This was my school. It was mixed, both girls and boys when it first opened I think 1958 - ‘59. Head master, Mr Aldridge, very strict, he would often cane naughty boys in assembly in front of the whole school. Then Miss Allen, head of the girls school. Miss Lees was deputy, I think and took us for “personal hygiene “ classes. Miss Davies was my first form teacher. Miss Bradshaw English.Miss Eastman(I think) Biology, Mr Gee, science. Miss Smith RI and music Mrs Pinto geography, I think she came from Jamaica Mrs Readman domestic science- I’ve still got my work folder and still consult it from time to time!
I was head girl 1962. Some names apologies if I’ve miss- remembered / miss spelled them, it has been over 60 years!...... Joanne Hyde, Janice Bartlett, Sylvia Pearsall (? sp), Norma Constable Stephanie Blakemore, Sandra Smith, Jennifer Tilley, Yvonne Collet (she passed 13+ and went on to Coleshill Grammar). Lesley Ankers. Sheila Brazier, Gillian Morrison, Valerie Greenhalge, Christine Reason, David Patterson, Christopher Teague. School trips to France, Switzerland and to Holland.
Photos included are Form 1G ; Mr. Aldridge on French trip : Recorder Group rehearsing