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In the garden 2022

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Hydrangea showing promise.

Not so the Mahonia though. Rust, I think.

Too much cloud here, to see the moon. However, this morning, I did see a Rig being towed away, heading East.

On the horizon, center of the picture.

and, zoomed in a little.


Looking on Street View, Macduff looks a lovely place.
My Buddleia was blown down in the winter, I just straightened it up and tied it to the fence post for support, didn't think it would survive but it looks ok.
The roses have become a tangled mess.
The green in the corner is an M&S olive pot plant my daughter sent me, I plonked it in the ground and it's grown to that, no olives but I'm told 'between 7 and 12 years before it will fruit.


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I've found that if you completely cut down buddleia it just sprouts again, so if you had just sawn of the blown down bit it would have still sprouted
I've found that if you completely cut down buddleia it just sprouts again, so if you had just sawn of the blown down bit it would have still sprouted
It was lying on the ground with its roots pulled out Mike, I trimmed it to reduce the top weight.
Im not into gardening but I like buddleia, because it does not need attention and particularly because butterflies love it. but there is the problem that always wants to produce lots of little Buddhas
Any pigeon experts here? We get a few of these in the garden most days but they fly off when I knock the window and don't cause much of a problem (unlike the magpies, but that's another story!).
The other day however one of the pigeons didn't fly off even when I went outside, and when I sat down on the garden bench it flew up onto the back rest and perched about 12 inches from my head! It looked like all the others - maybe slightly smaller - but had a red ring on one of its legs - the only bit I could read was GB22 (presumably country & date). Would this be a homing pigeon that had got lost? It was obviously fairly tame. I gave it some water and sunflower seeds and after 20 minutes or so it flew off. Any ideas?
dont know about cooling us down the grass here is like coconut mats so we need rain badly or the animals will have no chomp
What a lot of fuss over a couple of ( very ) hot days. Back in `76 it might not have been quite so hot, but it lasted several weeks. It would be nice to have a swimming pool in the garden instead of a kiddies paddling pool which i use to keep my plants hydrated. Only 24c tomorrow so i`ll have to sort my thermals out. ;)
i believe the record has just been broken at heathrow...40.2 degrees...37 here in brum..

well remember 1976 as said not quite so hot but hot non the less and it lasted for 3 months

i believe the record has just been broken at heathrow...40.2 degrees...37 here in brum..

well remember 1976 as said not quite so hot but hot non the less and it lasted for 3 months

Having worked around Heathrow for five years. I do not know why they report the temperature at Heathrow. One plane landing or taking off every 45seconds. Snow does not settle at Heathrow it usually turns into water again as it descends.
i believe the record has just been broken at heathrow...40.2 degrees...37 here in brum..

well remember 1976 as said not quite so hot but hot non the less and it lasted for 3 months

1976. As an angler had a BAA welfare match on Severn Stoke to Bushley stretch. Drew Bushley. Stood on a sand bar that was usually 4 feet below the surface. Next to no one had a bite. On walking back to Bushley Church where my car was parked, I sat on my Creel it was too hot to get in the car. Lovely old lady tending her cottage garden, she came to the gate and asked if I would like a drink of lemon barley water. I obviously accepted, she disappeared into the cottage came to the gate tray Robinson Lemon Barley Water bottle, a glass and a large jug of water full of ice cubes. She said drink as much as you want. I could not thank her enough.
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