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James Upton Printers, Great Charles Street, Birmingham.

Happy Happy days. Working at JU was indeed an education. I leant a lot about life in general from fellow employees. The elitist attitude of the ‘Lithographers’, the eclectic bunch of machine assistants who added to the multi-cultural workforce. Great characters and great times to look back upon. I remember Nick Toms (MD) telling us the the “future was in computers” back in the 70s. I don’t think anyone at that time knew what he was asking about. Don’t times change.
Hi Bernie ,hope you are well, we all put a lot of time and energy into JU to make it successful, early starts, lates, even worked nights and lots of weekends. Treble time back in the day for early starts..... Think print trade was doomed once the internet took hold. Have some good memories and we also had a good living from the company.
All the best. Mick L.
Hello Does anyone have any samples of old beer labels printed by James Upton in the 1920s and 1930s? There would seem to be a connection with the Bradford printers cof Denison Brothers.
The 1st page on this thread is 2019 so why does it go on about 2001 in the middle....confusing.
My future Wife worked at Barford St works straight from school ( around) 1973) as office junior which involved making Peter Salmons bed and fetching the sarnies fron the pub on the corner.
My Brother worked here in the 90's on forklifts.
Some printers I worked with earlier were John Faizey and a chap called Eric Ford. Think John was in the new CD section which I think oulasted the main works (?).
The dates at the top of each post are the dates of the post being made. They are all consecutive and dio not necessarily have any bearing on the subject the post is discussing. In post 18 someone form the firm being discussed is mentioned who died in 2001.