I remember that one, also 'kippers and curtains'.I remember years ago whenever my Dad saw a woman in a red hat he used to say "Ha !!Red hat
no drawers", it was ages before I understood it, Bernard
I remember that one, also 'kippers and curtains'.I remember years ago whenever my Dad saw a woman in a red hat he used to say "Ha !!Red hat
no drawers", it was ages before I understood it, Bernard
The opposite of a smileWhen I laughed, after I had upset him, he would say, "You'll laugh on the other side of your face my lad" never really understood that saying!!
There is no evidence that Napoleon said it, but it is attributed to him.When I was very young if I asked my dad if I could go to bed later he would say 'not tonight Josephine' I hadn't got a clue why he said it but assume now it was a reference to Napoleon and Josephine and their adulterous relationship. Can anybody shed a light on the saying?
Thank you that is a new one on me Eric.You can't have the bun AND the penny.
I have a former colleague who used to say about greedy people: they want their cake and eat it twice!You can't have your cake and eat it
If I had a £ for every time I heard that I would be a rich manI remember when someone was being miserable, or dejected, my old dad used to say, "Her's got a face as long as "Livery Street"!!!
Thankfully totally unacceptable today, but a fact of life in past times:
"You'll get such a good 'iding"
"I'll knock you into next week"
"You won't know what's 'it yer"
"Who do you think you're talking to"
Threats were the norm in my experience. More often that not expressing his own frustration. But also mostly empty threats in an attempt to keep control.
Maybe not in your worldOther threats were:
Box your ears and
Bang your heads together!
Thankfully, they never happened
I've never understood what is meant by boxing someone's ears.Anyone help?Other threats were:
Box your ears and
Bang your heads together!
Thankfully, they never happened
I've never understood what is meant by boxing someone's ears.Anyone help?