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Ilmington road school weoley castle

It’s strange how differently we see our old teachers. I always saw Mr Roberts a decent man, fair and quite understanding. If I remember correctly he was a prisoner of the Japanese Army and saw cruelty beyond belief so I’m surprised that he has been described as a child beater. Shame he’s not able to defend himself.
Shame he’s not able to defend himself. ?? Yes I agree. A one to one with him once I was old enough to deal out what he gave to us poor souls would give me some closure.
I was at Illmington Road School from1953to 1955 and knew Markuson,Small Puddifat, Robert’s etc
There we’re some bullies there like Hyslop and his friends
Last I heard, Markason, in Prison, Small and Roberts both Passed, went back on leave in 1964, and Small was in a wheel Chair, after a stroke, all gone now even the school is a housing estate!!
Left woodcock hill junior school in 1965 went to Ilmington what a shock the only approved school in the area first day I was there I was the first one to have my name on Mr Roberts plimsoll sole it must have been a size 12 just for knocking an ink well over that turned me off for the rest off my school days, there was another teacher who would punish you bend you over and just skim your bum with a ruler. wood work classes we would sneak down the floor trap to hide, we also had a relief teacher when he was writing on the board we would shoot blotting paper at this and it would stick to the board Marco had a whale bone he would hit you with and when in the shower room if you flicked someone with your towel he would bend you over and hit you with the towel. sammy small hated everyone expecially the kids from Shenley homes every Friday he would always pick on a coloured boy and cane him.there was a Welsh teacher who you could always get to talk about rugby the one year we had a game of rugby at the playing fields against them and got our own back.break time was good murder ball you could get your own back on the bully’s you would be on watch outside the toilets when everybody would be having a fag but it didn’t work everyone got caught.the only way to get out of classes was to volunteer for milk duty gardening or the choir anything to see the girls one year we all went to London to see the hit Oliver then had to perform it on the Xmas good skive.PE in the hall full equipment was out you had a head start to get round the course then the fastest would be let loose to catch you cross country running around the park twice after the first round you’ll hide by the stream for a fag but yes got caught so an extra one you had to do.when you had a fight no knives no baseball bats only a good fist te cuffs while everyone stood around no matter who won you’ll always shake hands and end up good friends.
Yes after years when you left you didn’t realise that all the things that had been going on either at the school or the square club you thought this as we all did this was proper behaviour from the teachers the cane towel flicks blackboard rubber on yr head the slipper total abuse towards children.
I can say that I did enjoy the years I had at ilmington it did give you discipline made you stronger with all the fighting that went on but when we all needed to stick together When taking on other schools in rugby football cricket and the rivalry against king Edward’s and Shenley court we stood together I left in 1968 got a good job in the Midland Red
Yes it was a shame it was burnt down but some pupils who was either Physically, sexual,Discriminatory,Domestic Emotional, abused something had to give and probably by doing this they would stop it happening to anyone else
At the end of each year you’ll get your report bring it home and it always said on the bottom was COULD DO BETTER
and why did we have to cover the books
Yes I can say I did enjoy my years here and it set me up for my future and made me a strong person
T.C 1965-68 I had to stop on a extra year because my birthday was in September