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monastery in nechells


Staff member
hi all...i am searching for an old map of nechells....i have it on good authority that on the grounds of st clements nursing home once stood a monastery....my sister lived next door to it when she moved to nechells many years ago and can well remember the ruins..it would have been situated more i think on stanley road rather than nechells park road....

any help much appreciated as i would love to find any pics of it...:):)

john...i dont know how long this building was in ruins...maybe we need to go back further with the maps....there definately was something there its just finding out for certain what it was...thanks arkrite...this is a bit of a mystery and i am hoping that maybe some members who lived in the area may be able to shed some light on this....

hi john..take a look at this map..if you look at where it says stanley road just where the s and t are there is a large dwelling...i would say this is now where the nursing home stands...this must be where the ruins where...its the building on the right going down stanley road from nechells park road...now all i have to do is find out what this building was...like i say my sister is sure it was a monastery..trust me to cause a fuss:cry:
The 1884 and 1890 kellys shows it as a house called The Hollies, occupied by a physician & surgeon called John Lumby. it is not listed in 1880 and stanley road isn't included in 1878. Of course that doesn't mean there wasn't anything there before.
I found this little snippet 1868 Nechells, Birmingham, W. Midlands – St Joseph's Convent (Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle). closed 1953, but the buildings remain.
If you want to get back further Lyn the very best place is the Library in the Reference section and settle in for an hour or two with the Victorian County History for Warwickshie.
thanks mike and di...this looks like its going to be a mission for me...but i will hopefully get to the bottom of it...

hi jenny..it says the sisters lived in a convent at 143 nechells park road (the nursing home is on the corner of nechells park road and stanley road)..it was closed in 1953....but di says the building still remains...i have also read that the school buildings were demolished in the 1970s.....this would tie in with what my sister has said about seeing some ruins...maybe it was a convent and not a monastery..so does all this tie in ???? i think maybe i should take a trip down nechells and see for myself....starting at 143 nechells park road....

Hi Lyn. Attached is a picture of the building that is on the corner of Stanley Rd and N.P.rd. As you can see it looks like a fairly new build. If you look on Google earth street view it will probably save you a journey. As you can see it is now a nursing home

hi terry..yes thats st clements nursing home...i was there yesterday visiting dad...what i am trying to find out is what was on the ground before it was built...my sister who lived next door to it many years ago remembers it as the ruins of a monastry and so do some of the residents of the home who lived locally...it may even have been a convent given the info i am receiving...hopefully i can piece it all together and get to the bottom of the mystery..

arkrite...i have no intention of getting me shovel and pick out:D

Morning Lyn,
I can tell you what was definately on the corner of Nechells Park Road and Stanley Road, a doctors surgery, I know because it was our doctors, Dr Davies.
I have an 1867 PO directory, am just about to search through it, give us half hour.
morning john...but which corner....this could just be the project you are looking for as i am all at sea now:D

oh gosh john...i think i must really go to the library and find a much older map:cry:

This thread is getting very interesting and has many a twist and turn so far. Hope you can find out some more details Lyn. It's amazing with input from forum members (sleuths), that the historical "jigsaw puzzles" we encounter on BHF are completed mostly in record time and the results are reported here hopefully for posterity.
View attachment 46119
First of all here's a thought this pic' is of the Almshouses that were attached to St Clements church ... could this have been the ruins that were there and then the Rest home built on the site.

Now that is the Rest Home that my 90 year old Mother is living in and has been for the last 6 years.... I have a number of Photo's taken inside by myself and a very kind friend and also a video... it's a loverly caring home, the address is 8 Stanley Rd. :)
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ahh ahh john....the address of the nursing home is 8 stanley road....so it looks like the ruins was a parsonage....:):)o dear it looks like i have been leading you all up the garden path...i thought the home was on the same side as your doctors...please dont shout at me all at once....:cry::cry:
john could you go back to the map and mark out where the parsonage would have been please...i think i know but with my sense of direction im taking no chances..lol
oh jenny...as you have read my dad is there too...my sister has been a carer there for many years and so is her daughter...also my brother is the maintenence man...well what a coinsidence this is....i was there only yesterday to visit dad....i will send you a im...

I was just about to give you a rollickin Lyn,
Sorry about the caps didn't realise it was on.
I think you will find that Parsonage and Vicarage are basically the same meaning, it would have been in the area roughly covered by the yellow square.
And for my next project ?.
hi john..dont worry about the caps...and please dont tell me orfff:D but as i said im me last post i would like you if you can to pinpoint on the map where this ear parsonage was....by the way what is a parsonage..:D

Hi Lyn it's not Jenny's Mom it's mine .... Her name is Gladys and I'm sure I must have met some of your family when I was over in 2007 when I visited Mom .... a parsonage Lyn is where the Vicar lived. I still believe that the home was built where the Almshouses were... they were house provided by the church for the old aged poor of the area.
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