I remember the Army & Navy stores rucksacks and embelishing them to your own taste.Difficult to write on that bubbly surface though.I had a satchel but my parents couldn't afford a proper one, this had two loops like a back pack, when I ran my ruler fell out. Then I got a briegcase for my birthday and all the kids laughed at me. It was good for big folders though then I had a duffle bag for PE then an Adidas bag and then got trendy and had an army and navy rucksack from Riddy's army surplus in Cov, long gone, and we kids wrote all over it. Later on it was cool to carry a plastic bag instead.
Oh yes,loved those.Do you recall when you could buy cadbury's Milk Tray in bars ?Remember Fry's Five Fruits chocolate bar? A bit like the Fry's Mint Creme bars, but fruity centres and milk choc not dark choc. Viv.
I've heard of Evan Williams shampoo but never used it.
Yes Shortie I remember the hair lacquer in tubes that you squeezed into spray bottles. I used Rosedale. Made your hair stiff and you ended up with white flakes in your hair when you tried to brush it out. I remember having to rub in Borax when shampooing to get the stuff out.
Something I've just noticed about many of the older adverts posted on this thread is they give a precise figure for the price of the product, such as those items from chemist shops. Competitive pricing doesn't seem to be a factor in selling the product i.e. you go into the shop expecting to pay x, and thats what you pay, x. If only life was still that simple. Viv.