Hi Rupert, The Gas engine and Tensile Test Machine were in a building to the left of the bike shed at Goldshill. Don't remember any such stuff at Aston in the early '60sWas the gas engine and test machine at Aston Tech.?
Mike; glad to hear you're a Boulton enthusiast! Yesterday we went round the exhibition at Gas Hall celebrating 200 yrs since MB's death. Amazing quantity of documents on display incl. a photo of the Manufactuary.(Photography seems to have just come in by the 1860s when the building was finally demolished - crime!) Funny thing, although we were in the same class I don't remember Willie presiding over the Long Essay. I struggled with "The Men Of Electricty" running out of steam after Faraday, Edison and Baird, cribbing material from the library across the way, and in desparation, unstapling the centre few pages of the book - the more easilly to fill it. Rotten thing was: it only carried 10 marks the same as any other work of only a couple of pages!