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Jelf family


gone but not forgotten
I am looking for infomation on the jelf family the coffee house kings
from aston also of my grand father george william jelf
whom was married to mary jelf, nee mary banning from worcestershire
he died sept. 1935 age 70
mary died sept. 1946 , is they anybody who work at fort dunlop still
round who can recall them? at the tyburn road erdington coffee shop
or any other infomation on the sibbling to him? i know that the one
son was born in parliment street aston 1920s would be very greatfull
for any infomation recieved

sign Astonian
Have briefly looked through all the Jelf information posted in this site and cannot find anything on the following and I pass it on that it may assist or furrow your brow further at having found yet another Jelf.

Research into my wife's maternal name has led via many twists and turns to the following.
A May Ann Baker born abt. 1845 married a James Jelfs at a unkown location in Birmingham in 1862. I am aware of one child - Kate Jelfs born abt. 1868. This is all I have and hope it is of use to your research. Will.
Kate Jelfs was my Gt Grandmother, married to Frederick William Ormond Day Kemp. They lived in Exmouth Place Aston, Kate died 1/2/1897. l was told by my father that either Kate or her family ran a cafe in Nechells. Would be glad to share information regarding the family, I have quite a few interesting fact regarding Kate's history.

Hi Astonian,
Recently up-dating my "trees" & have found a Elsie Jelfs (born 1897, Aston) marries
one of my GGrandads brothers a Ernest A Young in 1925 reg @ B,ham S, 2nd Q ref 7d page 121
+ a daughter born 1932 Doreen M Young.

I have not researched Jelfs further (not main lines) but hope this is useful for you,
Cheers JohnY
hi wiloughby
just scrolloing through my family tree and a female cousin as turned up out of the blue i have just recently met in person
and she came and gave me a huge copy of the jelfd family tree going even further back than me and its all set out proper coming downthrough he years
and yes there is a katie jelf along the veins of my jelfs which as i have aid only recently found out by the transcript she as given me and katie come along the lines of george william jelf tree this george is along the veins as our great grand fathers son and if i dig out georges letter to me before he died telling me of a kate whom died many
years ago and she is on the drawned tree of my jelfs; my cousin and myself have met up and given each other mising bits to each other of the tree with did not know ;
just a flashed thought in my mind thinking about the family connections to the law society ; you being an ex copper and my ancesters being ex law officiers and in judgement sections of the court my cousin from barr beacons was an ex coper as well and my other grand father being an ex copper with in the ity makes me think think and thee was a sara jelfs ne jones in the family with the jelfs and a james jelf was living around the old bichfield rd in those early days
so you never know you may at one point had some connections and in the early years possibly before your time on the force the top brass used to congregate at new cannal street home nd bussines ofmy grand fathers just around the corner from digbeth nick and steel house lane
sorry i am abit late but i have been way behind on my researching owing to my ill heath and having to go in and out of hospitals and to nght i have just captured site of one of your old threads and along with lucky brum best wishes Astonain
Alan I e.mailed you regarding someone on face book who wanted to get in touch regarding the Jelf cafe's. She is a relative.
hi lucky brum
just a quick message in respose to one of your old threads regarding katie jelf she was an aunt to my mother joyce ivy jelf
whom was born in parliment street aston she often mentioniond kate and the cafe your father mentioned was the jelfs cafe it was arther or george senior
whom owned it as also coming down the rocky lane and also the aston cross one on the corner o rocky lane
then they had lchfield rd and the ston rd noth at the same period and then there roots went further into and around brum
and willob ; james jelf and company lived along the main rd which was the start of birchfield rd six ways aston as listed ; best wishes astonian;;;
HI good morning small heath boy

the jelfs family ; ie my mother joyce ivy jelf and her father one of the younger ones
was ernest jelf ;and there familyof wealth going back many years being passed down the line through until 1985
still i will not say no-more on that but i did say in heir hunters i would not be rich but that picture small heath means more to me than money
because i did have picture many years back but lost it and only two weks ago i thought about that pic;incidently the picture i had was only a picture from a news paper some one sent quite afew years back it was which i intended to tranfere to photograph paper and build up my gallery on the wall along with all there family tree
with births and deaths certif ; in frames with each and every membe of the family nowyou havemade my day i am estatic over this small heath
and i am going to down load it emediatly i cannot thank you enough a huge thank you ;
small heath it was Arhurs coffee shop at the very bottom of park street aston i do not know whether you are familiar with the rd and area
its the rd right by the vine pub on lichfield rd and at the bottom of the rd where wainwright street comes into another stret there used to be a huge foundry
and thats where its at and i also seen this paper cutting when i was a little kid short time after it was taken i was in the little scullery of a kitchen in 5/92 lichfield rd
which was just along the rd from there next to thompsons the butchers up cromwll terrace and some one gave mom the cutting and ash showed it to my brother and myself she was so surprized herself to se it and she turned and said thats me and your father on the steps when father xma came down
and it was arthers shop your grand dads brother then we never seen it since then for many years in fact we never did see it and about four years i got a photo copy from the news paper but lost it moving home so now you know why i am estatic thanks smal heath boy ; i cannot say no more except you have enlightend my day and made me happy thanks a million small heath boy take care look after your self may be one day we may meet up ; best wishes Astonian; Alan;;;;
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Pauline I sent you a email of reply if you want to reply by our pm services if you have one or contact again through the threads
As I would like to meet alan
Hi Alan I am contacting you via Adrian Goldberg's Radio FM programme. I am the Chairman of Kings Norton History Society and have been contacted by Peter den Tek, a Dutch historian, who is trying to contact relatives of Sergeant Arthur Jelfs from Kings Norton, who was tragically killed when his Halifax JB801 was shot down over Giessenlanden, Netherlands on 14 July 1943. The 2 Dutch Historic Societies plan to establish a memorial in dedication to the airmen in the 6 planes who lost their lives in this raid. I think this is fantastic. I would help if you could email me: knhs@lagonda.org.uk if you can help. Many thanks Claire Simpson
Hi jean
Nice to hear from you again I hope you and Pete are well ,
And thank you for contacting. Me the other week ,I also have been contacted by the society
And I will be replying to there email address they sent me I will of course keep you, posted of further developments
Thanks again jean, give my sincere regards to Pete and enjoy the rest of your day best wishes Alan,,,, astonian,,,,,
Hi jean
Just a quick PS message to add to the previous thread the people concerned have made contact with me and sent me some very nice pictures
Of the incidence which brought about the need which includes some German airmen pilots
At some point in the next couple of days I will get them sorted and post them on here
Take care Alan,,,,
A friend of mine who lives in Redditch has been corresponding with Peter den Tek for one or two years . He found out her Uncle's plane was also shot down in W.W.2. this year my friend, her husband and son went over to Holland to pay their respects to her late uncle. I think they went to a very small island off Holland to see where he was laid to rest. They were very impressed with Peter den Tek and his lifelong Quest to reunite the families of these Airmen who were shot down.
I have received them too Alan. Have forwarded them to Adrian Goldberg as requested. You take care too.:peach: