I've only just found this thread! In 1968 I worked for a few months at Handsworth Sports House on Soho Road, near to the Frighted Horse pub. The shop was also known as Sports & Leisure and was owned by a Mr Jack Appleby who had a similar shop in the old Perry Barr Precinct. I'd recently walked out of my job in the lab at Schweppes, and needed to earn some money. I loathed that shop - it was impossible to keep clean, the roof leaked, and it was broken into on a fairly regular basis. I was also paid peanuts, which didn't help. The only good thing to come out of that otherwise miserable period of my life was that I met my wife there. She worked at Dudley's Furnishers on the other side of Grove Lane, and came into my shop one day to buy - wait for it - a jock-strap for her brother! Our very first 'date' was when I took her to lunch at the Woodlands restaurant on Soho Road, just past Stafford Road. She told me rather forcibly that I could do better with myself than being an underpaid shop-assistant, so I gritted my teeth and the rest is history, as they say. And we've just celebrated out Ruby Wedding too!
I quite liked Soho Road, especially the Asian shops and restaurants, and also Klub Polksii on Soho Hill, where I was taken regularly by my Polish pal. But I kept out of the pubs, apart from the New Inns. When I worked in that horrible shop, most days I'd buy a couple of samosas for lunch, and breathe garlic and chili over the few customers I had! All part of life's rich cycle, eh?
Big Gee