Can anybody hear me
I'm neither brave nor bold,
I'm just a child from Birmingham
I'm only 9 years old,
We're standing on the cold deck
Franconia is her name,
they say it's high adventure
but it doesn't feel the same,
Mommy's taken poorly
Daddy just can't work,
Injured in the Great War
fighting in the dirt,
We're sailing off across the sea,
a better life they say
There's seven of us children,
but Mommy and Daddy stay.
Please don't forget us Mommy,
please bring us back some day,
Don't leave us in this wilderness,
don't hurt us Lord we pray.
We're going on holiday,
across the ocean blue,
but something just don't seem right,
shouldn't Mommy and Daddy too,
They say we'll all learn farming,
Whatever that may mean,
We'll love the pigs, hug the sheep,
and keep the stable clean,
They mention things like "young blood",
to help the country grow,
Beatrice 3, Louis 10, seven birthdays
in a row,
I lost them at the station,
they said it's for the best,
I don't like the look of this
they're taking off my vest.
Please don't forget us mommy
Please bring us back some day,
Don't leave us in this wilderness,
Don't hurt us Lord we pray. | I'm told I'm fit and healthy
they put me on a train,
for what seemed like forever
I traveled in the rain,
A man was there to meet me,
He didn't seem to care,
That I was cold and hungry
in the middle of nowhere,
"work hard" he said,
and then you'll eat,
Co's that's the way things go
So wipe them tears from your eyes
You're Mommy and Daddy know,
"I'll teach you how to farm"
he yelled,
then beat me with a stick,
I've had not food for 3 long days
Oh Mommy I feel so sick.
Please don't forget us Mommy,
Please bring us back some day,
Don't leave us in this wilderness
Don't hurt us Lord we pray.
60 years we've been here
they never told us why,
After 30 years I found the rest.
I couldn't even cry,
Some were lucky, some were not
but one thing we all shared,
Our families had forgotten us
and no-one really cared.
We can't go back to England,
as no-one knows we're here,
Maybe the day will come about
Some family will appear.
Then we can tell our story,
Orphans we are not -
Just forgotten children
Of this lonely plot..... |