else said is now under the M42 Junction. The farm owner (Mr Gould) was allowed to build a replacement which is I think sited on Gate Lane but has an Agricultural condition attached which Mr Gould has occasionally requested be set aside.
Is this where Hay lane tip used to be. I used to live on Cheswick Green for a few years and this seems to be in that area.
I think you are pretty close Nick as there were a couple or more areas off Hay Lane used to tip waste. Some years after houses were built problems arose through Methane gas leeching from badly buried rubbish.
I had the same problem at first John - me who criticised my [now] wife when she turned a map upside down as we were heading South.

My Dad's family are originally from around that area and it is one I used to cycle as a kid. 'Tatterpool Farm' looks to have been at the back of Bills Wood which in turn is close to what is now 'Woods Farm' where Christmas Trees are now the main product.
Thank you so much, all of you. Jennyann, I had not found the site you suggested, so the link is very welcome & I have emailed the organisation concerned. Lloyd, thank you for the modern map as it has helped with an understanding of the modern site. John thank you for the 1831-1835 map. I had not realised that it was possible to locate a map of that period & I am fascinated to see the changes to the area over time. Nick & Bernie thank you for your input &, in effect, reminding me that I could have become too sentimental. And thank you, Astoness for kickstarting the thread. You have all been brilliant.
The Solihull Heritage & local Studies Senior Librarian has 3 photoes of Monkspath Hill Farm which I have been able to order by post and I have also been referred to the book Investigating Old Buildings by Lance Smith as it has drawings & buildings of the farm. I have ordered this from a supplier of 2nd hand books as it is out of print.
I want to say a BIG thank thank you to all of you.

Yes I think the Farm still exits but in a modified format.
Its situated in Gate Lane but has been derilict since the
Moterway opened.
The owner built a luxury house on the site way back but
didnt have planning permission. I think today nobody lives
there but it is clearly shown on google map.

Mike Jenks
Hi - I have spoken to my BiL and he confirmed that he worked for Harry Goode at 'Monkspath Hill Farm' back in the Mid Fifties and also said that he believed that Harry's father had lived at the farm before him. The Goodes (not Gould as first I thought) still farm locally.

Not able to shed any more light sorry.
Mike permission was given for the new farm as it replaced the older one demolished to build the motorway. The farmer lives in another of his farms nearby and has tried unsuccessfully to get the agricultural usage lifted. He once tried to sell it with 6 acres but the council did not accept that as being suitable for agricultural use. I used to pass it daily and is has been lived in from time to time but not on a continuous basis.

The old farm was sited where the motorway island now is.
Thanks for that information Bernie. I have pictures on the way & will post once I get the scanner set up so that everybody can see what all the fuss is about!
Hi Bernie

Went there yesterday. The place is empty too dark for pictures
Ill try another day.

Mike I would say [as I live just a couple of miles away towards Stratford] don't be a stranger, but would not want to pass this bug I have had for the last 3 weeks on to anyone. Maybe later in the year I could offer you a cup of tea?