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Medal card lookup for Charles William Rogers

Ron Rogers

master brummie
I am trying to find out if Charles William Rogers (Brn Sep 1893 ) served in WW1. In the 1911 census it shows him (aged 17) as living with his parents (Charles William and Rosina) at 175 Warwick Rd Sparkhill.

Could someone please look up the medal or army pension records to see if he did serve in WW1, and if so when, where ect ect

Many thanks

Ron Rogers
Hi Ron I found Charles William Rogers Reg number 1064 battalion 3rd A S M & R F A next of kin father Charles Rogers of 175 Warwick Road. joined 20/12/1912- 19/10/1913 served 2yrs 122days. discharged having been found medically unfit for war service. When he joined he was a machinist at B.S.A
Hi Dottieau
Many thanks for the information
May i ask if there was any more onfo on his records ie address, medical condition ect

He was recorded in the 1918 and 1919 electoral rolls as from 145 Waverley Rd but as 242220 Pte. /Bed. Regt. which meant he was in the army
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply but I think this may be the wrong Charles William going by the address


In 1920,
175 Warwick Rd was occupied by Joseph & Ida Alice Evans and William Jones
145 Waverley Rd has a Needham Family with Charles William Rogers (& Lola Enid Rogers in 1922)
Hi Dottieau
Many thanks for the information
May i ask if there was any more onfo on his records ie address, medical condition ect


Hi Ron
He is a Machinist and living at 175 Warwick Rd, Sparkhill born in the parish of Yardley aged 19 years and 2 months on enlistment. 5ft 6 1/2 inches tall, chest (girth when fully expanded, 33 1/2"). Vision Good, Physical Development Good. Service history: Birmingham (crossed out and Home inserted) 20.6.12 to 19.10.14.

Hi Suzanne
Again thanks for the info
Two more request please Could you look up what the ASM means ,I am pretty sure RFA is Royal Field Artillery
and is there a medal card for 242220 Pte Charles William Rogers Bedfordshire Regiment/Battalion his address may be 145 Waverley Road NOK Lola Enid Rogers (Wife ??)


Hi Ron
Looking again at the Pension records (only 3 pages) I think that the handwriting which has been understood by Ancestry as 3rd ASM & RFA isn't quite correct. There is a stamp under the signature of the recruiting offer and it says - Captain, R.F.A. Adjutant 3rd South Midland Brigade. R.F.A . The reg. no. is definitely 1064.
He was discharged 19.10.14 under paragraph 156 (11) T.F. Reg?t?s (regiments?) so there wouldn't be mention of his wife as he married 1916 and perhaps no medal record? Or do you know that he did go on to serve in WW1?

Hope this helps a little.
Hi Suzanne,

Charles may have gone onto serve in WW1 as 242220 Pte C.W Rogers Bedfordshire ? Regiment/battalion he may of given his address as 145 Waverley Road as he later married Lola Enid Needham.
His Sister Caroline married an Ivor B Needham ,of 145 Waverley Road, in 1916 so I would guess that they (Charles and Caroline) may have been living with the Needham family
Therefore there may be a second medal card for Charles ..... all very confusing


If he went on the serve in WWII ,like my wife's grandfather who was in the reserve between the wars , his military records are held by the MOD and are available to next of kin for a fee of £30
Afternoon Mike

Thanks for the update

I think he may have died in 1929 (free bmd 3 qrt 1929 ) so i am still concentrating on his activities in WW1 and up until 1929


The is a Charles William Rogers living with a Lola Enid Rogers at 145 Waverley Rd in the electoral registers up to and including 1939

Charles William Rogers 145 Waverley Road

1918 242220 Pte., 11 Bed Regt
1919 242220 Pte., 11 Bed. Regt

Can't find any records yet though.


EDIT: Just realised this was posted previously
Hi Mike,

Thanks for that you are right i must have had a senior moment when i looked up the BMD
I will have to keep looking


Thanks Mike

I must of had a senior moment

I've now sent to GRO for the birth and Marriage certificates to make some more sense of my ancestors and their movements

Thanks for the update


Thanks Mike,

The Charles William who died 1929 (I think) was the father of Charles William born 1893..I've sent for the death certificate so when it arrives i may be able to untangle some of the confusion.


Morning MIke,

Ive now obtained a copy of Charles and lola's marriage certificate , according to the certificate Lola was 37 years old (Latter day Cougar) and living at 37 ST De***** road (Could be St Dennis road) could you please check the electoral rolls 1900 to 1916 and check for any addresses and persons (Needham) living at the address

Many thanks

What does it say her father's name was and could you post a photo/copy of the bit of the certificate that contains the address ,I can't find Lola in the 1911 census
and I can't find a birth for a Lola Needham. Before 1929 women did not appear in the electoral roll unless they had a property qualification.
Hi Mike ,

Did you get the copy of the marriage certificate i sent last week and have you had any luck with the address for lola


Dear Ron Rogers,

Charles William Rogers and Lola Enid Rogers were my grand parents - I may have some extra information for you


Hi Deborah,
Charles and Lola were my Great Uncle and Aunt, any info would be great , I may be able to fill in some gaps for you.

Thomas Cecil Rogers (Brother of Charles) and Emily Clare Dorathy Holl were my grand parents. they had three boys , my Father and two uncles who were sent out to Australia to Fairbridge Farm located in Western Australia.


Hi Ron (or should that be Gooday!!)
Lovely to hear from you, we must presumably be related, but that's too complicated for me to work out. I'm not sure what exactly you want, I can tell you straight away that Louisa Ellen Rogers is Lola Enid. The age on her marriage certificate is wrong, she was about 28 when she married Charles. My Mum, Betty (very much alive and kicking) tells me they were married for years before they were able to have children, twins Pearl & Betty and later Peggy.

May I ask, how come the three boys (father & 2 uncles) were sent to Australia? Didn't the whole family go?
I don't know if you would prefer to conduct these messages by private email, if so I can send you my address.

You have rekindled my interest in following this again - I started a while ago but couldn't find any info on my Grandad Charles and so I gave up. I was trying to get his military history to go with the medals that I have, but there's not much on the medal cards.

Talk to you soon

Hi Deb

Thanks for the prompt reply yes we must be related not sure how at this stage will work on it as time permits.
Yes please send you email address mine is macron@iinet.net.au
I have some of Charles's military service history prior to WW1 when he was discharges as unfit for active service. what medals do you have?

Dad's mum died in 1933 and Thomas (grandad) remarried Alice e Halford (who had 5 kids already) so Dad and Charlie and Ron were put into Middlemore Homes. From there they were sent to Australia in 1934 ,with the promise that Granddad, Alice and kids would join them . this never happened

when i have your email I can give you more details I have our tree going back to 1799 and up to 2010 mostly in Australia

It may be a couple of days before my next email as i have just returned from South Australia and have a bit of work to catch up on

Stay in Touch

