I noticed that Shoothill ,in 2018on their Facebook account, was promoting the Birmingham library Shoothill site, so made a comment, which Shoothill has replied to. Not that it says anything
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Viv, I suppose re-scanning them to create digital files would be a big task. It is a pity they did not do something like the library below. Neat, simple, available, and easy to use ... 80,000 images.They look like archived photos Phil. Many have the handwritten details on them. I’d always believed the original photos were held by Birmingham Library. Viv.
no excuse at all maurice...the people of birmingham were promised so much from the new library but instead all we got was what i can only say was what meant to be a show stopper for incoming visitors in other words we were sold down the river...Correct, Lyn, I well remember the photo card index - so people now have no access to photographs? That's an absolute disgrace considering the vast amount of money that was borrowed and spent. Oxford Libraries had a digitised library of 30,000 photographs online before I moved to Crete in 2005, and I recently came across a small Welsh town, more of an overgrown village, whose library had put hundreds of photographs online. There's simply no excuse.
and to make matters worse jan when the library opened they were asking for donations of books...no money left in the coffers i also need to re new my CARN card and as you said that can only be done face to face with the correct ID show.. the massive cut in staff and opening hours not long after it opened proves it is not rocket science for anyone to now realise that this new library was never going to benefit the people of birmingham in the way a library shouldI understand the need for appointments with Covid social distancing.
I am waiting to go but would not only need to make an appointment and preorder what I want but by now my CARN ticket has also expired so that will need renewing. You can't renew online.
Don't get me started on those sliding book shelves - last time I spent more time waiting to move shelves to pop stuff back than I did using material.
As Pen says - if you don't know it is there, how can you know you want to see it?
When that library opened they were asking for volunteers to help - when I enquired I was told the unions weren't happy as it might take people's jobs - no volunteers but jobs have gone anyway.
Moan over.
I looked at the website given in the link and in my opinion it confirms that Shoothill's deep zoom display and search methods were far superior.Some of the Birmingham Library Pictures collection (Old Shoothill Site) can now be viewed on
Cost involved to download.