Oh Goodness. I was only there for four years, do you remember the shop on the corner that sold wallpaper, paint, glass paraffin, etc? That was my mother's shop. Thank yo ufor confirming that The Grand was opposite Woolworths - I think the building might have been used by Walpamur - I seem to remember something like that with a large, long window. I might be wrong, it may not have been a Walpamur showroom, but it was not an ordinary 'shop'. There was also just further along, Norman Linton clothes, which seemed to me just for old ladies. Do you remember Steve Eagle, and David Sparrow? I think one lived in Whateley Road. Do you remember the shop, run by a lovely cheeful black lady in Dawson Road? I think her name was Mrs Ankle. I was always fascinated by her sweet potatoes, but at that time always called yams. Never dreamt that one day I would eat them - they looked disgusting to me at the time. Oh to be young again!