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Hobbies 2015 - 2019

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A friend of mine has joined the Family History Group at his local U3A (University of the Third Age). He has received lots of tips and also made new friends. Maybe Bellabee would find this helpful if there is a local group to her. Or anyone else for that matter!

There's some good and useful information in the above posts. For the last 11 years or so my other half, Jan, and I have lived on the island of Crete and for eight of those years I served on the Committee of the Foreign Residents'Association. One of our "duties" was to meet and greet people who were planning to move over here, and a very pleasant duty it was too. Many have made the move and have become firm friends, but one stuck in my mind and to preserve privacy I will just call him "X".

X and his wife had recently sold their business, sailed around the world for a year on the proceeds and decided to move here permanently and had got their eye on a nice house. X and his grown-up daughter came over for a holiday and we did the first meet-up and all was going well. A few weeks later, and a couple of weeks before they were going to move, I had a sad phone call from X. "My wife has died suddenly, the Crete house is all paid for and removal all booked, but will I be lonely and all on my own, or should I cancel the lot, take a financial loss, and stay in the UK?"

Not really the question you want to be asked! My answer was that he would not be on his own and that if he was prepared to "get involved", he would soon make friends and acquire interests. A few years further on, he's made lots of friends and takes part in many of our activities and many of his own. Yes, there was a short period a few years back when he shut himself away, hated everyone and everything about this beautiful island, but he got over that and now is very happy and moving back to the UK is the last thing on his mind. I love happy endings! :-)

Vivienne. Thank you for your response. I have had some further tries using your instructions, but to no avail unfortunately.
What I keep ending up with each time is a screen message that informs me :
The following error occurred.
The uploaded file is too large.
I truly would love to crack this one.
If you have on your pc Windows live photo gallery, then simply right click on the photo & select resize. I always resize to medium. Easy peasy :-}
Hello Roy...Some years ago my wife started painting birds on stones and I thought they were rather good so the next Christmas got her some proper paper, paint and brushes. She started to do botanical and small animal paintings and they really took my eye because I had seen lots of botanical paintings. Without her knowing I entered a picture of two rabbits in a large art competition. On the Saturday I said we will drive up and have a look at that art exhibition, we walked round and suddenly saw her picture and a lot of people looking at it. Some were very upset asking well who the hell is this women. I then saw she had won top prize. Many professional artists had entered the competition and really were angry that some unknown had beaten them. A few years later she had carpel tunnel problems in both wrists, they were operated on and although much better she still has some problems. She has sold paintings around the world.
She then took up card making and gets lots of people asking her to make cards. Its her big hobby and only asks for cost of materials. We now have many more friends
She has looked at your card and for someone new to card making she really rates it. So stand tall, be proud and carry on with your hobby.
Best of luck...Gerald
Garden Gerald.
View attachment 107780 Referring to " bellabees " post # 22 and thinking about something that came to my attention recently.
On this small hobby alone I get the feeling that with a bit of patience and determination anyone could create some lovely individual home made greeting and celebration cards to send off and be proud of.
The photo is a shot of the first " try outs "at having ago at " Pop Up " card making. Not great but not too bad either I think. Will no doubt improve with practise and experimenting.
The main thing, it was interesting and good fun.

Those are great cards Roy, I have been making cards for years but never made any like those. They are wonderful and you are to be congratulated on some fine work.
I don't have a local craft shop, have to travel across town to Erdington to buy supplies or buy online, so to find a local craft shop you are very lucky!
Bishopmate. With reference to your post#35 .
By more or less pure chance, whilst scanning through some of the " TV " channels, I realised that there are a few channels dedicated to CRAFTS, CRAFT PRODUCTS and occassional CRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS.
There's a channel titled " CREATE AND CRAFT ". This apparently can be viewed on " SKY " channel 674, " FREEVIEW " channel 23, " VIRGIN " channel 748 " or " FREESAT " channel 813.
There's another TV channel titled " CRAFT CHANNEL " this can apparently be viewed on
" SKY " channel 679 or " FREESAT " channel 818.
Then I see there's another channel titled " JEWELlERY MAKER " this can be viewed on " SKY "
channel 665, " FREEVIEW " channel 76, " VIRGIN " channel 756 or " FREESAT " channel 807.
All these channels demonstrate CRAFT PRODUCTS, PRICES and are interspersed with occasional " DEMONSTRATIONS ". From what I can gather there is amongst these channels such hobbies as Paper Crafting, Cake Decorating, Sewing, Lace Making, Scrap Booking and Jewellery Making.
These are all basically " SHOPPING " programmes.
I note that you already shop " on line " for some of your craft bits. Just wondered if you were aware of these " TV " programmes perchance they may be of some use to you.
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One of my hobbies that does not take up much time or expense is to collect leather book-marks from places I visit. A selection, representing Birmingham and the Midlands, is shown in the photograph below. In case they cannot be read clearly they are: top horizontal, Sarehole Mill; bottom horizontal, Charlecote Park. Then middle, left to right, Lichfield Cathedral; Lichfield, Samuel Johnson house; National Memorial Arboretum; Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery; Coventry Cathedral; Packwood House; and Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Hence, only two from Birmingham itself. I'm sure that there must be other places inside the city boundary, besides Sarehole Mill and the Art Gallery, that stocks them. Dave


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I note that you already shop " on line " for some of your craft bits. Just wondered if you were aware of these " TV " programmes perchance they may be of some use to you.

Thanks Roy and my apologies for not replying earlier, I have been 'under the weather' but am out of bed now so just catching up.
I know about the TV channels, thanks, but I don't use them as I don't make a lot of cards, mainly ATCs (Artist Trading Cards).
Not sure if this could be called "a hobby" but I've recently begun studying the War Diaries of 10th Battalion of the Warwicks, (my Grandad's regiment), that I found on ancestry.
My plan is to write the diaries onto a computer, possibly as a Word document. 101 years ago the entries were written in pencil and it's a devil of a job to read them.
Wish me luck !
I wish you heaps of luck!
Back in the eighties, as part of my Microsoft Certification, I had to type up Prussian Regiments - lot of foreign names believe you me!! lol
I learnt to chip away at the listings, so much so that I managed to make an Excel Book at home for my Postage Stamps. One thing I learnt is that you have to keep chipping away .... I spent an hour every Saturday morning inputting my stamp information and was so pleased when it was completed.
Good luck and keep chipping!
Decided we are going to have a go at doing our own iced Xmas cake this year. Thought it might be worth a crack at trying to do some home-made
decoration " tops " to put on the icing.
So far the bits of paper, cardboard and coloured pencils are working out reasonably well.
Still needs an extra bit or two on the layout I'm reckoning. But for certain
whether the final result of this bit of " crafting " is a success or a failure, no matter, it's a good bit of fun and it keeps the old brain ticking over.
Been thinking. Maybe a bit of blue icing to represent a small duck pond and a couple of ducks on it might just finish it off a bit.
It's back to the " design " chair again then and a bit more fun.
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View attachment 109281
Decided we are going to have a go at doing our own iced Xmas cake this year. Thought it might be worth a crack at trying to do some home-made
decoration " tops " to put on the icing.
So far the bits of paper, cardboard and coloured pencils are working out reasonably well.
Still needs an extra bit or two on the layout I'm reckoning. But for certain
whether the final result of this bit of " crafting " is a success or a failure, no matter, it's a good bit of fun and it keeps the old brain ticking over.
Been thinking. Maybe a bit of blue icing to represent a small duck pond and a couple of ducks on it might just finish it off a bit.
It's back to the " design " chair again then and a bit more fun.
See you in the Great British bake off next year Roy.
My hobby ever since I was 13 or 14 has been model aircraft flying. Without it, I think I might have gone totally ga-ga! I have flown in competitions since the early 1960's and have won the British National Championships. It lifts me up and away from the hum-drum drudgery of life, gets me out into the fresh air, and keeps my fingers nimble. Without it, I think I'd just shrivel up.

All of my working years were spent doing active jobs, having two occupations for thirty years one of which was very strenuous at times. I ceased paid work when I was 59 years old but was mindful that a leisurely lifestyle was not beneficial to health and could lead to increased weight. ;)
My relaxation, over very many years, has been the study of railways and other modes of transport plus Ham radio. I found that I could far become more involved with church activity and this was supplemented with voluntary working on a heritage railway line. The railway gave me physical activity and that, together with garden and household duties, gave me enough activity to keep reasonably healthy. Age does catch up but I am sure that regular bodily activity does help. Few people realize my age, most put me some ten years younger, I am pleased to say.
Some twelve years ago I decided to build a garden railway. It is at ground level - running through bushes and trees in part -and I must admit it was a very energetic activity in its construction: it also requires regular maintenance and as far as I am concerned that is a bonus together with the enjoyment and interest that the railway creates.
I like surfing the web - various fora such as this and research - and following shipping in the Great Lakes of North America. I speak every working day (Mon-Fri) in the morning and evening with friends in the USA and this shipping interest gives a good talking agenda. I also have many friends in Canada and the USA who are also into garden railroading and full size railways; the internet gives great opportunities to share ones interests and of course keep the mind active.
No one should ever be bored: there is so much of interest that can be done - it just needs to be sought out. :D
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Big Gee, do you fly a ready made aircraft or do you build the a/c your self from kit form, and do you fly single or multi engine a/c. Years ago I used to watch the occasional model a/c demo's in Sutton Park, always loved flying and still do. I have constructed numerous static models but never a flying model in the past, but my main leisure interest is watercolour painting Eric
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Radio rails, I agree with you entirely, it is important to have interests when retiring, I have been a watercolourist for 40 years, exhibiting all over the country, also enjoyed constructing model aircraft and wooden period ships such as the Victory, Cutty Sark etc... never been a TV person, prefer to be active. I am 86 but still remain active, walk my Jack Russell 5 times a day. Eric
Although I live on Crete, I'm not a beach person, neither is my other half, both of us preferring the mountains. Haven't watched TV for at least 15 years and don't miss it in the least. Spent many years as a jazz musician and still take an interest in it even though I haven't played for many years (Dupuytrens Syndrome & arthritis). My other main interests are genealogy and photography. As far as I am concerned there are never enough hours in a day, so never a chance to get bored!

Big Gee, do you fly a ready made aircraft or do you build the a/c your self from kit form, and do you fly single or multi engine a/c. Years ago I used to watch the occasional model a/c demo's in Sutton Park, always loved flying and still do. I have constructed numerous static models but never a flying model in the past, but my main leisure interest is watercolour painting Eric

Hi Eric,

I'm one of the old school and my models are scratch-built. Occasionally I do build from a kit, but have never bought a ready-to-fly model, although some of these are truly fantastic (and expensive). The club I'm in is lucky enough to own a flying-field in rural Leicestershire, so no problems with noise, doggie-walkers, or those pesky 'drones'.


Big Gee, have viewed numerous model a/c shows on You tube, showing large scale 4 engine aircraft with wing spans of over 6 feet, I was really impressed with both their realism and performance, particularly my beloved Lancaster. Obviously a really enjoyable hobby, unfortunately I'm a bit too old, will have to stick to painting !! I admire your ability building from 'scratch' I always built from kits and although my Victory was large scale and complex and took a whole winter to complete it was still only a kit. Eric
Pity my dad didn't get that publication. I loved my dolls house but it didn't have lighting. And my dad was an electrical engineer !

I don't remember ever seeing hobby magazines for women, unlike today where the shelves are full of them. Maybe the likes of Womens Own filled the gap. Viv.
The was Picture Post, Everybodies and of course The Peoples Friend, which is still in publication. Knitting magazines and I am sure others will chip in with their remembered names.
I had a friend David Evans, now deceased, he made working model steam train engines in his garage at the side of his house. He always amazed me with the extremely professional finish he gave them. When he left school he started at The Rover in the tool room. Because he was an apprentice his national service was held over until he was 21. After two years in the army he started back at his old job and stayed there until he retired. He carried on with his hobby until he became ill and died a couple of years ago.
I spent most of my teenage years with a very strong interest in motor/cycles and fitted big ends and piston rings etc to various models. Though a friend Bob Holder, again now deceased I met a jewellery manufacturer, He gave me a piece of gold and showed me step by step how to make my wife's wedding ring, he then got it hall marked and gave it to my wife as a wedding present. He then went on to show me how to repair a clockwork watch, I enjoyed that and went on to be quite busy servicing old clocks for a couple of antique shops and plenty of pocket watches for mates when I was a bus driver. I always used Meeks for spares when the shop was on Great Hampton Street then just a short distance away when they moved to Warstone Lane, I also used D & R James who had a shop in Hurst street. I stopped the watch work when clockwork timepieces died out. That is when I started taking sewing seriously I had a spell of making soft toys which used to sell at a fantastic pace, I made a large teddy bear and put it in the passenger seat in my taxi one evening when I went to work, the first passenger I carried bought it. I went on to make some of my wifes clothes, some of our sons clothes when h was a toddler and a few of my own shirts and a suit.
Stitcher, I think it's lovely that you made your wife's wedding ring! My grandad made my mother's wedding ring and engagement ring. I stilll wear her wedding ring.
I love sewing but my fingers don't work as well as they used to, I liked to do wool tapestry, it's not a good as your work though!!
Stitcher, I think it's lovely that you made your wife's wedding ring! My grandad made my mother's wedding ring and engagement ring. I stilll wear her wedding ring.
I love sewing but my fingers don't work as well as they used to, I liked to do wool tapestry, it's not a good as your work though!!

Hello rosie, I am sure your wool tapstries are delightful, and the thing with hobbies is that they keep your brain working and they take up time that you might spend just sitting doing nothing.
It's that time of year again and I have started, making Xmas cards that is. I used to make almost 50 every year but as age takes its toll on the number of friends and relatives I will be making about 20 this year. I have also just made a calendar for a friend who services and MOTs my car every year, It is A4, portrait and features 12 pages with the months dates on the bottom half and classic British cars on the top half.
Hobbies and calendars; reminds me of two sadnesses this year. I always had one of Kalmbachs (hobby book folks) railroad calendars sent every year to a friend in Wisconsin who sadly is not in a position to appreciate them anymore. We spoke twice, every weekday, using a Ham radio facility. That was sadly curtailed earlier this year. Another contact, by Skype, was also terminated earlier this year when a dear friend in West Virginia died. He was a great railroad fan, with reference particularly to the Western Maryland Railroad (known affectionately as Wild Mary by fans) and was in videos of it, so I still get to see him and his vintage vehicles. He always made a calendar, along the lines of that made by Stitcher, featuring railroads and family. I have three railroad wagons which he sent me as gifts and they are often to be seen on my garden railway.:) Oh! boy!, but I do miss our chats but have wonderful memories.
To while away the long winter evenings I've started using my laptop to paint colour on to old street pics. I chose the one below because it reminds me of my teenage years. I had a bit of fun with that man on the right, he hides his face in the first pic, but not in the colour pic. I suppose if I did twelve pics I could make a calendar .... all done with freebie apps ...:)
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