Going through some old address book details, and I came across the name ........ELMIRA COLLINS.
I have often been asked questions such as: "Who is the most famous/best/nicest musician you have met?
An impossible question to answer, but I can tell you who was the most beautiful musician I have ever met.
Her name is Elmira Collins, and she played tuned percussion in the Smokey Robinson backing band.
One day I received a telephone call, and a voice, in a deep, husky, sexy American accent asked me if I was Eddie Haynes. For anyone that can remember the Marilyn Monroe voice when she sang Happy Birthday to J.F.K, well.....this was a repeat.
Elmira was wishing to obtain some percussion mallets and beaters for the U.K. tour, and I said that I would meet her in London.
She was dazzlingly beautiful, a young lady with a wonderful smile, a row of gleaming white teeth. with, dare I say, a figure that many women would die for.
I melted as I gave her the sets of beaters and mallets, and she was so sincerely nice, and most grateful.
Never met her again, but over forty years later, have her telephone number, and L.A. address !