Fountain, I don't think I remember the old Pimms shop, but I do remember it being in Grove Lane - I can only remember the small annexe that was for haberdashery in Woolworths. I was not sure where Freeman Hardy Willis was exactly, but now you mention it, I can see. I don't know if the other shoe shop was Timpsons, I do know they were really good quality and I am not sure if Timpsons was known for that, they were also expensive, or at least more expensive than Playfair or FHW, and the quality was very good. I liked Robinsons Pineapple tarts best and then their cream doughnuts - I have always preferred artifical cream to the real thing. I now can remember Nelson House, I knew there were more shops in the row, but you can't always remember each one. I remember Barretts and Baird very well, and also remember the plaster pig, but don't remember where, or if it was in the same row. I don't remember British Relay being in that row either or Wimbush, but it was a long time ago!
Austen - Henry Playfair was the second one down from Linwood, going towards Woolworths, the shop on the corner was a wine shop (Douro comes to mine), there was another shoe shop, Shoefayre, on the opposite side of Linwood, that is probably the one you remember. Near to this was Stoddard's butchers, I am now wondering if this is where Fountain remembered the plaster pig from? There was also a greengrocers and a shop selling porcelain goods of various quality and other household things like mirrors. I think either next to the Red Lion was a cafe and next to that was a lingerie shop. I have never liked shopping centres (or shopping for that matter) and whilst typing this, I am wondering if the loss of individual shops is what made me dislike shopping so much. Don't get me wrong, I like having new things, but to have to use a chain store takes the pleasure completely out of it for me. Thank goodness for the internet!