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Marsh Hill Boys Grammar Tech School

I was there in from 1961 to 1966. I was definitely a 'problem' child. Wound up being expelled in 1966, didn't take 'o' levels although I was supposed to come back to do it. Went to University as a mature student and got a BSc (Hons) 1st in Behavioural Sciences (ironic isn't it?). I'm retired now
Anyone have any pictures from that time? I remember I was in 'S' classes and teachers I remember were Mr Platt (scary), Mr Hellings, a Chemistry teacher we called 'Crippin' and an Art teacher who's name escapes me who played Bob Dylan albums in the class. There was also a teacher called Bevan. Had a friend called Eddie Zoltanski and I used went to see Birmingham City play Wolves away with 'Mo' (Mohammed).
Hi Harry, are you the same person that I went with to the Palace cinema in Erdington and we let the roman candle off half way through the film, got caught and they called the police, Ian Massey, cheers MASS
Went there from 66 thru 72. Was in the R stream. Steve Carter (The Class Redhead). Have been in touch with a few others, Malcolm Coghill, Pete Sammon from the M stream, John Bentley, Gary Dolphin,
I was in the R stream at the same time... remember those names, Gary Dolphin was a friend, as was John Bentley, Tom Holt, Eddy Lewis, James Burns, and Kalvin Newman
other names I can remember are... Chris Brough, Stephen Carter, someone called ? Bird, ? Carrol, ? Chapman, ? Cousins,
and ? Hinds. I stayed on to 6th form and along with Ross Andrews and a couple of others organised the "gigs" that we put on... "Wild Turkey", "Brewers Droop", and "Riff Raff". Steve Bishop.
Back to Bernie Platt; I was browsing "facebook"and came across a post on Marsh Hill Çomprehensive School ,on the 1st June 2020 posted by John Perrins of a reading from Bernie`s funeral.Very touching and informative !
Bernie was my formmaster in 3, 4 & 5th years, as well as teaching me Geography.
He christened me Mavis because of my long hair.
I visited school, for the last time, after finishing University, in 1976 and saw him.
We have been sending Christmas Cards for about 30 year - though hadn't received one for last couple of years. Had assumed he had died, as called to see him on way to a Villa match about 3 years ago and he wasn't well then suffering from Hodgkinsons
I was at Marsh Hill school from 1966 to 1973, in class R and then sixth form - when we arranged 3 rock concerts!
Anyone who was there at time I was, would love to hear from you.
Peter Davis
Bernie was my formmaster in 3, 4 & 5th years, as well as teaching me Geography.
He christened me Mavis because of my long hair.
I visited school, for the last time, after finishing University, in 1976 and saw him.
We have been sending Christmas Cards for about 30 year - though hadn't received one for last couple of years. Had assumed he had died, as called to see him on way to a Villa match about 3 years ago and he wasn't well then suffering from Hodgkinsons
I was at Marsh Hill school from 1966 to 1973, in class R and then sixth form - when we arranged 3 rock concerts!
Anyone who was there at time I was, would love to hear from you.
Peter Davis
Hi peter, although I was a pupil there before you (1961-66) I have nothing but good memories of Bernie Platt, even though I had the "swish" almost every geography lesson, he was just a very likeable person. Not like some of the others I could mention. I got the lowest grade possible in my geography GCE but wouldn't have missed my lessons with him, great bloke, cheers MASS
Bernie was my formmaster in 3, 4 & 5th years, as well as teaching me Geography.
He christened me Mavis because of my long hair.
I visited school, for the last time, after finishing University, in 1976 and saw him.
We have been sending Christmas Cards for about 30 year - though hadn't received one for last couple of years. Had assumed he had died, as called to see him on way to a Villa match about 3 years ago and he wasn't well then suffering from Hodgkinsons
I was at Marsh Hill school from 1966 to 1973, in class R and then sixth form - when we arranged 3 rock concerts!
Anyone who was there at time I was, would love to hear from you.
Peter Davis
Hi Peter, yes I remember you and the rock concerts. One group was 'Brewers Droop' and I read somewhere that Mark Knopfler played with them for a time. Wonder if he was with them when they played Harsh Mill? I was part of the 'gang' that produced 'Pinkprint' and 'Compost', parodies of the official 'Blueprint' and 'Compass' school magazines. I had thought to upload them here but some of the 'jokes' were a bit cutting (How do you loose 7lbs of ugly fat? Cut off <named pupil, who you will know> head! PM me if you would like a copy,
Hi Peter, yes I remember you and the rock concerts. One group was 'Brewers Droop' and I read somewhere that Mark Knopfler played with them for a time. Wonder if he was with them when they played Harsh Mill? I was part of the 'gang' that produced 'Pinkprint' and 'Compost', parodies of the official 'Blueprint' and 'Compass' school magazines. I had thought to upload them here but some of the 'jokes' were a bit cutting (How do you loose 7lbs of ugly fat? Cut off <named pupil, who you will know> head! PM me if you would like a copy,
Hi I’m searching for anyone who was in the class of 1972 from Marsh hill boys technical grammar school for my dad William Nicholls (Bill)
He has been searching on Facebook but hasn’t had any come back as yet.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Jeniferwren,
What years was your dad at Marsh Hill? I was in:
Class 1R 1966/7 - form-master Mr Tasker (French)
Class 2R 1967/8 - form-master Mr Marenghi (English)
Class 3R 1968/9 - Form-master Bernie Platt
Class 4R 1969/70 - Form-master Bernie Platt
Class 5R 1970/1 - Form-master Bernie Platt
Lower Sixth 1971/2 - Tutor Mr Griffiths
Upper Sixth 1972/3 - Tutor Mr Griffiths
Have photo of First and Second years.
Cannot place Bill Nicholls!
All the best Peter Davis
Hi Peter, yes I remember you and the rock concerts. One group was 'Brewers Droop' and I read somewhere that Mark Knopfler played with them for a time. Wonder if he was with them when they played Harsh Mill? I was part of the 'gang' that produced 'Pinkprint' and 'Compost', parodies of the official 'Blueprint' and 'Compass' school magazines. I had thought to upload them here but some of the 'jokes' were a bit cutting (How do you loose 7lbs of ugly fat? Cut off <named pupil, who you will know> head! PM me if you would like a copy,
Hi Biscayne,
Not sure who you are, is it a mystery! I actually have one of the editions of Compost, somewhere. Please e-mail me copies - peter_davis19@hotmail.com
Were you involved in putting "Bog" seat around neck of statue next to staff entrance?
The concerts were Brewers Droop and no Mark Knofler wasn't with them then; Wild Turkey and Rif Raf.
I did arrange a re-union about 30 years ago, met at The Digby Pub but turnout not at good as I hoped!
Have you contact with any one else?
Also see from posts that you went to Yenton School - who were you friends there? I was in 2nd forms and have recently made contact with Marilyn Creed.
Now living just south of Leeds in West Yorkshire.
All the best Pete
I was in the R stream at the same time... remember those names, Gary Dolphin was a friend, as was John Bentley, Tom Holt, Eddy Lewis, James Burns, and Kalvin Newman
other names I can remember are... Chris Brough, Stephen Carter, someone called ? Bird, ? Carrol, ? Chapman, ? Cousins,
and ? Hinds. I stayed on to 6th form and along with Ross Andrews and a couple of others organised the "gigs" that we put on... "Wild Turkey", "Brewers Droop", and "Riff Raff". Steve Bishop.
Hi Steve, I don't remember you but some of the names do ring a bell. Exactly which year were you in?
I was in:
Class 1R 1966/7 - form-master Mr Tasker (French)
Class 2R 1967/8 - form-master Mr Marenghi (English)
Class 3R 1968/9 - Form-master Bernie Platt (Geography)
Class 4R 1969/70 - Form-master Bernie Platt
Class 5R 1970/1 - Form-master Bernie Platt
Lower Sixth 1971/2 - Tutor Mr Griffiths (Physics)
Upper Sixth 1972/3 - Tutor Mr Griffiths
Have photo of First and Second years.
Was friends with someone Carrol in sixth form, think he was a fast streamer - so a year younger.
Was it John Hinds? again friends in 5th and 6th forms.
I was one of the main organisers of the Rock Concerts and was Treasurer - made booking through Big Bear Music (Jim Simpson - who came and did a General Studies talk for us on Blues Music). Ross Andrews was one of the team.
Do you still have contact with anyone? Have some contact with Alan Sparks (he was also a fast streamer), who now lives in Holland.
All the best Pete
Hi Biscayne,
Not sure who you are, is it a mystery! I actually have one of the editions of Compost, somewhere. Please e-mail me copies - peter_davis19@hotmail.com
Were you involved in putting "Bog" seat around neck of statue next to staff entrance?
The concerts were Brewers Droop and no Mark Knofler wasn't with them then; Wild Turkey and Rif Raf.
I did arrange a re-union about 30 years ago, met at The Digby Pub but turnout not at good as I hoped!
Have you contact with any one else?
Also see from posts that you went to Yenton School - who were you friends there? I was in 2nd forms and have recently made contact with Marilyn Creed.
Now living just south of Leeds in West Yorkshire.
All the best Pete
Hi Pete,
you're getting warm - I was involved in putting the "Bog" seat around the neck of the statue. The Physics teacher taught us well. We lowered a pendulum out of one of the library windows and swung it progressively until someone at the window of the other side of the statue caught it. we then drew a thicker rope between the windows and threaded the seat onto it. The seat, if I recall correctly, was from the toilets just across from the library at the top of the stairs. It had been broken away from the pan for some time due to a previous prank involving Nitrogen Triiodide but that's another story. As we 'shimmied' the seat along the rope, the rope broke. We were waiting for the crash but none came. When we looked out of the window the seat was perfectly positioned around the neck of the statue. It's a pity that no-one had a camera to record the moment. I still have contact with two of the other 'perpetrators'.
I went to Birmingham Poly after Harsh Mill but then moved south for my first real job. Sorry that your reunion didn't get a good turnout, I guess a lot of us moved away for work so didn't get to know of it.
Will PM you regarding Yenton friends
All the best. Biscayne
My dad went to marsh hill, he was born in 1947. My mum went to the girls school at the other end, I went to the college that was the boys school and watched it being demolished about 7years ago. I found these in my.late father's stuff, his name was David Tolley Photos
I attended from 1968-1974 too. I don't remember you Paul, not without a photo. I didn't have many friends, wasn't a very likeable character. I have very fond memories of being at the school, especially sports including playing football (Richard Smith was our keeper), and athletics. I was an all-rounder and competed for Warwickshire at High Jump & Triple jump. I was fast but the Hassel twins were fast too, so I ran position 1 in the 4 x 100m relay. The only teachers name I remember is a Mr Miller who we nicknamed 'Windy Miller'. The boy's and Girl's schools joined together when I went into the 6th form, at the same time as my parents split-up, so my education petered off. My best friend was Robert Smith. I remember a school play, where a boy called Oneil, kept walking onto the stage with a glass of water, and at the end of the play when asked what he was doing he told us that the school was on fire. I have so many good memories I can't mention them all. I visited the area recently to take a look at the school but couldn't get to see it, the area seems to have been re-developed. And I can't seem to find many posts from ex pupils either.
I was at the school from 1969-74 - remember Dave Harris (lived near me in Baldmoor Lake Rd if it's the same person). Also remember all the teachers often mentioned on here - messrs Platt,Burrows,Oliver,Griffiths,Ball,Tillott and Muir and many more. Pupil wise - Richard Smith , Robert Smith , Neil Traynor , Pete Rentell and lots more mentioned on here. Lots of memories good and bad but a great education and start to life...................
Allow me to expand a little on some of the latest comment.
Bernie Platt was was my first form master, class 1R in 1959 in room15 at the top of the school. Even then he was starting to show some of his formidable temper. He was very kind at times too. His early "swish" was a broken blackboard set square. I was his first form captain too. Among my class mates were Bob Whitters, and Jim Devany who had his face slapped by Bernie for trying to be clever. Very sorry indeed to hear of his passing.
He and "Basher" Preece took a crowd of us on a hiking holiday in Snodonia in Spring 1960.
Next door along the corridor was old Mr. Probert who taught history. His lectures were totally without notes or the use of the blackboard.

In Biscayne's photograph, if I remember correctly. The building in the foreground was the science block on the ground floor with the great Mr. Fifer (physics), Mr. Riggall of the crepe soled shoes (chemistry) and also on this floor was - window bottom left - was the small classroom for the fast stream class 4F. As you may imagine, from this vantge point, we spent most of our time watching the girls.

Does anyone remember Mr. Lionel Barrell (biology). We became life long friends through rugby . He eventually moved to the west coast of France (La Rochelle rugby) and sadly died from a heart realted illness last year. I sorely miss him.

More soon. CS
I remember a rugby practice session in the gym . I was a big kid over 6 foot . Mr Barrell tackeled me and , and I am not sure how , I left him on the floor . Total respect to him , when I seriously apologised he told me he should have seen it coming . Decent guy who I respected .
He is the end lad on the front row - teachers right

Found these of my late father's, born 1947, I went to college on this site and then worked at what was the old comp, I watched as they knocked down this building to make way for a new school building.
I even met my husband there in 1995.


Above :My dad David Tolley is two to the left of the teacher.
Zambodini, Neil Mohammed was injured in that fight in July 1965. He went on to become head boy and was one of my best friends.

A Sparks, A few boys crossed to the Girls' School for cookery and the girls crossed to the Boys' School for technical drawing.
As well as the plays there were also Gilbert and Sullivan operas
I went to the Girls' School for A level Biology as well as for their 'student survival cookery' course. I also went a few times to learn to type for the school magazine
Mr Millard’s (art teacher) claim to fame. MHBS must have been his first teaching post. He won first and third prizes in this competition, wonder what else he created ? Viv.


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Mr Millard’s (art teacher) claim to fame. MHBS must have been his first teaching post. He won first and third prizes in this competition, wonder what else he created ? Viv.
I wonder if anyone remembers the art teacher who used to sing cowboy songs in the middle of art lessons. He may only have been there a short time. One which has stayed with me is,
'Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
It's your misfortune ain't none of my own
Whoopee ti yi yo, get along little dogies
You know that Wyoming will be your new home.'

Strange what you remember.
Two teachers names missing Mr Basu physics
Mr Beale sport
Who was the teacher taught french spoke 5 languages rode a motor bike short guy beard
Anyone know who Bloye’s statue was modelled on ? I expect he was age 11or12 in 1960. First year/first intake pupil ? Viv.

This seems to be a project undertaken by Marsh Hill staff and students and published by Birmingham Education Dept (and possibly sponsored by the Birmingham Building Society). It’s titled The Birmingham Atlas and seems to be a booklet describing the geography, industry and infrastructure of Birmingham. Bernie Platt seems to have been the lead person on the project. Does anyone remember it ? Did anyone help with the project ? Does anyone remember using it in class ?

It looks to me like it might have been produced as a teaching resource, but not sure. Viv.5EB1F833-27EF-4A6B-A7B4-2626244E3E6A.jpeg877C8D18-8F65-402C-9176-2695816DB5D7.jpegB627620E-700F-4371-9E67-041558079DE2.jpeg


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Went there from 66 thru 72. Was in the R stream. Steve Carter (The Class Redhead). Have been in touch with a few others, Malcolm Coghill, Pete Sammon from the M stream, John Bentley, Gary Dolphin,
I remember you, I was in the same stream (Steve Bishop) and also remember those names, a few others too.... but not heard off or seen them since the 5th form !!!!!
I was there from 1967 to 1974. Lots of detentions ! How are you Steve ? I remeber Yampy Yates and the time we connected bunsen burners to the taps in the physics lab.
I am fine thanks... now a dad of three children and grandad of 2 boys with a granddaughter on the way. I retired 6 years ago and am enjoying life. Hopefully you are well too.
Bernie was my formmaster in 3, 4 & 5th years, as well as teaching me Geography.
He christened me Mavis because of my long hair.
I visited school, for the last time, after finishing University, in 1976 and saw him.
We have been sending Christmas Cards for about 30 year - though hadn't received one for last couple of years. Had assumed he had died, as called to see him on way to a Villa match about 3 years ago and he wasn't well then suffering from Hodgkinsons
I was at Marsh Hill school from 1966 to 1973, in class R and then sixth form - when we arranged 3 rock concerts!
Anyone who was there at time I was, would love to hear from you.
Peter Davis
I was in the R stream at the same time... remember those names, Gary Dolphin was a friend, as was John Bentley, Tom Holt, Eddy Lewis, James Burns, and Kalvin Newman
other names I can remember are... Chris Brough, Stephen Carter, someone called ? Bird, ? Carrol, ? Chapman, ? Cousins,
and ? Hinds. I stayed on to 6th form and along with Ross Andrews and a couple of others organised the "gigs" that we put on... "Wild Turkey", "Brewers Droop", and "Riff Raff". Steve Bishop.
Hi Steve, I don't remember you but some of the names do ring a bell. Exactly which year were you in?
I was in:
Class 1R 1966/7 - form-master Mr Tasker (French)
Class 2R 1967/8 - form-master Mr Marenghi (English)
Class 3R 1968/9 - Form-master Bernie Platt (Geography)
Class 4R 1969/70 - Form-master Bernie Platt
Class 5R 1970/1 - Form-master Bernie Platt
Lower Sixth 1971/2 - Tutor Mr Griffiths (Physics)
Upper Sixth 1972/3 - Tutor Mr Griffiths
Have photo of First and Second years.
Was friends with someone Carrol in sixth form, think he was a fast streamer - so a year younger.
Was it John Hinds? again friends in 5th and 6th forms.
I was one of the main organisers of the Rock Concerts and was Treasurer - made booking through Big Bear Music (Jim Simpson - who came and did a General Studies talk for us on Blues Music). Ross Andrews was one of the team.
Do you still have contact with anyone? Have some contact with Alan Sparks (he was also a fast streamer), who now lives in Holland.
All the best Pete
I was in the lower 6th when we organised the rock concerts... Ross was in the year above, so I assume you were too. I designed and painted the posters for the first (Wild Turkey) concert and was party to the talks organising the concert. After the concert I went into their "Dressing Room" and spoke to the group (I was a huge Tull fan) and spoke to Glen Cornick and he gave me the drummers drum sticks (probably as a bribe to get me to leave) !!
I was in the lower 6th when we organised the rock concerts... Ross was in the year above, so I assume you were too. I designed and painted the posters for the first (Wild Turkey) concert and was party to the talks organising the concert. After the concert I went into their "Dressing Room" and spoke to the group (I was a huge Tull fan) and spoke to Glen Cornick and he gave me the drummers drum sticks (probably as a bribe to get me to leave) !!
I do remember that to book a group we looked through lists of performers that we were sent from the agency, to see which ones we could afford (on our very limited budget) and deciding which we thought was the rockiest available.