• Welcome to this forum . We are a worldwide group with a common interest in Birmingham and its history. While here, please follow a few simple rules. We ask that you respect other members, thank those who have helped you and please keep your contributions on-topic with the thread.

    We do hope you enjoy your visit. BHF Admin Team

Missing photos (as a result of Forum hacked 2011)

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Thank you Warren for all the hard work...lovely to see the site back again. Well Done !!!

Brill well folks my job is once again done.. I will now be toddling back off to my family and work and will be back when things need fixing again (hopefully they wont now)
I bid you all adieu, have fun guys and look after the forum dont break it!
Its so lovely to have our site back. Thanks to all who made this possible and a big than you to you Warren... dotti
Not a major problem Warren but when I enter my username and password I get this error message:

Invalid Redirect URL (https://forum.birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum.php?)

I just click "What's New" and i get on. Just thought I'd mention this in case there's something I'm doing wrong.

Edit. It's not pasted the full message, after php? there should be a big string of numbers -
Edit - It's not let me paste them again!
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morning david..ive also had problems getting on the forum...i managed it for an hour yesterday afternoon then i logged off..when i tried to get back on again i couldnt...i was trying for hours yesterday and eventually gave up last night..tried again this morning and this time i got on the main page..when i entered my user and password i got the same message as you did so i clicked on the link i saved from yesterday and it was ok..thanks for the tip about clicking whats new...im just hoping that when i log off in a bit and try to get back all is well...so if i do dissapear again you will find me somewhere in space lol..
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it's all to do with your cache,

your internet cache thinks we are still on the old site..hence your problems.

Ive logged as many users now who are having problems and i dont get them.. it's your machines folks.

the redirect was fixed yesterday
thanks warren ive noted that down about the cache..no idea what it is but my son will should i have anymore trouble..

I'm still able to access the forum via my old link....must be doing something right for a change!
You've done a fantastic job,Warren, now I can get on with just looking at the ...............housework!
I would like to say a big thank you to Warren and everyone concerned in getting the site up and running again and the help I have received. Long live the BHF.
Thank very much for all the effort put in to this forum, I don't post very often but I am always looking around the site (in the old days I would have been called a lurcher)
or somethink like that glad the sites up and running now again thanks
Just worked it out that if every member gave 2p to the Forum, Warren could have over £100 to have a smashing meal out to thank him for all his hard work!:smug:
Imagine the look on their faces if you tried to pay for a meal with £100 worth of 2p coins, lol.

But thanks for all the hard work Warren.

Well done, Warren, but having been through these sorts of events myself, I guess the relief of having it all working again means more than the meal. Extra-mural computing work invariably has a "must have it done yesterday" condition attached to it, otherwise if it didn't, it would be quite a pleasure to do! Well, ....maybe!

Excellent work!

Maurice :calm:
Thank you for your patience and persistence. To do the work once is bad enough, but to have to re-do it again a week later must have been almost soul-destroying.

Now enjoy spending more time with the family :peaceful:
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On behalf of all BHF members, may I present you with this certificate as a token of our appreciation, thanks a lot Warren


Just wanted to add my twopen'orth! Thank you Warren your blood's worth bottling! LOL
Three Cheers!
Love the`certificate!
Thank you Warren for everything you have done to move the forum and keep it going for us all to enjoy. Your knowledge, patience and kindness amazes me.
I definitely think the work you have done should be paid for out of the forum funds.
:adoration: :adoration: :adoration: Thank you :adoration: :adoration: :adoration:​
Thank you for all your kind words, but it's really Dad and the Team that get the credit, my work might take a few hours but once it's done it's all over to them, they spend everyday making sure everything is right while I carry on my normal day to day job(s)

so thanks should really go to Dad and the team :biggrin:
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Well they do say that a 'Warren's work is never done' but maybe a well earned rest is in order. Many thanks for all the efforts you have put in over the past weeks Warren. Much appreciated.
Hi Everyone, I love this forum I am often on it, however occasionally someone will post something and say here is a photo...but I cant see it... there is no "attached file" I don't have a problem for the majority of the time with viewing photos but occasionally there is an odd photo here and there and I cant see a photo posted...is it me ? Thank you for any help Wendy
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