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mixed up doll!!


Proud to be a Brummie !!
post war I had a small black leather doll which had to go to "hospital" for a new head....but it came back with a white head and face...so back it went for a "proper" one....cannot remember what I named this doll...after I married it was left at my mother's for many years until it eventually had to be thrown out because the moths got into it..... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Ya think that's bad?

I had a toy called 'Sockie'
Now you might guess (without too much effort) what sockie actually was...
I'll give you a clue anyway..it was grey, darned and made of wool...
In fact most woollen things in my life underwent great changes...usually starting off a Jumper, then armless sweater, passing through to Balaclava, Gloves, (well mittens really), usually joined together by string which was always too short..(Some of the mittens Mom knitted for me made me look Thalidomide)..
and eventually (a bit like the remnants of a dying Star)..'Sockie'
A falling to bits sock with eyes, a nose and a wide mouth drawn on to it..pathetic! I wouldn't mind but my sister made it me for a birthday present.
What can I say?

He IS a tough looking sock!
We could invite him into BAR.
Ed the Sock

He would love the BAR Les. He is a gravelly voiced, cigar smoking sock character but he is loved by so many people, if you can believe it. I am more fascinated by him than anything else. A lot of us made a sock friend years ago and I try and figure out whether that is why people love Ed the sock since they relate to their long lost sockie friend.
Ed Sock or Sucks

8) mmmmh :?: Jennyann Ed the Sock, Ceegars Eh, good lad,, could add lots of Atmosphere in the BAR (If admitted :?: ) Les said that Ed is Tough looking so thats qualification too,,, But,,, delicate question :)

Have You ever seen Ed the Sock wash himself or Be washed :?: (Last bit, not bad :wink: )
Aaaahem, Now If he is a Clean Sock,, he can,t come in the BAR (Wimp/Sucks)

Only dirty smelly socks (Once per Month-Change allowed) :roll:
When WE Swop socks :twisted: So ask this Ed if He qualifies :?:
Laundry sock blues
I took off from my feet two socks last night
But did the laundry basket give them a fright
For one of them as gone and done a bunk
So with only one sock to put on, I am sunk
I know there were two with out a doubt
I have searched here and there and all about
The spin drier is my main suspect I believe
Or is it my wife who’s trying to deceive
She said put on two odd ones who’s going to see you
I think I will look daft with one red and one blue
I have found you another pair under the bed
Mind you ones blue and the other one is red
Rod Birch

Well, let's see about Ed the Sock having a wash, John. Ed is very very risque, well as risque as they allow him to be in Toronto on late night TV! He has a very deep gravelly voice(caused by smoking cigars no doubt). He's a pretty clean sock overall I would say and some of his his other credentials are as follows

Since Ed the Sock first appeared on Toronto public access cable TV nearly a decade ago, his celebrity status as the star of the award-winning TV program Ed's Night Party has exploded worldwide. The anti-VJ utilizes his caustic wit freely, mocking music videos and asking stars uncomfortable questions. His brutal honesty has earned him a huge TV following and a 5,000+ member fan club.

The surly sock puppet gives one-of-a-kind celebrity interviews and freely gives his jaded, brutal and honest views and diatribes on any subject he chooses, whether it has to do with pop culture, celebrities, politics, religion or any taboo topic.

Ed has interviewed some of the the biggest celebs around: James Brown, Willie Nelson, Nelly Furtado, and Kid Rock to name a few.

He's dated Claudia Christian, toured Burt Ward's home, stalked Jerry Springer, cursed with Kid Rock, spent a summer afternoon with girls from Naked News, cooked chili with Gary Coleman, made Robert Vaughn pout, Donnie Osmond blush and Richard Simmons cry.

During a backstage interview with Destiny's Child, Ed got kissed by the trio (not that they are the only women in music to give their attentions to the sexy sock).

He always has a hot tub with some winsome bikini dressed girls lounging
about in it, on his show. However, I have never seen him go in it.

I loved the poem about the socks. They are well known for doing disappearing tricks in the laundry. I once went to a job interview where one of the interviewers was wearing one red sock and one blue one. Honest, the guy was a University Mathematics professor.
Ed my hero

ED the Sock my Hero from Torono the "baad" :wink:

What a STAR :shock: credentials to Dye for :roll:

I vote for Ed to be the BARmans Mascot, esteamed leader
Steams Good to me :oops:

JohnH - I love that poem - I have exactly the same problem and I'm one of the "wimmin"! :)
Ed the sock seems to qualify for BAR, Give him a go guys. He could be your Mascot. :D

We are forever losing socks here as well Kate, I think there is a sock fairy who gathers them up and takes them to the bottom of the garden. :D

Where’s it gone, me other sock?
It was here last night by my wife’s black frock
Spirited away to we know not where
No aroma even , a mysterious affair?

It was surely there, resting on my shoe
No more to be found a sordid ado
It’s twin lies useless now superseded
When a new pair out shopping will surely be needed

So where in the world do these fugitives go?
How do they escape, I really don’t know
I can’t say I’ve noticed as they’re liberated
Perhaps a ghostly hand makes the pair abbreviated

There must be a hidden world, populated by socks
Some from the Taffy’s, Brit’s oh and don’t forget the Jocks
There has to be some with vast holes in the toe end
Not worth the patience, nimble fingers for to mend

For those socks left lonely, their partner absconded
An uncertain life, maybe with similar can be bonded?
But usually the judgement on these singles is passed
Into the bin these oddments are cast
I had a china baby doll which used to be used to display baby clothes in a shop (window?).
The shop was on Aston High St. near the cinema, I think...maybe some will remember the shop...I guess it sold baby clothes, kids clothes? clothes? wool?
The owner gave it to my mom for me. I loved it. I was quite careful with my toys, and even had a tiny (about 5 inches high) Christmas tree (from Woolies) for my dolls.
Sadly, my younger sister broke the doll. I was quite upset. :(
Sad Maz :'(

I didn't have a Doll I had a three wheel bike and took it everywhere with me except bed. ^-^

I think we should all thank Maz :angel: for wearing us all out this morning, have not had that much paperrwork to answer since I left work  :-\

Lets hear it for Maz :smiley6600: :coolsmiley: :2funny: ::) :o :D
O0 For Maz

I have written somewhere on the forum about my doll Maz, she was called Rhonda Karen, and second hand when I got her in the 40's. We have one other thing in common, my sister dropped her down the stairs and smashed her to bits. :'(
:angel: Maz like Di I also posted on another thread... Here's my story

I had a celluloid doll as a child, sounds just like the one you have now. I only got it because it's tummy had caved in, it had been used in the haberdashery shop across the road from our house for displaying baby clothes, it was of no use to them anymore so the lady gave it to "That poor little half blind girl at number 46" .

Me, I played with it for hours operating on it's tummy using cardboard, string, second-hand brown paper sticky tape (the stuff you had to lick and tasted rotten), news paper anything I could lay my hands on really and in most cases get a clipped ear for using it on a doll, when it had been saved for mending something more important than a broken doll.

I also had a brand new walky-talky doll one Christmas . Dad had won her in a raffle, she had a yellow satin dress and hat to match, needless to say I was never allowed to play with her. She stood in the corner of my bedroom and I was only allowed to look at her, but when everyone was asleep I would wake up and play with and talk to her in the dark (a little scared that Mom would come in and catch me) I got a reputation in the house as a sleep-talker.

Chris :angel:
Loved the poems abouts the socks guys. Chris, what a wonderful memory about your doll. I remember being a small girl with my friends taking our dolls for a walk in our dolls' prams. But the only thing was I had our cat in my pram! The dear old cat used to lie in the pram with a blanket over him and a miniature doll tucked under his paw (that was his baby). And off I'd go with my friends up the street with the old cat snoozing away happy as larry. What lovely memories. I also remember another doll that had to be burnt because it was infested - or that might have belonged my sister - not sure :crazy2:
Di.Poppitt said:
O0 For Maz

I have written somewhere on the forum about my doll Maz, she was called Rhonda Karen, and second hand when I got her in the 40's. We have one other thing in common, my sister dropped her down the stairs and smashed her to bits. :'(
Yes, I read that somewhere Di (after I had written my post), and thought what a coincidence.
I think my doll was china...one of the shop window ones...
I dunno...little sisters eh? :(

ah Chris, you had an ex-shop window doll too.
Shopkeepers must have been quite generous then :)
I wonder if they do it now.
Maz, I remember the shop very well, it was a corner shop almost opposite the Globe, I can't recall the name now, but it opened about 1960 when my son was a few months old, it only sold baby and toddler wear and I bought quite a lot of things for my baby from there. The owner was very glamorous, always well dressed and her dark hair in a French pleat or similar style but very kind hearted as your story shows.

Kate, I too used to put our cat in my dolls pram and wheel him around, he loved it of course, even let me put a wool bonnet on his head, with two holes poked out for his ears.
I think I posted somewhere else sometime ago that I won a
doll in a raffle from Mrs.Griggs shop when I was about 6 years old - wartime - it was made of chalk and looked liked a 6 months old baby, it had a painted face and hair with a little kiss curl on the forehead. It had a yellow dress on and I was over the moon.
My mother-in-law bought our daughter Sally a twin dolls pram one Christmas in the early 60's. Sall wasn't into dolls, so our cat, like Sylvia's and Kate's cat was wheeled around the garden, head on the pillow. Last year we had a really bad time with mice in the attic, lots of thngs were chewed. They made a bed in Sall's doll's pram, chewing the cover and pillow to make it. It was in such good nick that it seemed a shame to leave it to the mice, so we decided to sell it. I sold it at the shop and happily gave Sally the £45 it fetched. You can't buy a toy pram apparently, and it made a little girl happy last Chrismas. :)
I pin my husbands socks together with a large safety pin after lossing so many ha! ha!

Beryl M