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Ingleby street and the coal wharf


Brummie babby
Hello I can't find these on the map ... very interested in 1920's when my Dad was a boy - back to back houses I think. I'd love to see a photograph if any exist. Family names Wigley and Brookes .. Lady wood areas
Here is a map c 1950 showing Ingleby St. Can see no sign of a coal wharf on it

map c1950 showing Ingleby St.jpg
Hi Mike there was never a coal yard in inglby street i lived right around the corner to inglby street the nearest to us meaning those in inglby street was new spring street of clissold street up the dudly road and the option
Was to walk down he big kingedwards road which was one hell of a road to walk was sheepcote street the icc centre is now
there was a coal merchents there but the closiest was newspring street either walk up dudley road o the top and walk along side the cannal on clissold street but most us a coal man and drop it down the celler and incidendly i recall the pub cos we sang in there and it was in the days of the old jo anna great and i can recall alot of familys down there our doctors was at the top by the phone box and facing that was the old dance palle ballroom lte became bulpitts huge ware houseing
best wishes Alan
Hi Mike there was never a coal yard in inglby street i lived right around the corner to inglby street the nearest to us meaning those in inglby street was new spring street of clissold street up the dudly road and the option
Was to walk down he big kingedwards road which was one hell of a road to walk was sheepcote street the icc centre is now
there was a coal merchents there but the closiest was newspring street either walk up dudley road o the top and walk along side the cannal on clissold street but most us a coal man and drop it down the celler and incidendly i recall the pub cos we sang in there and it was in the days of the old jo anna great and i can recall alot of familys down there our doctors was at the top by the phone box and facing that was the old dance palle ballroom lte became bulpitts huge ware houseing
best wishes Alan
Hi Alan, no I don't think the coal yard was actually in ingleby Street, my father always referred to it as the Coal Wharf so I'm thinking maybe nearby on the edge of the canal or something like that? Apparently his mother rented a little flat near this but he spent his days with his Aunty May in Ingleby Street where his whole family had lived. Their name was Wigley. Does anyone know what happened to Ingleby Street? Its not on modern maps?