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Gun Quarter


proper brummie kid
I'm researching my mother's side of my family tree, and was wondering if anyone might be able to give me a push along.My mothers Grandfather and Great Grandfather were both employed in the Gun manufacturing trade during the 19th century.Their various addresses were all in the Gun Quarter area,and I was wondering wether any records exist for the Firms in that period perhaps with any employee records.
I know that its a tall order,but this was an important part of Brums history and maybe someone has done some research.
Their surname was Morton,and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pete Hopkins
Hello Pete, have you seen the research done on the Morton family by Cromwell. It could be your family, just type Fighting Mortons into the search box at the top of the Forum.
Thanks Di,I'm very interested in your suggestion,but I can't access it.I've tried typing in " Fighting Mortons" in the search box,but I get no results.
Can you help a old computer illiterate?
Many thanks,
:angel: Here's the link to The Fighting Morton's' Pete:

Here's a tip: When searching for a 'Thread', or 'Topic', I've found it best to go to the main 'Index Page ' and use the 'Search Box' there, or at least go back a page to a previous 'Thread'.

It seems if you search on a page with your 'Key Word' as part of the 'Thread , or 'Topic' on that page, it comes up with 'No Results'

Not sure why, but it does!
Thanks Di and Pomogolian.Cromwell has certainly blown my admittedly very preliminary research out of the water! Fascinating stuff on the fighting Mortons.
My Grandfather,John Morton,died in 1941,whereas the John mentioned by Cromwell was killed in action in WW1.
Never mind,I'll try and get a copy of my Grandfathers wedding certificate which should tell me his father.
Who knows I might be related to this amazing family.
Thanks once again everybody.
Pete H.
Re Fighting Mortons

I can confirm that 2 of the Morton fighters C Morton was my grandfather and Frank Morton his nephew as we have postcards sent to 14 Malvern Street but the other Morton names are not brothers of my Grandfather, C Mortons parents were Charles and Sarah Morton and Frank Morton I beleive is William Mortons son as per 1901 census and I would like to know what happened to his mum as no mention on census? I have not come across the connection with Rose Sprayson? although my father mentioned an Aunt Rose who had a cafe near the Villa ground but I would think this is around 1930 time.

any Photos of Clarence Morton or Frank?
can u tell me what you found for w morton killed in WW1, I think he may be a realative? Also have you any connectiion with Mortons Malvern St Sparkbrook Henry , Frank, Sarah