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Mary, and her pet.


As the thread "Silly Rhymes" is proving to be quite popular, is there any chance of organising a "Mary had a Little Lamb" original verse competition? Perhaps verse sent in or published on this thread could be read out at the St George's Day get-together - after all, what could possibly be more English than Mary and her little lamb? - and members present at the Stag's Head on 24th April could vote for the most original, amusing or smuttiest(?) version.
To get the ball rolling:

Mary had a lamb at home,
It used to use a po,
And every time that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

Only an idea, db84124
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I hope you have your ticket booked to come over to read it yourself. After all it was your idea
Mary had a little lamb
She also had a Bear
I've often seen her little lamb
But I've never seen her Bear
A farmers' version:

Mary had a little lamb
its tail was freshly dagget
and everywhere Mary went
it didn't drop a maggot!

'dagging' for those who don't know, is the process of cutting away the dirty/soiled wool from the bum of a sheep....failing to do so results in an infestation of maggots!
Mary had a little lamb
she tied it to a pylon
and when they turned the power on
its wool was turned to nylon!
Mary had a little lamb
her father shot it dead
now Mary takes her lamb to school
between two hunks of bread!

Mary had a little lamb
and with this sheep did Mary sleep
the lamb turned out to be a ram
and Mary had ..... a little lamb!!
Mary had a little lamb
The midwife was surprised.
She thought she'd have a little girl
with the brightest of blue eyes.
mary had a little lamb..
she took it to the shops..
the butcher took it round the back
and turned it into chops...
Or what about
Mary had a little lamb
She fed it castor oil
And everytime it turned around
It fertilized the soil.
How about
Mary had a little lamb
She kept it in a bucket.....
Ermmm on second thoughts, perhaps not.
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I get the impression that memory is playing a large part in our 'originality'.
I imagined that all verses entered would be of the member's creation. (In the opening posting, I didn't intend "original" to mean "different"; but 'newly created by the member him- or herself' - mine was)
Unfortunately, mike and Frothy, I won't be with you due to geographical difficulties, although - it goes without saying - I'd love to be. If I were able to come, I would willingly buy the 'winner' a pint, or the equivalent - it would be well worth it for the laughter I've already had from today's entries! David
Mary had a little lamb whose feet were covered in soot and everywhere that Mary went her sooty foot she put. Jean. Postie me thinks you chickened out there?.