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Hawkes Street

  • Thread starter Thread starter lerryngal
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We lived in Hawkes street, (off Muntz street) between 1960 and 1967.
I always remember someone being murdered on our front door step, and having to be kept in the house for hours whilst forensics did their bit.
We lived opposite the garage, towards the bottom of the road. (Muntz street end) Winnie and Ronnie George lived next door with their 2 boys, Derek and Paul, and later a little girl, Julie. A few doors away lived a very big family with 12 plus kids, called the Haywoods.
Anybody else out there lived in Hawkes street?
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this forum and this is my first post so please be kind! I am currently researching my family tree on my father's side (Bown) and I already know that they moved from Gloucester to Birmingham in the late 1880s. Having already carried out much research on the Bown's in Gloucester I have now turned my attention to their time in Birmingham. My Great Great Great Granddad, George Charles Bown is recorded as living in Hawkes Street in 1891 and was a Wood Sawyer. What I am after, if you kind people could oblige, is some photos of Hawkes Street before the back to backs were knocked down. George lived there till he died in 1924 and resided at 3 Laburnum Terrace, 43, 59 and 75 Hawkes Street. Much of the Bown family were born, lived and died here so any photos or memories of the Street would be appreciated. I do have some early photos that may of been taken in Hawkes Street but unfortunately I don't have any confirmation. Thank you!Annie Bown (Nee Smith).jpgDorothy, Winifred, Norman and Gertrude (Left To Right Front) Philip and Frank Bown (Left To Righ.jpgHarry Bown.jpg
Hi chriseponymous, I had never heard of Hawkes street before, but there is one in Small Heath, by Coventry Rd.
Sorry I haven't any photos but I did like the ones you posted.
Hi I'm really sorry for posting this in two different sections of the forum but I'm looking for pictures of Hawkes Street in Small Heath. Many members of my family (The Bowns 1890 - 1924) including my Great Grandfather lived here and I would love to see what it looked like before it was rebuilt. I have found many pictures of Muntz Street and Grange Road close by but sadly none of Hawkes Street. I'm expecting my first son very soon and would love to pass on to him as much as I can about our family when he his old enough. Many thanks!
We lived in Hawkes street, (off Muntz street) between 1960 and 1967.
I always remember someone being murdered on our front door step, and having to be kept in the house for hours whilst forensics did their bit.
We lived opposite the garage, towards the bottom of the road. (Muntz street end) Winnie and Ronnie George lived next door with their 2 boys, Derek and Paul, and later a little girl, Julie. A few doors away lived a very big family with 12 plus kids, called the Haywoods.
Anybody else out there lived in Hawkes street?

hello I too lived in Hawkes Street around about 1958 to 1970 I too also remember the Hayward's ..also the holy oaks & @ the top of the street the Walkers, I lived opposite the pub { the free holders } on the bomb peck Laburnam terrace ?? does that ring a bell ? I always remember hiding a mortar bomb in one of the old houses @ the bottom end of the street & remember the houses being evacuated because of it LOL you didn't live there did you I think a family called the Simpsons lived opposite do you remember any of these ? oh by the way my name is Wynne

get back if you wish
OMG my mom worked at Butkers and we lived in hawkes street up until 1964
any body got any more pictures they are great

hi all I used to live in Hawkes Street ..Laburnam terrace opposite the Freehloders Arms pub would love to hear any one else who lived there around the same time 1958 to 1970 ish my last name is Wynne
hi all I used to live in Hawkes Street ..Laburnam terrace opposite the Freehloders Arms pub would love to hear any one else who lived there around the same time 1958 to 1970 ish my last name is Wynne

My Great Grandad, his Dad and his before him all lived at No 3 Laburnam Terrace, Hawkes Street. Still searching for photos, would love to see what it looked like...
hello I too lived in Hawkes Street around about 1958 to 1970 I too also remember the Hayward's ..also the holy oaks & @ the top of the street the Wheelers, I lived opposite the pub { the free holders } on the bomb peck 4 Laburnam terrace ?? does that ring a bell ? I always remember hiding a mortar bomb in one of the old houses @ the bottom end of the street & remember the houses being evacuated because of it LOL you didn't live there did you I think a family called the Simpsons lived opposite do you remember any of these ? oh by the way my name is Wynne

get back if you wish

hello was anybody living there around the same time ?
Hi Kejaha,

Thank you for the reply. It's an old post that I still keep an eye on! Do you know when the houses originally there were demolished? If you have any photos of the street i would love to see them. Thanks again.

Kind Regards
Chris Bown
best i can do is this one..hawkes st on the left..sorry dont know the st/rd on the right


hawkes street.jpg
My ancestor William Cale (1819-1889) was the publican at the Freeholder's Arms in the 1880s. When he died in July 1889, his will left "the freehold public house called or known by the sign of The Freeholders Tavern situate in Hawkes Street Small Heath near Birmingham in the county of Warwick and also the coal yard adjoining the same unto my housekeeper Frances Davies during her life..." (Will dated 10 September 1888, probate 15 May 1890, with Frances being one of his executors). Thank you for sharing the photo of the pub! Does anyone know who has copyright on that photo?
hi michelle...as 2 different members have posted the same photo the clearest being the one on post 12 the photo is obviously in the public domain so unless you intend publishing the photo copyright is not an issue...you are quite welcome to save it especially as it is of family interest to you...our general rule of thumb is that we will gladly remove any photos from the forum if proof of ownership of the original one is proven

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Hi there
I know its an old thread but Chris I lived at 59 Hawkes Street from about 1960 to 1964

Do you have any street scenes near your home of the time - I guess that it was changed since 19th C.? we have family who lived at 50 Hawkes Street in 1881