lynne webb
Ozzy lived in Lodge Road Aston, not Hockley.
Ozzy lived in Lodge Road Aston, not Hockley.
Just remembered the name of the woman who worked/owned the outdoor in Hunters Rd - Mrs Messenger. I well remember staring out of our window at the word Walpamur too, wondering what kind of word it was. They were advertising Dulux and Dulite paints.
Several generations of my Burgesses were in the metal industry and worked at Bulpitts including dad before he went to Buncher & Haselers. I still have some of the stuff he made at Bulpitts and it's all still in good working order; thick-based goods and you can see the spun pattern on the bases.
Did your Burgesses live near the old Hockley bus station? My Gran had a cousin who married a Fred Burgess, and they lived in a "back to back" next to the bus station.
hi bryan;
my aunt and cousins lived directly across the rd in the back houses entry facing the bus garage i wonder if you knew them bryan and barry phelps
bryan was always playing foot ball in the street and in the big yard where you could come out in ford street he was a popular kid
and may i add your name sounds familiar to me as i met with a kid called burgess and i am sure he was a bryan; as well ;
still that part of the question does not matter just to asked really if you knew the two lads bryan and barry phelps
i recall one years they had a huge bon fire in the big yard up the back to back houses
best wishes Astonian;;