master brummie
personally I could not volunteer to do a job (unpaid) to replace someone who has been made redundant. I think the council's egos blinded them to the financial building and running costs and now they have problems.
personally I could not volunteer to do a job (unpaid) to replace someone who has been made redundant. I think the council's egos blinded them to the financial building and running costs and now they have problems.
thought i would post this link
Only two years ago, I would have been surprised to see any public building open on a Sunday. Most of them don't open on Saturday. Of course, as a public resource, you'd expect it to open out of usual business hours but Sundays...? As to the suggestion that they would have done better to separate the parts into different buildings - the council are trying to reduce the amount of property they own and to suggest they create three new buildings just wouldn't wash. Out of interest, others here seem to have been to many different archives in different places for various reasons so they should know what the usual hours for such facilities are. I always thought such things used to be open less often than usual public buildings and have large parts available to members or by appointment. I could be wrong but I just looked at the website for the British Library and that's how they do things.have to disagree with you wam try telling those who tuned up last sunday that sunday opening will not be missed..have you read the link i posted on post 307...around 70 turned away on sunday in the first half an hour alone including a lady who had travelled from ireland....this is not some little back street library its birminghams main libary to which we are getting less and less access give those working full time only 6 hours at the weekend to visit is just not good enough and i will not be swayed on this..
The Sunday opening hours were new for this new library and I can't see that many will miss them that much.
Protesters gathered outside the Library of Birmingham this evening following in opposition to new cuts to the Library's services.
The Library's opening hours have been reduced, meaning it will now be shut on Sundays. Protesters say Birmingham's economy will suffer as a result.
"It's a place for visitors to come to and those visitors are spending money - it's an uneconomic decision to close that library."– Ann Gallagher, Friends of the Library
[h=1]Contact and Enquiries[/h] Please e-mail or post a comment in the box below if available.
The postal address of the library is:
Library of Birmingham
Centenary Square
Broad Street
B1 2ND
United Kingdom
Tel: 0121 242 4242 (Monday to Friday, 11am-5pm)
Opening Hours
Mondays & Tuesdays: 11am - 7pm
Wednesdays to Saturdays: 11am - 5pm
Sundays: CLOSED
The Wolfson Centre for Archival Research is open Tuesday to Saturday 11am - 4pm
I know Ellbrown i can do any of the things you suggest BUT i wanted to SPEAK to someone not write a narrative.Send them a Tweet on Twitter to @LibraryofBham (or send them a Direct Message). Or send them an email?
Send them a Tweet on Twitter to @LibraryofBham (or send them a Direct Message). Or send them an email?
Of course, you could always wrap a note round a brick and throw it though a window.