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Lordswood Boys' Technical School

I remember Roger Franks, C stream lived near John Dean D stream, near Cape Hill i think.
Colin Lee passed away some time ago, he was a heavy smoker I believe. He was a choirmaster of a well known choir in the city and there was something about it on the net years ago
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I remember Roger Franks, C stream lived near John Dean D stream, near Cape Hill i think.
Colin Lee passed away some time ago, he was a heavy smoker I believe. He was a choirmaster of a well known choir in the city and there was something about it on the net years ago. Lee could be very verbally aggressive!
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... Lee could be very verbally aggressive!
He could? Oh, okay, I wasn't aware of that.

All the same I do remember a number of other members of staff whose raised voices were unmissable at times from just walking the nearby corridors. Messrs George (metalwork) McCarthy (Biology) and Long (German) just came to mind with their distinctive voices back in my ears again, but Lee's wasn't one I ever registered.

Closest that comes to mind for him (another of those out-of-nowhere, 60+ year-old, first-time recollections!) was one time he abandoned a RE lesson and devoted the whole period to what I gather had been a strong complaint that one boy had "borrowed" another's pumps from out of their bag in the cloakroom in order to wear them for an activity/lesson/whatever. I think that the pumps' owner had discovered them missing, had searched, asked around a bit and someone had said that they had seeen the other boy taking them or with them.

But it was denied when he was confronted, despite an apparent witness, and it all got somewhat overheated which led to Mr Lee choosing to step in very strongly as it had by then developed in to a reportable matter with potentially serious consequenses for the "borrower" if continuing to stonewall. Seems like Mr. Lee was wanting to get the truth volunteered from both sides and avoid some formal sanction or worse for the guilty party, and at the same time deliver a sharp message about moral behaviour, respecting others' property, etc.

I don't know whether it was successfully contained to just that or if there were other twists and turns as a result, however Mr. Lee was apparently pretty shouty at points. To me however he had always appeared pretty unremarkable and a decent enough chap for a teacher.
I witnessed one incident first hand that I wouldn’t be allowed to post on here and he was completly out of order. However I always believed him to be a decent person who meant well and he had little time for slackers.

I wrote to him when myself and another ex pupil went back on a visit and he wrote a very nice letter back suggesting we meet at The House at Home for a drink afterwards. Sadly I never took him up on the offer as my pal did not want to go, I deeply regret that.
Hi All
I have also just come across this thread and I attended LBTGS during 1974 -1979 and was in Farrady (green band). Like many other comments it's brought back many memories especially the letter from the Headmaster to parents setting out the school requirements and subjects. I to remember Helen Minovi (lovely), Miss Vigart (German), Mr Reinstein and Mr Kirby (pink Jag), (Maths), George Foley (the Pump) PE, Mr George (Metalwork), Mr Hart and Griffiths (Woodwork), Mr Harrington (TD), Mr Beale (the Pump) Biology, Mr John Cople (Physics) Mr Derek Froggy Hepton always in a green suit (Chemistry), Miss Margaret Crossland (English), Mr Lee (Music), Janet Croft (Science Prep), Miss Susan Whitehead (geography), Mr Jones (swimming). I remember the Harborne Swimming baths and the swimming galas. I also remember the same dentist close by without anaesthetic. The pub we skived to was the Kings Head on the corner of Lordswood Road and Hagley Road. I caught No 11 bus from Handsworth Wood/Harborne and my mate the No 9 to Quinton. There was also a teacher who had long curly hair and always walked if they were falling farwards, English I think. I also remember a good looking lady teacher who taught art/pottery. She was always hanging out with the older art teacher and I thought there was a relationship going on between them.
Looking back I wish I'd tried harder at school.
The surnames I recall are Bell, Bicknell, Clark, Davidson, Evans, Fernandez, Griffiths, Jones, Knott, Lawson, Leeson, McNamara, Neil, Tierney, Vincent, Wilkes, Woodhall. We had to queue alphabetically for the school dinner and if you had a surname beginning with 'W' and your house was last in turn there was virtually nothing left. Another memory was during woodwork I'd planed of to much material and Mr Hart sent me to Mr George to get the 'putting back on plane' much amusement to everyone. Does anybody recall the RE teacher who taught very little RE but mostly gave sex education lessons. I also remember John Cople catching me out with a gentlemans magazine in my bag after a search. It was parents evening that day and was worried sick someone would tell my parents. Another story, someone put a leaping frog on Derek Heptons desk whilst he was writing on the blackboard. He turned round and the frog leapt into the air right in front of him. He immediately turned his attention to the one who was laughing the most.
fond memories
andrew woodhall
1974 to 1979. The english teacher with long curly hair was probably Doc Evans - may have looked like David Dixon out of the Hitchickers Guide TV series. The RE teacher's name was Pooley who memorably gave the sex education. During this period there were also Kirby (maths, business studies and accounts) and Mr Curzon (maths).
Mr Mitten was the maths teacher with the white mop of hair. He would glare at anyone late or leaving early walking past his classroom window.
Mr Husson was history who taught us wearing a safari suit.
I guess many of the younger teachers quickly moved on. Many older teachers spent decades at Lordswood waiting until retirement.
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Frank Kirby (my dad) 80 years old and still going strong. No longer has the famous pink jag, but a red one instead. He sends his regards to all.
Ask your dad (Frank Kirby) if he remembers playing tennis with Stuart King (left 1977). He became a pro player and sadly passed away in 2019.
Here are some photos - must be recent - although the building did not change much


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Here are some photos - must be recent - although the building did not change much

Total time-warp photos, and thanks for adding them.

It would be great to have other decent interior shots of the Old LTS too if any are around, but I have noticed v few.

If these were all taken around the same time, as they look to be, then I can only add that they are from after 1965 because when I was there the Gym end-wall was grey blockwork and no sign of such a mural as that, plus a single hoop each end, plus also the changing room is much differently laid out in the same space.

But there's a time-flattening anonymity about them all, though with things like large door-art in the Corridor shot as well it all appears slanted toward a more engage-the-kids-at-their-level character suggesting deliberate steps to show that the school is cool! Oh, and for me the floorplan shows different room-uses to '65's classrooms in a number of places, but maybe for someone that's exactly as they remember it however?

Anyone around from when that mural was created, and can date its arrival? Or from other clues?

Without knowing the different faces it wore across its 43 year history it could indeed have been photographed here at any time ... so, "recent"?

The ugly new place opened in 2020 so the Bygone-Age old one (which I completely acknowledge is what it was by that point, sadly) came down in phases by then, so let's say it could still have had things pinned to the noticeboards in corridors up to ... what? 2018-19? Ish?

So, photos from not before '65 to not-after c2018 .... anyone around from when that mural was created, and can date its arrival? Or from other clues? Start to narrow things down a bit?

Frank Kirby (my dad) 80 years old and still going strong. No longer has the famous pink jag, but a red one instead. He sends his regards to all.
Taught with your dad 76-80. Great guy give him my regards. I also married the German teacher Marion Vigart stole her from Steve Austin. Still happily married.
Ian Shipton 76-80 LBSchool
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Taught with your dad 76-80. Great guy give him my regards. I also married the German teacher Marion Vigart stole her from Steve Austin. Still happily married.
Ian Shipton 76-80 LBSchool
Hi Ian, I remember Miss Vigart teaching German, but what subject did Steve Austin and yourself teach? Is Helen Minovi, Jean Hall, Margaret Crossland still with us.
Hi Ian, I remember Miss Vigart teaching German, but what subject did Steve Austin and yourself teach? Is Helen Minovi, Jean Hall, Margaret Crossland still with us.
Steve taught History Helen was French Jean was Geography Margaret ? Do not remember. I was great friends with terry midworth ( maths) George foley ( pe) and John Beale (biology)
Hope this helps
Mr Harkness' son James (Jim) went to George Dixon Grammar school, City Road. He was in my year there.
From memory and those I think I recognise - From right to left:

Mr GL Jones - PE
Mr Harrington - TD
Mr Hepton - Chemistry
Mr Long - German
Mr Williams - Physics
Mr Rhodes - ?
Mr Betts - Metalwork
Mr Hart - woodwork
Mr Ennifer - English and Library.
I wish there was an easy way to annotate the photo. I recongnise the names mentioned by Tommycol above but can't picture them. This may be the hot summer of 1976. Can anyone fill in the blanks?

Back Row left to right everyone standing
1 ginger hair, 2 - Physics dixie bow, 3 man, 4 Margaret Crossland – English, 5 man, 6 man, 7 man, 8 man, 9 - woodwork, 10 hidden, 11 man hidden, 12 Frank Kirby – b/w tie Maths, Accounts and Business Studies, 13 Stephen Foley - PE, 14 man, 15 man, 16 Mr Rhodes, 17 woman, 18 woman, 19 man, 20 man, 21 Mr Heyton (Froggy) - chemistry, 22 Mr Harrington (Kojak) - TD, 23 man, 24 man, 25 man, 26 man, 27 grey jacket – metal work.

Front Row left to right everyone sitting
1 woman, 2, 3 Terry Minworth – Maths, 4 Mr George – Metalwork, 5 man, 6 Dr Evans – English, 7 Ralph Hussan – History, 8 Geoff Sharrett ? – Geography / Geology, 9 man, 10, 11 Mr Copple (Biffo) – Physics, 12 woman, 13 beard - Music, 14 woman, 15 man, 16 woman, 17 man, 18 man, 19 woman, 20 woman

Where are these teachers? Mr Beale, Mr Castell – English, Mr Colson - Chemistry, Paul Curzon - Maths (joined later?), Mr Dodgson - German, Trevor Griffiths - Woodwork, Jean Hall (joined later), Miss Havercroft - Biology, Gilbert Jones – Deputy Head, Herr Long - German, Helen Minovi - French, Mr Monte (eh!), Mr Poole – RE, Mr Shippley - Biology (joined later), Mrs Symonds - German, Colin Summerville – Geography / Geology, Mr Seymour, Jock Thompson – Maths, David Thornton – Maths, Warring – German, John (Huggy) White – Rugby teacher, Mr Rheinstein - Maths, Mr Read - deputy head, where's the head teacher.
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1974 to 1979. The english teacher with long curly hair was probably Doc Evans - may have looked like David Dixon out of the Hitchickers Guide TV series. The RE teacher's name was Pooley who memorably gave the sex education. During this period there were also Kirby (maths, business studies and accounts) and Mr Curzon (maths).
Mr Mitten was the maths teacher with the white mop of hair. He would glare at anyone late or leaving early walking past his classroom window.
Mr Husson was history who taught us wearing a safari suit.
I guess many of the younger teachers quickly moved on. Many older teachers spent decades at Lordswood waiting until retirement.
Mr Husson and Mr Reason taught me history in 6th form in 1976-7 when the boys' and girls' school mixed, Mr Beale for biology. I only did one year in 6th as I got a Civil Service job I'd applied for a year earlier.
From memory and those I think I recognise - From right to left:

Mr GL Jones - PE
Mr Harrington - TD
Mr Hepton - Chemistry
Mr Long - German
Mr Williams - Physics
Mr Rhodes - ?
Mr Betts - Metalwork
Mr Hart - woodwork
Mr Ennifer - English and Library.
I started when the school was new in 1957. I left in 1961, not long after this photo was taken of 5G. I am still in touch with Derek Harper, Paul Kimberley, Nick Lilley.


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I live in New Jersey now with my wife, Ann Yates, who I met during the Iolanthe show in 1966. We are about to celebrate our 50th anniversary.
Hi All. New blood here having come across the forum more by accident than design. I am Colin Hobson and was there from 61-68. Looking at the photo of form 5a on a previous post, I am 2nd from the left along the back row in the days when I had hair! Faces are familiar but names escape me with a few exceptions. On my left is Keith Piper but the names of everyone else along the row eludes me. Middle row finds Steve Williams on the left, and Jas Singh in the middle and Mr. Fletcher at the far end. I never did know his christian name. Front row is a little easier with Alan Preece, (Hi Al! ) Neil Burr, Derek Vale, Keith Jones, Tom (Tommy) Yates (Hi Tom!), Pete(?) Coggins, Bob Jones, 'PTH' Jones, and that's it. Good to here from some of you and read lots of memory joggers. There were a number of us who went on a trip to Switzerland in 64 ably looked after by Mr Fletcher and his wife. I thought a couple of photos might be amusing. Thats all for now


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I was at Lordswood 1985-1992, from memory the mural was created somewhere around my second or third year, so 1987-88 ish. There was a BBC documentary about the school in the early 2000's, and i seem to recall the mural was still present then.
Here are some photos - must be recent - although the building did not change much
I was at Lordswood 1985-1992, from memory the mural was created somewhere around my second or third year, so 1987-88 ish. There was a BBC documentary about the school in the early 2000's, and i seem to recall the mural was still present then.
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I was at Lordswood 1985-1992, from memory the mural was created somewhere around my second or third year, so 1987-88 ish. There was a BBC documentary about the school in the early 2000's, and i seem to recall the mural was still present then.
Thanks for dating the Gym mural .. so, still well after my time.

Interesting to note that there was an early 2000s BBC progrmme about the school ... must take a shot at uncovering it!