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How Much Should I Give??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Old Contemptible
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Old Contemptible

As a relative new comer to the forum, Joined 2007 but have only just taken a proper look.

I am intrigued by the notice above regarding donations. I have had my attention Drawn.

I have never come across this before on any other fora.

I would like to ask if I may how much does a site such as this cost to run? and what are the average donation costs.

I moderate on an international forum and it is completely free, my website costs £100 a year which I pay for myself mainly for the domain name.

Do all members donate or just some? How do you know who gives what and how often?? What happens if more money is donated than is required to run the forum. *Edited by poster*

If all the active members gave a pound each that's almost £6 grand :shifty:

It would be interesting to know the answers from members who have donated?

From my point of veiw the help I have recieved from members over the few short months I have been on this forum has been tremendous. I would not have been able to complete the work on my tree without their help unless I had spent a lot of money and footwork to access Birmingham.
My donation has been but a fraction of that.
As far as the tax implications go and the income to the site owner that's between him and his conscience.
Hello Pete, it seems strange that your account has laid dormant for so long and your 1st post is yet another attemp to stir up trouble, there are detailed accounts given every month as to your insinuations re the Tax man , the money is in a no interest account.
Finally if your 1st post is anything to go by your account is a complete waste of time and space.
You may as well drift back to t'other site, we don't need you.:wave::wave::wave:
Hello Pete, it seems strange that your account has laid dormant for so long and your 1st post is yet another attemp to stir up trouble, there are detailed accounts given every month as to your insinuations re the Tax man , the money is in a no interest account.
Finally if your 1st post is anything to go by your account is a complete waste of time and space.
You may as well drift back to t'other site, we don't need you.:wave::wave::wave:

Yep go back to the Subnormals
I have no intentions of causing any trouble Postie and neither have I called you an offensive name Frothblower?

I have only ever looked at the site for info since joining.

You have never met me and your response is quite judgemental.

As a moderator your position should not be one of judgement. I was genuinely interested even intrigued.

Sorry you felt it necessary to jump straight on the offensive towards my post. If you care to look at my second post it is one of support.
Sparkhill Boy,I don't want to get into the rest of the debate on here but when you say you have been helped on your family tree and it is worth the money you donate,perhaps I can put you straight.None of the money you donate goes towards data that you obtain for your family tree.
The people who help you with your family are members who have access to records for all ancestry data.
These people who help do so at their own expense,I contribute to many of these data sites and it costs me quite a bit each year,the 1911 census in particular.
For example for a member on here to give someone the record of one household of their family in 1911 cost 83p and soon adds up
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As an even newer member of the forum I don't see an issue with donations. The Accounts are open for all to see. I personnaly haven't donated but only because times are hard for me at the moment but when I am able I shall. I like many others get hours of enjoyment from the forum along with good reliable information . If anyone has issue with the accounts or any other matter that they feel is or could be contentious they should go directly through postie or a moderator and not via the public forum. I don't think people should spend valuable time setting up a forum such as this to have it thrown back in their faces. It's quite simple, "If you don't like it don't use it"
I too would like to know how much is reasonable for a donation, as I am concerned with keeping a good forum going. I have already made a small donation after postie kindly took over. I hoped that perhaps that would help. Going on other genealogy sites. I pay £10 a year to Genes and £10 a month to Ancestry. Somewhere between this seems reasonable.
Just one gripe.:rolleyes:
When we were off line, I questioned another site as to what had happened to the forum. Some of them were quite nasty that I dared to ask. I wouldn't want us to start having ago at others, we are much nicer here:angel: and will not sink to their level
Lynda :)
hello site am just glad to be able to post if iwant to, havingnhad problems logging on ,but sorted out by the admin team ,like to browse , and willing to pay for the privilege donated in march but will donate again , after all "you dont get owt for nowt as they say" and there are some people who cannot afford it, so if we who can pay a small amount , we should , after all we all share in the information we take in off the site. rwm
I am aware that the help I have recieved has been from the kind and generous membership as per my quote "help I have recieved from members".
I also subscribe to costly data sites and although they sometimes contain the facts they do not contain the personal knowledge that the membership of this Forum willingly provide.
In my small way I also try to provide help on questions raised and searches requested, but being a relative newbie often get beaten to the reply by more experienced members.
I am also aware that my donation is not for the provision of data but to keep and maintain a site that promotes helpfulness, information sharing and bonding with like-minded people, many of whom will remain (sadly) physical strangers but collectively are a wealth of resources on a topic close to all our hearts.
Sparkhill Boy.
please please please dont let this forum go the way of a lot of other forums, this is a brilliant place to chat and share things, the owner or chief mod or whatever he / she is called probably puts in an awful lot of time and effort to keep things going. i know there are times when we wont all agree at whats been said but we are all adults so lets not spoil things or let one or two others spoil it for the majority, this is the only forum i know (and i belong to a few) that give account information each month,
so as my 5 yr old tells me often "dad you need to chillax"
oh and if the owner or whoever it may be makes a few bob then i for one dont care in the slightest (not implying thats the case)i get an awful lot of enjoyment from this site, so many many thanks
information sharing and bonding with like-minded people, many of whom will remain (sadly) physical strangers but collectively are a wealth of resources on a topic close to all our hearts.

You never know, someone may be coming your way on holiday and a meet up can be arranged.
Take care.