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H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

Not sure if George Hooson (grandfather) designer / chief designer at H W Ward & Co was an apprentice there? but please find attached a list of students' and exam results. Unfortunately, I don't have the certificate or know when or where he studied, but am guessing it might have been the 1920's or 1930's and at a technical college possibly in the Birmingham area? Does anyone recognise any of the other student's names? or have any thoughts about the name and location of the college?

Thanks & regards,

Mick Hooson


I knew your Grandfather George Hooson,he was chief designer at H W Ward &Co, I was an apprentice in the drawing office and remember him well.
David Godwin
Good to see your name, David: I've just been writing to Brian Queenborough in the hope of meeting him - much to talk about - how are you?
Peter Fraser
Not an apprentice, but I worked for Ward's from 1963 to about 1969, starting the R&D at Selly Oak under Duncan (Doc) Stuart (tech dir'r), working on 7D and AutoWard in their earliest stages. Very many good friends and good times remembered, many sadly now dead - my friend and colleague Dave Fox (also in R&D) died in 2019, for example, also Edgar Powell.
Peter Fraser
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Please see the attached photo's of what was originally an ash tray stand, of which I have only ever seen one other (that was in Chorley, Lancashire and the owner didn't know what it was!). I am guessing it was made by my late grandfather George Conway Hooson, possibly as an apprentice piece or just a hobby or demonstration piece? I don't happen to smoke anymore, so now it has an improvised use (please see photo 5 and much better than a coffee or side table), and yes, not quite level, but within an acceptable tolerance? and the level improves with use / pints consumed ;- ) I am guessing there may be others / similar out there, but does anyone know any more? and any alternative uses currently? Also, we've all done hobby pieces at work, and just wondering what other items folks may have made at H W Ward & Co? Was it allowed or encouraged? or just one of those acquired perks in the name of 'custom and practice.'?

Thanks & regards,

Mick Hooson


Please see the attached photo's of what was originally an ash tray stand, of which I have only ever seen one other (that was in Chorley, Lancashire and the owner didn't know what it was!). I am guessing it was made by my late grandfather George Conway Hooson, possibly as an apprentice piece or just a hobby or demonstration piece? I don't happen to smoke anymore, so now it has an improvised use (please see photo 5 and much better than a coffee or side table), and yes, not quite level, but within an acceptable tolerance? and the level improves with use / pints consumed ;- ) I am guessing there may be others / similar out there, but does anyone know any more? and any alternative uses currently? Also, we've all done hobby pieces at work, and just wondering what other items folks may have made at H W Ward & Co? Was it allowed or encouraged? or just one of those acquired perks in the name of 'custom and practice.'?

Thanks & regards,

Mick Hooson
Mick, very nice work..............

Its amazing how the brain has been a learning computor all along, and we thought that was something new ;)
I was a Ward apprentice from 1948 to191953and continued to work for the Company until it's demise in 1983
I was an apprentice at Selly Oak 1960/1966 and remained with Wards and associate companies EW Machines and EW Marine till 1982. I have many happy memories working with Fred Litchfield (sadly no longer with us ) Ron Arkley,Ivor Myttion Martin Clee and of course David Godwin (hope your keeping well David)
I was an apprentice at Selly Oak 1960/1966 and remained with Wards and associate companies EW Machines and EW Marine till 1982. I have many happy memories working with Fred Litchfield (sadly no longer with us ) Ron Arkley,Ivor Myttion Martin Clee and of course David Godwin (hope your keeping well David)
John, welcome the Forum! A wealth of wonderful people and great information & history!
Very interesting Mike,

My late father, Neville Hooson, born 1930 was evacuated from West Bromwich to Aunts / Uncles / Grandparents in his father's (George Hooson, designer at HW Ward) home town of Halifax during WW2, and told us that he had such an accent that Yorkshire folks couldn't understand him and vice versa, and he had to have elocution lessons! I understand that regional accents were much more profound, almost different languages the earlier back in time you go, hence the BBC accents that broadcasters had to adopt.

Attached is a 'propaganda' (is that a pedigree male goose? - apologies, bone dry sense of humour kicks in without warning! ;-) poster understood to be from WW2? although clearly now disproved as propaganda as you have cited photographic evidence that H W Ward's works premises were in fact a Nazi target.

Thanks & regards,

Mick Hooson


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Hi to all the H W Wards family, I served my apprenticeship 1966 to 1971. My training officer was Phil Luke, good man. I had my machine shop training, remember Ron Bass well, good man and I had the fitting bench training. I spent time in Design Office and Jig & Tool/process planning Office. After Selly Oak closed went to Worcester before moving on. Everyday at Selly Oak we played football. I became a member of the table tennis team playing in the local league. I remember quite a lot of the names mentioned and stayed friends with personal friends on FB. Wards was recognised as a quality Engineering Company with the apprenticeship scheme being one of the best. Retired and happy with lots of great memories. Roger
(Other names remembered - Sue and Paul Coleman, Roger Parish, Malcolm Day, Roger Harris, Dickie Page, Bob Williams, Jim Salmons?
I started at Wards after leaving school in 1959 and left in 1964. I worked in the bottom shop on the 2a lathes and moved to the planners. My dad Tom Bryant worked from the age of 14 until it closed..
Hi there, I remember Tom very well too during my 3month stint in the Bottom, shop on the ATT section under Eric James. Eileen James (Eric's wife) came under your Dad's section and he did the rounds every day checking everything was OK; We were all beinf "surveyed" by Mr McClaren from his office perched up on a platform. He did his rounds too on the button at 9.00am from the Bottom sop to the Top Shop and stand by the Inspection Bay, Jack Whitehouse was his Deputy. His catchphrase was "put your feed up" Happy days, so many memories of a lifetime ago, i was just a kid finding his way!
Hi to all the H W Wards family, I served my apprenticeship 1966 to 1971. My training officer was Phil Luke, good man. I had my machine shop training, remember Ron Bass well, good man and I had the fitting bench training. I spent time in Design Office and Jig & Tool/process planning Office. After Selly Oak closed went to Worcester before moving on. Everyday at Selly Oak we played football. I became a member of the table tennis team playing in the local league. I remember quite a lot of the names mentioned and stayed friends with personal friends on FB. Wards was recognised as a quality Engineering Company with the apprenticeship scheme being one of the best. Retired and happy with lots of great memories. Roger
(Other names remembered - Sue and Paul Coleman, Roger Parish, Malcolm Day, Roger Harris, Dickie Page, Bob Williams, Jim Salmons?
Hi Roger, it’s Richard ( Dick ) Page here....lots of great memories of our time at HWWards...such fun, great people. We met up with Phil Creswell, Bob Williams, Trevor Kilby, Keith and Elaine Jauncey, John Day, we had a few hours of reminiscences and telling of old stories. It was good fun ! If we do it again in 2022 we will invite you too.
I also exchanged a few words with Ivor Mittion ....I heard that Roger Parish lives in Alvechurch.
keep safe everyone .
I was an apprentice at Selly Oak 1960/1966 and remained with Wards and associate companies EW Machines and EW Marine till 1982. I have many happy memories working with Fred Litchfield (sadly no longer with us ) Ron Arkley,Ivor Myttion Martin Clee and of course David Godwin (hope your keeping well David)
Hello John, we worked together in the Methods Dept in HWWards along with Roger Parish, Vince Mercer,
great Memories of working for Martin Clee
keep safe. Richard ( Dick ) Page
Hi Roger, it’s Richard ( Dick ) Page here....lots of great memories of our time at HWWards...such fun, great people. We met up with Phil Creswell, Bob Williams, Trevor Kilby, Keith and Elaine Jauncey, John Day, we had a few hours of reminiscences and telling of old stories. It was good fun ! If we do it again in 2022 we will invite you too.
I also exchanged a few words with Ivor Mittion ....I heard that Roger Parish lives in Alvechurch.
keep safe everyone .
Dick, welcome to the Forum, enjoy! It's a really great place!
Hi Roger, it’s Richard ( Dick ) Page here....lots of great memories of our time at HWWards...such fun, great people. We met up with Phil Creswell, Bob Williams, Trevor Kilby, Keith and Elaine Jauncey, John Day, we had a few hours of reminiscences and telling of old stories. It was good fun ! If we do it again in 2022 we will invite you too.
I also exchanged a few words with Ivor Mittion ....I heard that Roger Parish lives in Alvechurch.
keep safe everyone .
Hi Dick, great to hear from you and to see all these names from the past. At the beginning of the Lockdown I was in touch with Ivor Mittion and John Day on FaceBook. John told me about the re-union and the plan to have more; then the dreaded pandemic came along. In the recent past I came across John (Lofty) Forth on another forum.
I look forward to joining you at the next gathering to share those happy memories, stories and a good catch up.
Happy New Year and Stay safe All. Roger.
I was a Ward apprentice from 1948 to191953and continued to work for the Company until it's demise in 1983
Hi David so good to hear from you. We still live in Worcester and moved to Kempsey where all our family live, six years ago. It’s fabulous to hear some of the names on this great site. The only name I’m still in to touch with is Johnnie Knight I have very fond memories of my time with Wards. My wife and I are in our 80’s and enjoying life and thankfully in good health.
John, welcome the Forum! A wealth of wonderful people and great information & history!
Hello John, glad this website seems to gather more momentum. I remember calling to collect Pearl premiums from a house opposite yours in Kidderminster after I Ieft Wards and became an Agent. Still keep in touch with Les Wilkes and Dick Page and a whole bunch of ex apprentices. Do you remember me working for Peter Fraser, then Edgar Powell in R&D on the 10D?
Hello Phil, I was a technical apprentice from 1967 to 1971, when I shortened the apprenticeship to 4 years so that I could take a job at the Worcester plant. I remember Phil Luke very well. Having recently left school I remember being told off by him for calling him sir! My first placement on the shop floor was on the screw section, which was run by a section leader called Bass, but I can't remember his first name. The labourer was called Johnny. After that I too was on the 7D section under Harry Woodward. The big day came for me to take the lead in lowering a turret saddle on to a bed. Despite great care, when the saddle was moved along the bed there was an awful noise and it was scratched! Harry was far from impressed as the machine had to be stripped so that the bed could be reground! I had a placement in R&D and I remember Edgar Powell and Dilip Chawathe very well. Dilip was very bright. I think I also remember Steve Pitman. Was he an apprentice that the company had sponsored through university? You must have been in R&D when I was there. I went to work in the drawing office at Worcester and was part of the team that designed the tooling for the 10D Autoward. I left the company in 1973 to work on light commercial vehicles at British Leyland, Longbridge. I have many happy memories of H W Ward, both in Selly Oak and Worcester. I remember fellow apprentices, Trevor Hemus and Neil Buffery, who bought a house near where I was living in 1975.
Hi. Good to hear from you. Also good to see this community growing in numbers. It's odd really as you look back now and understand fully what we were all part of and the contributions we all made.
All those moments will be lost in time soon, like tears in rain.


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Wonderful picture RJB! What is even more wonderful is the fact that he spent his working life there which you could never do that today!
Too true, it's so sad how Britain and the world has changed old values disappeared along with any job security for our young ones.
I too was an apprentice from 1957 to 1962. Working at both Worcester & Selly Oak. It was a real pleasure to find this Forum. I became a service engineer after completing my apprenticeship, & soon after moved south to cover the London area. I have lived in Essex ever since, nearly 60 years. About late 1979 I left Ward's & joined ABMTM the sales organization, leaving them in 1982. So sad, that like many other great names in engineering, H W Ward hit the buffers & closed in the 80's
I too was an apprentice from 1957 to 1962. Working at both Worcester & Selly Oak. It was a real pleasure to find this Forum. I became a service engineer after completing my apprenticeship, & soon after moved south to cover the London area. I have lived in Essex ever since, nearly 60 years. About late 1979 I left Ward's & joined ABMTM the sales organization, leaving them in 1982. So sad, that like many other great names in engineering, H W Ward hit the buffers & closed in the 80's
Hi. We are all still out here, well quite a few! Welcome
Hello Phil & thanks for the welcome. In the early 60's I worked with two mates. Bob Webb &
Bryan Johnson, primarily in & around London. I wonder if anyone remembers them. The service
dept was run by Bill Jennings at Selly Oak I think. In time this moved to Worcester, with Gordon Dobson as the service manager. We had a good & friendly team keeping things running out there. A name that jumped out was David Godwin. He, I am sure, was manager of the development unit in Droitwich. Recollection of visiting there several times during my time with ABMTM.
Good to see your name, David: I've just been writing to Brian Queenborough in the hope of meeting him - much to talk about - how are you?
Peter Fraser
Hi Peter, so happy to see your name up here. I joined you in R&D from 7D erection, shortly before you left. Dilip joined when you were there. I liked working with you very much. I remember well helping to design and draw up an operating piston for the 7d gearbox ready for an automation.
Do you remember Vickers port A becoming Fluitrol B on those valves for 10D. {ha ha}
Edgar Powell took over from you. I think I remember you lived in Headless Cross Redditch.
Remember BQ and Jim Branson, and everyone else from that era. I left in 72 to go to Financial Services and did quite well, rising to Divisional Sales Manager roles at Pearl and later Royal SunAlliance. Live in Shrewsbury, drive a new Jag and a restored Lambretta. All good here, and really hope you are too.
PS. Dilip returned to India and was a really big cheese with Mahindra. He died sadly last year.
Hello Phil & thanks for the welcome. In the early 60's I worked with two mates. Bob Webb &
Bryan Johnson, primarily in & around London. I wonder if anyone remembers them. The service
dept was run by Bill Jennings at Selly Oak I think. In time this moved to Worcester, with Gordon Dobson as the service manager. We had a good & friendly team keeping things running out there. A name that jumped out was David Godwin. He, I am sure, was manager of the development unit in Droitwich. Recollection of visiting there several times during my time with ABMTM.
Hi Peter, so happy to see your name up here. I joined you in R&D from 7D erection, shortly before you left. Dilip joined when you were there. I liked working with you very much. I remember well helping to design and draw up an operating piston for the 7d gearbox ready for an automation.
Do you remember Vickers port A becoming Fluitrol B on those valves for 10D. {ha ha}
Edgar Powell took over from you. I think I remember you lived in Headless Cross Redditch.
Remember BQ and Jim Branson, and everyone else from that era. I left in 72 to go to Financial Services and did quite well, rising to Divisional Sales Manager roles at Pearl and later Royal SunAlliance. Live in Shrewsbury, drive a new Jag and a restored Lambretta. All good here, and really hope you are too.
PS. Dilip returned to India and was a really big cheese with Mahindra. He died sadly last year.
Hello Phil & thanks for the welcome. In the early 60's I worked with two mates. Bob Webb &
Bryan Johnson, primarily in & around London. I wonder if anyone remembers them. The service
dept was run by Bill Jennings at Selly Oak I think. In time this moved to Worcester, with Gordon Dobson as the service manager. We had a good & friendly team keeping things running out there. A name that jumped out was David Godwin. He, I am sure, was manager of the development unit in Droitwich. Recollection of visiting there several times during my time with ABMTM.
Hi Essex Derek,
I wasn't at the Droitwich development set up.
After my apprenticeship I moved through most of the departments both at Selly Oak and Worcester ending up as Personel Director.
Ron Arkley , Production Director and I had the sad job of working with the Receivers to liquidate the Company.
Again very sadly Ron passed away earlier this year, I also heard from Brian Queenborough's son that Brian had passed away quite recently,he was 88years old.l am afraid that most of the older generation are no longer with us.
Thanks Richard and Thanks David, Much appreciated.

As regards George Hooson, (and appreciate that this is a history forum), I am hoping to pick your brains David (if I may please?). George and Grandmother Kathleen divorced, which was a cardinal sin in those days from what I can gather, and so there was little to go on as regards contact and memories etc. My dad told me that George was a draughtsman in Engineering, but I have found out a bit more, and the Chief Designer at HW Ward & Co was an interesting and pleasant surprise.

I am guessing he was at HW Ward & Co for a long time, but do you know how long approximately please?

I have looked at the equipment on the internet and recall a Ward lathe in the metalwork room at secondary school, and regret that I never used it (or any lathe, but that is now added to the proverbial bucket list), as I didn't take metalwork as an option. I did however study technical drawing and recall drawing a chuck, fly-press, pawl and ratchet etc.

Looking at the HW Ward & Co equipment and different models, which were exported all over the world and there is still a spares business operating today, which is incredible, given they ceased production in the early 1980's. I am getting the impression that Ward's were a bit like Land Rovers and can potentially run forever!?

Apologies for droning on, and in keeping with the history objects of the forum, I will be grateful for any memories you would like to share, and absolutely no pressure or obligation.

Much appreciated and thanks for getting in touch.

Best regards,

Mick Hooson
Hi Mick ,as far as I can remember George Hooson died whilst still working at Wards.
Best wishes,
David Godwin
Hi Essex Derek,
I wasn't at the Droitwich development set up.
After my apprenticeship I moved through most of the departments both at Selly Oak and Worcester ending up as Personel Director.
Ron Arkley , Production Director and I had the sad job of working with the Receivers to liquidate the Company.
Again very sadly Ron passed away earlier this year, I also heard from Brian Queenborough's son that Brian had passed away quite recently,he was 88years old.l am afraid that most of the older generation are no longer with us.
Hi David. Thanks for the reply to my post. We must have crossed paths at some point during my trips to Worcester. OK on the point that Droitwich was not part of your responsibility. Goodness, it must of been heart breaking being involved with winding up the company. Many years have passed so memories of people & events do fade. I am sure that HTL in Brentwood had a 7D auto for a period of time, having been good a customer for some years. This probably prompted me to raise the subject of the Droitwich facility. The late 70's brought about dramatic changes to industry with so many customers declining & subsequently closing. This was so very true of the south of England. Wishing you good health, it was a privilege to have both worked for H W Ward.