This fantastic site has 201 streets named, but I can’t find Lennox Street, so I will go back 70+ years and see what I can remember. Hopefully, some of your members may be able to fill the gaps.
Starting from the Farm Street end the first grocery shop was on the right, and shortly after, on the left, was a second grocery shop with the Brook Tavern a couple of doors away.
I am sorry that I can’t remember the names of these shops, but I can name the third grocery shop on the right because it was ours, Sparlings at number 72.
In those days all the butter and lard came in large blocks, which was cut and weighed to your requirements, and wrapped in brown paper. Woodbine cigarettes came in open packets of five that we sold singly.
Two doors up from the shop was a coal yard and yet another shop two doors up from that. How did we all ever make a living?
Half way upon the right was a small factory dealing in metal plating and creating a stink and opposite was a yard where they kept the large dray horses for delivering beer. Finally, on the corner of Clifford Street, our local Fish and Chip shop and on the other corner my favourite shop. One a week, on a Tuesday, they had a delivery of ice cream from Midland Counties, and they would be sold out within an hour, so on our lunch break from Lozells Junior School, we would rush to the shop for our weekly treat.
There does seem to have been a lot of businesses in such a short street, I hope my memory has not let me down.