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monastery in nechells

thanks john..so we now know that the nursing home was built on a parsonage....right your next project is to find me a pic of it:D:D:Dbet this will be difficult...

The parsonage is the same as the vicarage, and isn't that the building to the left of the yellow area ? Have you got a map that shows another building where the yellow area is?, The 1868 kellys is a bit out of date apparently, as it doesn't list Stanley road, but it does list Mr/Parson Milward as being at the parsonage , but it is listed as Nechells Park road.

oh blimey chris...i am so wrapped up in this mission i got you and jenny mixed up...ive even sent her an im...now i shall have to send back another on apologising..:rolleyes: so its looking like the home was built where the parsonage and almshouses were then...i shall now sent you an im...sorry for the mix up....

Hi Mike the yellow area was just a generalisation, in my '43 Kellys there is only one address for that side of the road which is No, 8 Parsonage, but in the square are 2 buildings as you can see,
thought maybe it could be one of those.
Regards John.
Sorry john , I misunderstood you. i thought that you thought there was another building earlier on the site of the yellow mark. I agree that there seems to be two attached buildings , plus the two smaller ones to the right. On the 1888 and immediately after directories there are three entires for that side of the road, the vicarage and two others, each of the last two occupied by a Beresford. But i should have put on the later 1902 map (below) , which seems to show that the apparent two buildings are one (the vicarage). The red is Park house.


thanks for that map mike...still working on it as i do need to get all the info right....

thanks john....and just for all the others who have helped me if you look at mikes map post 36 you will see a row of dwellings just in front of where the old park house is marked in red...well this is where my sister lived and so it was the old vicarage ruins she remembers...getting there slowly:):)

no john... well they look like them but the front gardens are not that large...at least they dont seem like it...but we wont go into that:rolleyes:thanks everso much all....i did nothing to help expect drive you all barmy:D:D

john make mine a double...:D
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