It IS on topic...I promise..
I remember working as an apprentice with the council in the 60's, we used to fit little Gas Boilers in the kitchen..
I was actually helping fit one in a Kitchen near Dartmouth St the day the news came over BobbyKennedy was shot..
They weren't much really, just a Tin tub , round with a little lid that fitted under a worktop.
To this we fitted a Gas supply on a small hose
I guess the whole point of it was you boiled your Underpants, vests and Knickers..(made a lovely soup in hard times)
We had one in Hindlow Close...It was a new house so I think they thought at the time it was cutting edge technology..
I dont think we used it once for that Purpose,,
Dad stored tinned food in fact Dad stored food everywhere he shouldn't..
'Dad! the toilet wont flush!' must be that bag of Onions..
He actually started many of the shortages himself in the 60's..he read somewhere that trouble was brewing in Ghana so he'd buy up bags of Sugar and he'd walk out with two carrier bags groaning under the weight..
People would see this and within minutes the store would be cleared of the stuff..
Tell you what..World War 3?..I think we'd have put on weight..