This just reminded me of all the products Nan used to say wrong. On purpose or just to make me laugh. I don't know if any are still going like Ky Ora, (Kia Ora) Co Op Frairy butter (Friary) I know her Neece biscuits are still around, Tarantula Tomatoes, her seaside trips to Ignog Mills, (Ingamells) or Arbroath, (Amroth), Megavissey (Mevagissey) . I may have posted this before? Old Age? The Dalmer Car factory (Daimler) donnimoes, a cartoon of dripping, people who compute to work. Oh yes I am going off track as usual I know .Drindle skirts (I am told it is dirndle?) Clickety - Click Loaves, I don't known if the brand was 66 or 99. Nuzzle cakes (Kunzle cakes) Balony (palony). Ally borringe Tablets (Haliborange)