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Lovers Lane Aston

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jean
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Lovers Walk, Aston

Hi Brum: I do remember Lovers Walk when I was growing up, but don't have any real memory of what kind of housing was there. I lived at the other end of Vicarage Road so didn't go down there too often. I do remember that it was cobbled and I don't think it was open to traffic. It could have been any of the type of housing you mentioned and, as far as being poor goes, I don't think it was any different to anywhere else in Aston after the war. Hope this helps a bit.
Re: Lovers Walk, Aston

I can remember walking up through Lovers Lane and my memory tells me they were back to back houses
Until recent years I always thought that Lovers Lane and Lovers Walk were the same place, I walked many time pass and along Lovers Walk on my way to and from school in the 1960s...!
Lovers Lane

I agree with Peter that it was Lovers Walk next to Aston Station, and to confirm just looked in my old Wakelin's Street Guide, it ran from 282 Lichfield Road.

I remember Love Lane too as it was incorporated into the Delta Metals site in Dartmouth Street, the guide says 22 Aston Road to Dartmouth Street.
Lovers Walk, Aston.

Hi everyone,
You can take it from me 110% that Lovers Walk was alongside the railway. It ran from Aston Hall Road to Lichfield Road. The Houses were
back to back. I had a school friend who lived there. I frequented the area
a lot in late 40s early 50s.
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George1468, Yes I entirely agree with you ... That is why I posted both the map sections (4 posts ago) to show where they both were in relation to each other.

Pom :angel:
Glad to know Lovers Walk is still there, as so may streets have "gone"over the last 40 years....my father Wilfred Barr was born there in 1905 and it seems the Barrs have always had a family member living there forever....Brenda
Hi folks, we seem to have two different Streets here, both in Aston. One Lovers Walk by the Station and Love Lane by the Collage.
(To help stop confusion the threads have been joined and maps added above).
Pom :angel:

I only remember Lovers Walk 6

Love Lane is Aston 7

For the rest of the romantics here's a round up of the rest
Love Lane Wolv
Love Lane Walsall
Love Lane Wyt
Lovers Walk Wed
Lovers Croft Chelmsley Wood

George1468...thanks for giving me the sad news, Lovers Walk is no longer with us, along with a lot more streets, when ever l go" home" l always expect Aston to be as l left it, still l have my memories which can never be erased,all l have to do is close my eyes and Aston has never changed,l know change was for the best with improvements etc,but l can honestly say being born and bred in the old Aston made me the person l am to-day being appreciative of every thing and not take anything for granted....oh! by the way is Aston Station still there!!!! Brenda
Lovers Walk, Aston

Hi again,
Aston Station is still open and running. It is on a route from Lichfield, Sutton Coldfield, New Street on to University and out to Redditch. A
good cross city line when running properly. Bye
This is the very ROMANTIC view you would have had from LOVERS WALK in the 1950s.
Not what you would call the most romantic place to walk you best girl on a night out?
I ran that walk? every day for 5 years on my way home from the GEC in Electric Ave (E.D.O. APRENTISHIP at that time) to catch the bus home to aston cross NOON & NIGHT.
Yes Aston I fell in Love with the Steam Train the first time I saw it:)
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two pics here of lovers walk aston..both very similar shots...the first one is taken in 69 prior to demolision and the second one quite a bit earlier i would think...

thanks wend...they were out of 2 different mags so it was only by luck that the shots are so similar...

In an earlier post George, said Lover's Walk had a school Deykin Avenue built there, this is incorrect Deykin Avenue School has been in existence for about 100 years, and Deykin Avenue runs from 1 Brookvale Road, Witton, to near Electric Avenue.
A little bit of irrelevant imfo. if you go down Holte St( Gosta green as was) the st sign for Love Lane is still there not much of the Lane left though.Dek
take it from me lovers walk is still there so is aston station i used to walk to school down there in the 50s i knew a girl down there i used to walk home with ithink her name was josephine porter also a boy named barry stonebridge my name is dennis hillier
Hi Dennis did you have a brother by the name of Ken and a sister that we called sissie?. I am sure lovers walk is still there or part of it is?. Jean.